What are plant varieties in biology definition. Cultivar, cultivars, hybrids and varieties - what is it? have special commercial value

29.08.2019 Heating systems

There are several definitions of the term "variety". The differences between them are that the variety is considered more as a botanical or agricultural category. Any variety (sort, Sorte,. varietee, variety, cultivar) refers to an established botanical variety of a particular species, such as Triticum aestivum subspecies vulgare varietas lutescens, or erythrospermum, or multurum, etc. Meanwhile, a variety is not and cannot be a botanical systematic unit, since many varieties can belong to the same variety. The largest number of Yugoslav wheat varieties cited in the book belongs to the lutescens variety (Sava, Zlatna dolina, Partizanka, Novosadska rana, Kragujevacka-56, etc.), but they differ not only in agronomic, but also in biological characteristics and properties . In other words, the botanical affiliation of cereals is established on the basis of appearance and the size of the glume, the color of the ear and grain. However, varieties differ even more in other ways, such as stem height, early maturity, winter hardiness, disease resistance, protein content, gluten quality, productivity potential, etc. Thus, a variety is more of an agronomic than a botanical category, and yet both traits must be taken into account.

Nettevich gives numerous definitions of the concept of "variety", which appeared during extensive discussions on this topic in the post-war period. Finally, in accordance with State standard dated 1974, the following definition of a variety was established in the USSR: “A variety is a combination cultivated plants created by selection, possessing certain hereditary, morphological, biological and economically valuable traits and properties.

Based on this point of view, another definition could be given: “A variety is a collection of cultivated plants of the same species, created by selection, distinguished by certain hereditary and morphological characteristics and suitable for cultivation under certain agroecological conditions.”

What is a cultivar, hybrid and variety? Every plant lover has come across these terms, but few fully understand their meaning. Let's dive a little deeper into this topic and figure out what's what!

Cultivar - what is it

In general, the word "cultivar" is a transliteration of the English cultivar, cultivated variety (cultivated variety), these are plants obtained in culture, and not wild varieties. In fact, the words cultivar and variety are synonymous. Sometimes there is confusion due to misunderstanding. Now it is clear that we say the Aloe variety or the Aloe cultivar - there is no difference. The term "cultivar" is used internationally to refer to the variety.

If we dig even deeper, we will find out that the word "sort", in turn, is borrowed from French(sorte), where it came from Latin - sors "kind", "variety".

The meaning of the word "sort" can be defined as follows:

A cultivar is a group of cultivated plants resulting from selection within the lowest known biological taxa (within a species). The variety has a certain set of decorative features that distinguish this group of plants from other specimens of the same species. Each plant variety has a unique name.

In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

“A plant variety is a group of plants, which, regardless of the ability to protect, is determined by the characteristics characterizing a given genotype or combination of genotypes, and differs from other groups of plants of the same botanical taxon in one or more characteristics.
A variety may be represented by one or more plants, part or several parts of a plant, provided that such part or parts can be used to reproduce whole plants of the variety.”

Hybrid, hybridization and selection

The word hybrid comes from the Latin hibrida, hybrida, which means cross. Hybrids are plants that are genetically crossed. different forms. Hybrids can be intraspecific (crossing varieties, forms and varieties within a species), intrageneric (crossing species of the same genus) and intergeneric (crossing species belonging to different kinds). Hybridization is the process of crossing plants.

The term selection is closely related to the concept of hybridization. Selection (from the Latin selection - to choose) is the science of breeding new varieties and hybrids of plants. In the process of selection, from a variety of hybrids, the most valuable specimens with pronounced characteristics that are necessary for the breeder are selected. In the future, the selected material can be used to obtain new hybrids, etc.

Per last years Thus, many cultivars of Aloe, Haworthia, Agave, Gasteria, Adenium and Astrophytum have been obtained. The main breeding work with these plants has been done in Japan, Thailand and the USA. In countries with warm climate the growth rate of succulents is an order of magnitude higher than ours, so the work on hybridization bears fruit many times faster.

How to properly name a cultivar

The names of cultivars (varieties) are subject to the "International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants". According to the Code, the full name of a variety always begins with the Latin name of the genus to which the variety belongs. The second element after the genus name is the specific or hybrid epithet. After the Latin name of the genus, species or hybrid, the epithet of the variety follows, which is always capitalized (all words except prepositions) and in single quotes. The varietal epithet is the last part full name varieties. If a varietal epithet consists of two or more words, then all of them, with the exception of prepositions, are capitalized.

plant variety (French sorte, from Latin sors - variety, kind)

cultivar, a collection of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, physiological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit for cultivated plants. S. r. subdivided into local and selective. Local varieties are the product of popular selection, mainly of long-term mass selection. They are well adapted to growing conditions, have many economically useful traits, and often serve as starting material in breeding. Breeding varieties are created in research institutions using special methods. Depending on the biological features and origin, linear varieties are distinguished - the offspring of one self-pollinating plant, obtained by the method of individual selection, are distinguished by evenness in all respects; varieties-populations - a genetically homogeneous set of plants, usually cross-pollinated, which may even belong to different varieties, but have one or more common characteristics; clone varieties - selected offspring of one vegetatively propagated (by cuttings, division, grafting) plants - are genetically the most homogeneous (may be Chimeras). A special position is occupied by hybrids created by crossing varieties, self-pollinated lines or varieties with a line. Differ increased productivity(Heterosis phenomenon a) in the first generation. Related S. r., having similar economic and biological characteristics, for the convenience of study and inventory, are combined into groups - sortotypes.

Usage the best varieties- one of effective means increase of productivity of page - x. crops and improve product quality. In productions. Under conditions, varieties deteriorate and need variety renewal (See Variety renewal). Old S. r. periodically replaced by new, more productive and giving the best products, i.e., carry out a variety change (See Variety change). In the USSR, all varieties undergo state variety testing - a kind of competition during which the best are selected for introduction into production (see Varietal zoning) . They are propagated by seed farming. Determination of authenticity S. r. carries out varietal control.

Yu. L. Guzhov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Plant Variety" is in other dictionaries:

    A set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, biological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit of cultivated plants. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A set of cultivated plants of the same species, artificially created by man and characterized by: certain hereditary characteristics; and hereditarily fixed productivity; and structural and morphological features. See also … Financial vocabulary

    A set of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, biological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited; the lowest classification unit of cultivated plants. Varieties… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - [from lat. sors (sortis) species, variety], a set of individuals of cultivated plants of the same species, steadily possessing certain morphophysiological and economic characteristics under specific cultivation conditions. Lower classification ... ... Ecological dictionary

    plant variety- (French sorte, from Latin sors, genus case sortis - variety, species), cultivar, a collection of plants created as a result of selection and possessing certain, inherited morphological, physiological, ... ... Agriculture. Big encyclopedic dictionary

    A set of plants created as a result of selection work and possessing valuable biological and economic properties that are inherited. Varieties are local and selective. Local varieties are created by folk ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    plant variety- 2. A plant variety is a group of plants, which, regardless of protection, is determined by the characteristics that characterize a given genotype or combination of genotypes, and differs from other groups of plants of the same botanical taxon by one or ... Official terminology

    PLANT VARIETY- (French sorte, from Latin sors, genus case sortis variety, species), cultivar. a set of early ones created as a result of selection and having certain inherited morphol., fiziol., households. signs and sv you; lower... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The set of early, created as a result of selection and possessing certain, inherited morphol., biol., households. signs and properties; lower classification. unit of cultural districts. Distinguish S. r. local (created by people ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

breed and sort called a population of organisms artificially created by man and having certain hereditary characteristics.

All individuals within the breed and variety have very similar hereditarily fixed productivity indicators, biological properties and morphological features.

For example, white leghorn chickens are characterized by a certain constitution and exterior - they are light in weight, but have high egg production. For chickens of this breed, it is characteristic that with the improvement of the conditions of keeping and feeding, their egg production increases without a significant change in live weight. There are breeds of general-use chickens that combine high live weight and high egg production, for example, Australorps (black), New Hampshires of red-brown color, white and striped Plymouth Rocks, etc. Each of these breeds is characterized by a certain constitution, productivity, egg weight, resistance to diseases . These breeds also differ in certain properties of higher nervous activity: in the strength of the excitatory and inhibitory processes. The morphological and physiological properties of an animal and plant are, as it were, hereditary markers of a given breed or variety, by which their “portrait” is recognized. The properties of a breed or variety that determine its productivity, in strong degree depends on external conditions(feeding, maintenance, agricultural technology). Morphological markers (markers) of the breed and variety are more stable. For example, coloring, comb, constitution in chickens can be preserved in a variety of climatic conditions. However, it must be borne in mind that the properties of a breed and variety appear in the most typical form only under those conditions of keeping and feeding in which this breed was created.

Each breed and variety is created to obtain a certain type of product from them. The value of a variety is determined by the nutritional or fodder properties of the plant or the quality of the raw materials obtained for industry, the adaptation of the variety to the technique of mechanized cultivation and harvesting of a given crop, responsiveness to applied fertilizers, etc. At present, each variety is created in relation to a specific method and cultivation technique. So, for example, glomeruli - seedlings of sugar beet varieties usually give several seedlings. To obtain a full-fledged root crop, you have to spend a lot of work on thinning seedlings. Multigerm makes it difficult to carry out a complete machine processing of this culture. Soviet breeders created a variety of hereditary single-sprout beets.

In animals, productivity is also determined by the quality and quantity of the product obtained. Large breeds cattle dairy direction are characterized by the amount of milk yield, the percentage of fat and protein in milk, live weight, etc., breeds meat direction- growth rate, lethal output. Sheep breeds are distinguished by the yield of wool, its quality, as well as by fertility and live weight. Breeds of chickens are characterized by egg production, egg weight, early maturity, etc.

The following world records can serve as an illustration of the success of animal breeding. In 1960 (USA), a cow of the Holstein-Friesian breed produced 16,702 kg of milk with an average fat content of 5.1% in 365 days of lactation. In 1962, in Denmark, one of the Jersey cows on the ninth lactation gave 7,269 kg of milk with a fat content of 7.29%. In Japan, a herd of 1000 hens was presented at competitive trials, of which 33 hens laid 365 eggs in 365 days of counting and 423 hens laid about 300 eggs. In pigs, modern world record holders (boars) reach 550 kg of live weight. From the above data, it can be seen that the productivity of domestic animals is many times higher than the productivity of wild representatives of the same species.

Plants and microorganisms also have high yielding varieties and strains. As a rule, the properties of productivity are determined by the complex interaction of genes in the genotype system. Due to the polygenic hereditary determination of valuable economic traits, the nature of their inheritance is very complex. It is obvious that the more genes are involved in determining the trait, the more different types their combinations. Depending on how they are inherited and changed in various conditions environment signs of productivity, methods of artificial selection may be different.

At the same time, we must remember that despite the leading role of artificial selection carried out by the breeder, natural selection is constantly acting on cultivated plants and domestic animals. Sometimes its action can be opposite to the action of artificial selection. So, for example, when selecting for high fertility in multiparous animals (pigs, sheep, fur-bearing animals), natural selection leads to a reduction in the number of fertilized eggs and even embryos.

Everything that has been said about animal breeds applies to plant varieties. Based on the biology of plant reproduction and the characteristics of this variety, systems of seed production and cultivation of the variety under production conditions are built. For each area with certain climatic conditions, as well as those or other possibilities of mechanization of agricultural production, it is necessary to have their own varieties and breeds.

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A breed and a variety are called a population of organisms artificially created by man and having certain hereditary characteristics.

All individuals within the breed and variety have very similar hereditarily fixed productivity indicators, biological properties and morphological features.

For example, white leghorn chickens are characterized by a certain constitution and exterior - they are light in weight, but have high egg production. For chickens of this breed, it is characteristic that with the improvement of the conditions of keeping and feeding, their egg production increases without a significant change in live weight. There are breeds of general-use chickens that combine high live weight and high egg production, for example, Australorps (black), New Hampshires of red-brown color, white and striped Plymouth Rocks, etc. Each of these breeds is characterized by a certain constitution, productivity, egg weight, resistance to diseases . These breeds also differ in certain properties of higher nervous activity: in the strength of the excitatory and inhibitory processes. The morphological and physiological properties of an animal and plant are, as it were, hereditary markers of a given breed or variety, by which their “portrait” is recognized. The properties of a breed or variety that determine its productivity depend to a large extent on external conditions (feeding, maintenance, agricultural technology). Morphological markers (markers) of the breed and variety are more stable. For example, coloring, comb, constitution in chickens can be preserved in a variety of climatic conditions. However, it must be borne in mind that the properties of a breed and variety appear in the most typical form only under those conditions of keeping and feeding in which this breed was created.

Each breed and variety is created to obtain a certain type of product from them. The value of a variety is determined by the nutritional or fodder properties of the plant or the quality of the raw materials obtained for industry, the adaptation of the variety to the technique of mechanized cultivation and harvesting of a given crop, responsiveness to applied fertilizers, etc. At present, each variety is created in relation to a specific method and cultivation technique. So, for example, glomeruli - seedlings of sugar beet varieties usually give several seedlings. To obtain a full-fledged root crop, you have to spend a lot of work on thinning seedlings. Multigerm makes it difficult to carry out a complete machine processing of this culture. Soviet breeders created a variety of hereditary single-sprout beets.

In animals, productivity is also determined by the quality and quantity of the product obtained. Breeds of dairy cattle are characterized by the amount of milk yield, percentage of fat and protein in milk, live weight, etc., breeds of the Meat direction - by growth rate, slaughter yield. Sheep breeds are distinguished by the yield of wool, its quality, as well as by fertility and live weight. Breeds of chickens are characterized by egg production, egg weight, early maturity, etc.

The following world records can serve as an illustration of the success of animal breeding. In 1960 (USA), a cow of the Holstein-Friesian breed produced 16,702 kg of milk with an average fat content of 5.1% in 365 days of lactation. In 1962, in Denmark, one of the Jersey cows on the ninth lactation gave 7,269 kg of milk with a fat content of 7.29%. In Japan, a herd of 1000 hens was presented at competitive trials, of which 33 hens laid 365 eggs in 365 days of counting and 423 hens laid about 300 eggs. In pigs, modern world record holders (boars) reach 550 kg of live weight. From the above data, it can be seen that the productivity of domestic animals is many times higher than the productivity of wild representatives of the same species.

Plants and microorganisms also have high-yielding varieties and strains. As a rule, the properties of productivity are determined by the complex interaction of genes in the genotype system. Due to the polygenic hereditary determination of valuable economic traits, the nature of their inheritance is very complex. It is obvious that the more genes are involved in determining the trait, the more different types of their combinations are possible. Depending on how traits of productivity are inherited and changed under different environmental conditions, the methods of artificial selection may be different.

At the same time, we must remember that despite the leading role of artificial selection carried out by the breeder, natural selection is constantly acting on cultivated plants and domestic animals. Sometimes its action can be opposite to the action of artificial selection. So, for example, when selecting for high fertility in multiparous animals (pigs, sheep, fur-bearing animals), natural selection leads to a reduction in the number of fertilized eggs and even embryos.

Everything that has been said about animal breeds applies to plant varieties. Based on the biology of plant reproduction and the characteristics of this variety, systems of seed production and cultivation of the variety under production conditions are built. For each region with certain climatic conditions, as well as certain possibilities for the mechanization of agricultural production, it is necessary to have its own varieties and breeds.

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What is a plant variety, animal breed and microorganism strain?

An animal breed or plant variety is a collection of individuals of the same species with certain hereditary characteristics (structural features, life processes, productivity, etc.), created by man as a result of artificial selection.

A strain (from German. Strain - stem, family) is a pure culture (i.e. descendants of one cell) of microorganisms. From one mother cell, as a result of selection, it is possible to obtain various strains that differ in productivity, sensitivity to antibiotics, etc.

Remember: animal breeds, plant varieties or strains of microorganisms are a kind of artificial populations created by man. Unlike natural populations, breeds, varieties or strains are not able to exist outside certain artificial groups (fields, pastures, farms, etc.). Without human support, plant varieties and animal breeds can degenerate - lose their inherent properties.

Scientists comprehensively study the properties of new breeds and varieties and check their suitability for use in a certain climatic zone, that is, they carry out zoning.

Zoning is a set of measures aimed at checking the compliance of the properties of certain breeds or varieties with the conditions of a certain climatic zone. it necessary condition rational use of breeds and varieties within any country.

Tags: artificial selection, summary, education, answers, zoning, abstract, Selection, lessons


Variety - what is it: its characteristics

Having learned to cultivate plants, a person began to make attempts to improve them, preserve and reproduce the highest quality forms. Even in ancient times, many varieties of wheat, grapes, various fruit plants. This is how the science of breeding new varieties of plants arose - selection.

Separation of varieties by origin

Sort - what is it? A variety is a stable group of plants created by breeding methods and possessing hereditary characteristics within this group. Each plant variety is distinguished by a set of morphological, biological, economic features that determine its characteristics. The description of the variety includes several features. The origin testifies source material used to create it. There is a huge variety of cultural and wild plants, from which the desired specimens for selection are selected. According to this principle, such a capacious concept as a variety is divided into two types. What are its varieties - below.1. Local - obtained through a multi-year selection conducted by the population in a particular area. They are well adapted to natural conditions this region.

2. Breeding - created on the basis scientific methods and, depending on the method of excretion, in turn, are divided into several groups:

  • line varieties are obtained by individual selection of offspring from one self-pollinating crop, due to which they are characterized by similarity of signs and properties, however, over time, due to mutations, they lose this uniformity;
  • population varieties are usually local varieties formed by the method of mass selection of cross-pollinated crops, in which natural hybridization with other related plants simultaneously occurs;
  • clone varieties are the offspring of one vegetatively propagated culture and are highly uniform and stable;
  • hybrid varieties are formed by crossing crops with a set of traits of several generations, selecting plants with the desired properties.

Biological signs

Selective variety. What does it represent according to the following economic and biological characteristics?

1. Resistance to adverse natural factors:

  • winter-hardy - resistant to low temperatures crops suitable for growing in areas middle lane and more northern, depending on the variety;
  • drought-resistant - able to tolerate a significant lack of moisture from minimal losses productivity.

2. The duration of the growing season - the period of time during which the plant must go through the entire cycle of its development. It depends on the type of crop, variety, thermophilicity or cold resistance, and many other factors. This is an important biological indicator necessary for the correct zoning of crops.

3. Productivity is determined by the product of productivity, that is, the average yield of one plant, and the average number of plants located per unit area. For perennial woody plants, it is already estimated at adulthood, usually in kilograms per tree.

4. Self-fertility characterizes the ability of plants to make ovaries during self-pollination. If this indicator is low or equal to zero, then there should be a plant nearby that will become a pollinator for it.

5. Taste qualities differ depending on the content of acids and sugars in fruits and berries.

6. Pest and disease resistance is very important quality to obtain environmentally friendly products, since the treatment with pesticides leads to their accumulation in plants and in the environment. This direction in breeding is not only one of the main, but also the most difficult, since the potential for variability and the ability to reproduce in pests and pathogenic microorganisms is very high.

7. The ability of shoots to root is important mainly for berry bushes.

External characteristics

Varieties differ in morphological features:

  • flower coloring;
  • the shape and indented edge of the leaves;
  • plant height;
  • for potatoes - the color of the skin and the shape of the tubers.

Over time new variety loses valuable properties, and scientific and technological progress in agriculture makes ever higher demands on the crops produced, so the process of creating and improving varieties should be permanent.

Examination of a new variety

So, a new variety has been bred. What is the legal protection of the International Union for the Protection of Plant Breeds? It is provided to protect the interests of breeders and the possibility of reimbursement of the funds spent by them. To obtain legal protection this variety must pass a technical examination that includes three characteristics.

1. The criterion for the distinctness of a variety is a photo, its description must be clearly different from any other known at that time.

2. Criteria for variety uniformity - plants belonging to the proposed variety must be the same under a given method of propagation.

3. The criterion of stability - all signs and properties must remain the same after repeated reproduction.

After a new plant variety has passed all the tests in a special area, it is assigned a varietal name and entered into the state register of breeding achievements.

The creation of new varieties provides humanity with more productive crops that are more resistant to many adverse factors. environment. Life puts forward various new requirements for agricultural crops, therefore, methods are being developed to accelerate selection, which in the future will shorten the time for breeding new high-quality plant varieties.



    BREED - BREED, breeds, women. 1. A variety of domestic animals that differs in special features from other animals of the same species. Cow of the Kholmogory breed. Oryol breed of horses. Singing bird breeds. || A variety of plants of the same ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    breed - See origin ... Synonym dictionary

    ROOD - ROCK, solid matter, constituting earth's crust. Although dense, it does not have to be hard CLAY and volcanic ASH are also considered rocks. According to their origin, the breeds are divided into three main groups. MAGMATIC ROCK ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Breed - (inosk.) A special dignity in a person of a good family, a tribe (in a purebred animal). Wed There was a lot of breed in it ... the breed in women, like in horses, is a great thing: this discovery belongs to young France ... Breed ... more ... ... Michelson's large explanatory phraseological dictionary (original spelling)

    BREED - as defined by the Law of the Russian Federation On Breeding Achievements of August 6, 1993, a group of animals that, regardless of protection, has genetically determined biological and morphological properties and characteristics, and some of ... ... Law Dictionary

    Breed - a set of domestic animals of the same species, artificially created by man and characterized by: certain hereditary characteristics; and hereditarily fixed productivity; and exterior. See also: Pets Breeding ... ... Financial Dictionary

    BREED - grammatical or lexical grammatical category verb in Afroasian and some other languages, combining verbs with a common voice or aspect value and the same type of affixation or internal inflection ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    BREED - BREED, s, female. 1. A variety of economically useful animals, differing in some way. traits from animals of the same species. Dairy and beef cattle. P. dogs. Fish breeds. New breeds of colored minks. 2. Genus or species of trees, woody ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BREED - BREED, Russia, Cinemafor, 2002. Mini series, 4 episodes. Adventure series about the search for Kolchak's missing gold. A small White Guard detachment, fleeing from their pursuers, is lost in the Siberian swamps. The fate of the detachment and the accompanying cargo ... ... Film Encyclopedia

    BREED - 1) a group of farm animals of the same species, having a common origin (as a result of artificial selection) and differing in specific, inherited traits; 2) species or genus (their economic group) of plants; 3) ... ... Ecological dictionary

    breed - A large group of animals with the same genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, sufficient for breeding "in itself". [GOST 27773 88] Livestock topics ... Technical translator's guide