Why is a dead cat dreaming

16.10.2019 Heating systems

We often see cats in a dream and try to find an explanation for what dead cats dream of, sometimes appearing too stubbornly in dreams. The interpretation of dreams, which has now become fashionable and in demand, is offered various sources, in one voice speaks unflatteringly about the presence of cats in a person’s dream. The reason for this is the extraordinary nature of the relationship between people and these animals, which has not changed since the time of their domestication.

And are they finally tamed? After all, cats are very freedom-loving animals who consider it possible to do what they want and graciously allow a person to take care of them. These are the only pets that can leave their loving owner and go to another, who promised a richer stew and a cozier couch. This is their nature and resentment against her lies in human interpretations dreams.

A cat in dreams is always associated with deceit, betrayal, and other very unflattering qualities. But to see an animal dead or even kill it in a dream with your own hands is a sign of a happy deliverance from everything negative and unpleasant that has been in life lately.

If a person is surrounded by trouble at work, he suspects that the reason for this is the unflattering attitude of the authorities or the gossip of employees, then there is a logical explanation for what a dead cat dreams of. After appearing in sleeping dead cats, he can be calm - everything will be left behind. The authorities will find a new victim. The enemies will calm down, deciding that they have annoyed and slandered enough to spoil life and suppress the leading rival.

Human nature is very envious and many people go for more easy way to achieve certain goals in life. They do not try to somehow improve themselves, improve their productivity or engage in self-education. They begin to get rid of a smarter and more talented opponent. Thus, putting forward his candidacy in the eyes of the boss and earning a more comfortable place in the sun. It is the behavior of such people in life that is attributed to the deceit of cats in a dream. And if you gather your strength and strangle the poor animal in a dream, then in real life it will turn out to besiege the envious, get rid of his slander.

If a dead cat appeared in a dream of a person who has this animal in his house, then the dream means almost nothing. You should not guess for a long time what dead cats dream of. This is just caring for a being who has become very close and dearly loved. You should be careful if the cat in real life is very sick or very old. Then the dream can be prophetic and, unfortunately, predict the loss of a pet.

Do not take the interpretation of dreams too seriously. After all, their nature has not yet been fully studied by man, and a serious attitude towards them can pretty much spoil not only the mood, but also become a setting for negative changes in life. It often happens that empty, nothing meaningful dream makes a too impressionable person paranoid, exhausted with suspicions not only of those around him, but also of himself.

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Dream interpretation dead cat

The English writer Terry Pratchett, speaking about cats, mentioned their ability to live in some kind of time stream. As soon as the cats appear in the dwelling, it seems like they have always lived here. The world of people is like a stop on their way to something much more interesting.

Symbolism of dreams

The ability of cats to change the shape of the pupils is personified with the phases of the moon; fertility, the ability to see at night, the sparkle in the eyes - turned cats into mysterious animals that are dedicated to mysterious forces. This animal in a dream personifies the sharpness of intuition. Dream books are engaged in deciphering these symbols in the captivity of Morpheus.

Alternative interpretation

Many popular dream books agree that pussies in our dreams represent enemies or ill-wishers.

Therefore, the image of the animal can inform the sleeping person about the need to hear the inner voice, trust intuition.

Miller's dream book

The cat promises failure, her death - good sign

The psychologist points out that the cat, in itself, in dreams is a harbinger of failure. But just to see her death promises to overcome obstacles and take off the dreamer's reputation.

Holding a dead animal in your arms means a worthy exit from the dubious enterprise in which the dreamer was involved.

For a merchant, such a dream guarantees the collapse of the plans of competitors who are trying to destroy the commercial undertaking of the sleeper.

If in a dream a snake bite caused death to kittens, then your enemies will suffer from their machinations.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The soothsayer indicates that this animal carries negativity in dreams. Seeing them means expecting contention and abuse with relatives in reality.

If the sleeper runs after the cat, expect a meeting with a very narcissistic person.

Many pussies portend shame.

Only when a dead animal dreamed is a guarantee of a successful resolution of all problems and obstacles.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst identifies this domestic animal with the sexual sphere of the sleeper's life. From here, to see how the dreamer tortures or kills him, speaks of the sleeping person's tendency to sadism in intimate life.

dreamed dying cat, this is a sign of fading sexual energy, the brewing of problems in this area.

Modern interpretation

The current interpretations of dreams with kitties have versatile interpretations. Many of them are based on the intuitive abilities of these pets.

Loff's dream book

Listen to your intuition

The pastor believes that the dreaming pet calls the sleeper to turn to his own intuition in solving an important issue that will soon mature.

I dreamed of a dead kitty, speaks of the dreamer's addictions to the occult sciences. However, their use can be detrimental to the sleeper himself.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The medium has the opinion that the purrs seen in a dream promise deceit and betrayal.

If it happened in a dream to kill and eat a cat, this convicts the dreamer of infidelity, which will soon become apparent.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to the esoteric, a living cat in dreams promises tears and betrayal. And the death of this animal marks the victory over rivals.

Dream plots

Cats are very mobile dynamic animals. They have a lot of mysterious properties. Dreams with images of these animals are also dynamic and diverse. What is the dream of a dead cat?

  • the suit of the beast;
  • dead kittens;
  • many cats;
  • decomposed animal

Seeing in a dream how a black pussy dies, broadcasts about the failure of the treacherous plans of an open enemy. And I dreamed of the death of a white cat, promises to expose deceit close friend. A dead red kitty symbolizes the final victory over an obsessive rival.

Dead kittens are dreaming, this is a long-awaited death to their complexes, which very much interfered with a peaceful life, did not give the opportunity to establish a personal life.

Seeing a lot of dead cats around you in a dream indicates that you are surrounded by a lot of hidden enemies. They do not sleep, but plot against you. But they do interfere with each other. And thanks to such chaos, they drown each other. Therefore, this dream is a good sign for the dreamer.

A warning will be a dream, where a lot of purrs that were dead dream of coming to life. Your enemies have simply lulled your vigilance. You must not succumb to provocations. Do not believe dubious arguments. Connect your intuition.

If a dead pussy dreamed, already decomposed, this indicates the reason for the insolubility of your problems. You are looking for a solution on the surface, but its roots must be sought in old unfinished business, unfinished disputes.

To catch the death of a cat in a dream on the threshold of a house is a guarantee of avoiding a major scandal that threatens with bad consequences. It doesn't matter what, but something will prevent it from happening.

If you dreamed of a lot of dead cats in a box, be vigilant. Some of your colleagues collect compromising evidence on you in order to tarnish your reputation.

Seeing a dead kitten in a dream does not always mean giving up or giving up. On the contrary, dream books promise that the enemies will soon be destroyed and the dark streak will end. To more accurately determine what the dead animal is dreaming of, it is worth remembering the scene of the incident, the small details of the dream. Much depends on who dreamed about the cat, what color it was.

Miller's dream book with his predictions

By Gustav Miller dead cat A flower in a dream symbolizes getting rid of complexes, prejudices. It is especially good if he dreamed of a woman who has long wanted to break ties with an annoying person.

In addition, the psychologist in his dream book describes in detail not only the very fact of what the strangled animal dreams of, but also where he happened to see him:

  • on hands or knees - to the withering away of old connections, the emergence of new opportunities;
  • before the threshold of the house - to changes in family relationships;
  • in the apartment - you have to face difficulties;
  • in a puddle, in the mud - to resolve domestic, financial problems;

Expect positive change

If you dreamed that a dead kitten came to life, be prepared for good results their labors. The black stripe will abruptly change to white if you had a chance to see in a dream that a small representative of the cat family had risen before your eyes and began to purr. This gentle creature, according to Vanga's dream book, will bring changes in family and personal life.

Even more interestingly, the healer interprets why a woman dreams of a dead kitten. A dream means that the annoying boyfriend will finally fall behind and make room for more worthy fans.

Help will be!

In the dream book of Nostradamus, the color of a dead kitten in a dream is also important. If you dreamed that a cat gave birth to black babies, it means that financial problems will be resolved soon. In addition, you will be able to win all property disputes.

But why dream that the cat gave birth to red, white, ashy babies and immediately strangled the offspring, it is worth considering in more detail. Seeing not only black, but also multi-colored animals, even dead ones, is a good sign. A dream means that at a difficult moment a person from whom you never expected such a step will come to the rescue.

Carelessness can ruin plans

Some traditional dream books give negative interpretations of sleep. They claim that strangled cats in a dream are dangerous. If a person happened to see that he accidentally crushed a small animal, in real life it is worth becoming much more careful, be sure to play it safe and not take on other people's problems.

A dead cat seen in real life is not a pleasant sight. But most dream books interpret such a dream plot as a favorable symbol.

It is believed that after such a dream, problems that seemed serious will be easily resolved, and the dreamer's ill-wishers will self-destruct.

The exact meaning depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Interpretation depending on the circumstances of the dream

If the cat's corpse was:

  • Near own house dreamer - soon we should expect unpleasant news from close relatives.
  • In the middle of the road - obstacles will appear on the way to the intended goal. It is likely that in the environment there is a two-faced envious person, which prevents the sleeper from achieving success and is trying with all his might to ruin his life.
  • In the dreamer's apartment or house - soon small problems and troubles will appear in life that can be quickly resolved, but their presence will spoil the mood for a long time.
  • In large numbers, the corpses of cats were scattered along the street, but this picture was quickly passed, then all problems that seem serious can be quickly eliminated.
  • In the box - people from the past will remind you of the unseemly actions of the sleeping person, which will excite his conscience again.
  • On the threshold of the house - something will prevent a major scandal from happening, because of which the sleeper could be in distress.

Depending on coat color:

  • A dead cat with black hair is a good sign, since in real life such an animal symbolizes trouble and failure. Her death is a symbol of victory over many problems, an improvement in relationships with family and at work. Some other interpreters regard such a dream as ridding the dreamer of his own bad qualities, such as envy or excessive laziness.
  • If a dead black cat was lying on the bed of a sleeping person, then this can be a signal of adultery or extreme distrust between partners, which has a detrimental effect on relationships.
  • To step on such a corpse - in life a person will have to perform actions that are contrary to his character and principles.
  • The corpse of a cat with white hair warns that seemingly minor problems will develop into a real problem that will be very difficult to deal with on your own. It is worth prematurely paying attention to small troubles and trying to solve them before the moment when they become large-scale.

If in a dream:

  • The corpse of the animal was beheaded, which means that in real life the dreamer will have to face obstacles and difficulties on the way to the cherished goal. But the result will not keep you waiting and will certainly please. Also, such a plot can talk about problems at work, one of the colleagues will be very sensitive to the promotion of the sleeping person and will intrigue.
  • The corpse of the purr was in a pool of blood - loved ones are in some danger. It is worth warning them to take a closer look at their own health and be wary of new acquaintances.
  • There are many corpses of cats everywhere - soon you will have to find yourself in a shameful situation because of hypocritical, envious friends. But there are pluses in this - such people will leave the life of a sleeping person after that.
  • A dead cat suddenly came to life - abandoned cases from the past will remind you of themselves again. There might be some minor tweaks.
  • If the cat drowned in front of the dreamer - you should beware of problems in love sphere, any quarrel can lead to a break in relations.
  • The purr died right in the hands of the sleeping man - a symbol that the dreamer feels great discomfort from the position in which he is now. Perhaps he is tormented by unrequited feelings or at work he does not take his place.
  • Near the cat's corpse were her live kittens - you need to pay more attention to your own children, perhaps right now they need moral support and friendly advice. For childless people, such a dream speaks of their dissatisfaction with their own behavior. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards people and trying to change.
  • Both the cat and the dog dreamed of the dead - the enemies will be defeated, but this will not bring any satisfaction. On the contrary, the dreamer will be overcome by sadness and sadness from what happened.
  • A cat with a cut throat portends disappointment in the closest people who, at first glance, were the most devoted.
  • A cat dreamed of a dead cat, which in real life is alive and feels great - it is worth abandoning major planned events and trips for a while.
  • Two corpses purr - a good sign. Impending problems will disappear, perhaps complete strangers will help in this.
  • For a man, a dream in which he strangled a purr with his own hands means an early deliverance from an annoying life partner who drove him day after day.
  • I dreamed of a strongly decomposed corpse of a cat - in real life, the sleeper is looking for a solution to his problems on the surface, although you need to look much deeper for a successful resolution of troubles.

If after sleeping with a dead cat:

  • The sleeper experienced relief, joy - people who deliberately made the dreamer's life worse will leave life on their own.
  • I experienced grief, sadness - there are people in the environment who are trying to slander the dreamer, to humiliate him. Most often, such people become relatives and friends, whom you can’t even think of.

Interpretation according to different dream books

By Miller's dream book:

  • The death of the cat occurred in front of the sleeping man - his business will go uphill and his reputation will increase.
  • Holding a corpse in your arms - the dreamer will adequately get out of an uncomfortable position. For entrepreneurs, such a dream is a symbol of victory over envious people and competitors who are trying to hinder the development of the business.
  • If kittens died in a dream from a snake bite, in real life, envious people themselves will suffer from their own machinations.

By Wangi's dream book:

  • Dead cat - success awaits in all matters, things will go uphill.

Many associate cats with troubles, sad news, which is why the death of an animal in a dream is perceived by many interpreters as an auspicious symbol.

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I dreamed of a dead Cat, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I needed to enter some house, but on the threshold lies dead cat, it’s unpleasant for me to hurt her even with shoes, but I step over her without touching her, I go into the house. Then I find out that some man burned this cat in the oven and I feel relieved.

    i dreamed of a beautiful, black cat, on Friday night, for some reason I somehow killed her, and caressed her until her death. she was talking, too. I realized that she was deaf, but I felt sorry for her. December 13th

    I swim in some kind of dirty river (although I don’t know how to swim) and I see that a dead cat is swimming towards me, I started to swim away from it, I look at the surface of another one. There were like 3 in total. I got scared and tried to swim to the shore.

    I was at home, sitting on the couch and saw a small dead cat (in a dream I seemed to know this cat) covered in blood .... I started crying, in a dream I had brothers whom I hugged, asked for help, but they they didn’t say anything .... then nothing is clear, I was going somewhere with my sister (according to a dream, there is no sister in my life), we were both some kind of dangerous witches (which is interesting, I liked it), they were afraid of us .... I didn’t I don't get it...why?

    I dreamed that I was at home, my cat ran out into the street, I ran after her, I looked under the house, my cat was already dead, when I went in as a lady, I cried very much ...
    What can this mean???-.-

    It was necessary for some reason to drive the cat away and the husband went to do it. Everything happened in some place, where thickets of bushes and trees. I understand that for some reason he is taking a long time, and I go up to where he is standing. I saw a bunch of cats that were hanging on a tree dead, and some kind of smashed. I realized that it was he who beat them with a stick. I ask: "Who did this?" He doesn't answer like he doesn't know. But I know how aggressive he can be, and imagining how he did it, I decide that I will leave him anyway. (We lived for 20 years, but when problems happened, 5 years ago, he stopped holding back his nerves and began to let go.

    Hello! Last night I for a long time I couldn't sleep, even though I wanted to sleep. When I did manage to fall asleep, the dream was very restless, I often woke up. I dreamed of my own cat (young) with an open belly, but there was not a lot of blood, the intestines were very well visible, pale Pink colour. After what I saw, I woke up abruptly with the feeling that someone was standing near my feet and looking at me. Opening my eyes, I imagined a black shadow, which after 2 seconds dissipated, as if flying away. What does this mean?

    • I dreamed that I, with a small child in my arms, was walking along a road along which some dirty water stands, and there is a lot of swimming in it dead cats and all black, it was impossible to bypass this water.

    I’m walking with my dog…everything is quite vague…I pick up a lying cat…and it turns out it’s dead and rotten for a long time…maggots are flying out of it in all directions…a huge number…there are incredibly many of them, they fall on me, on my little dog…and I I feel like one got into my mouth ... I feel it in my throat ... this fact scared me the most (I immediately threw out the cat) then I run after my dog ​​to help her get rid of this innumerable number of maggots ... and the dream ends .... and before that, and for 3 days in a row I dream of cheating on my girlfriend ... 2 times in a row with the same person.

    Hello Tatyana, my name is Elena. I dreamed of my cat, which had already died a long time ago. She was kind and affectionate until a lot of other people's kittens were brought to her for feeding, she did not accept them, and I decided to take her away from them so that she would not bite them, so she started to bite my hand, but she bit but not much. Thank you.

    We approach the entrance with a friend, and I see a bunch of nasty decaying lumps, then he tells me that this family of striped cats was shot and poisoned. And there are so many of them that it is not even possible to step over (very nasty). And then I walk, step on one of them and lick a piece of a corpse from a shoe, and then I spit all my sleep (I'm very disgusted and I'm afraid of getting sick from this muck). But the moment I spit, I think I licked the corpse of a rat.

    I dreamed that I used to see a cat with kittens, and now I go and look, the cat is dead and one kitten lies dead nearby. The cat's flesh is torn, you can see the insides of the intestines, blood, and so on, and a second live kitten climbed into this not yet stiffened corpse of a cat and hides in the intestines. I had tears in my sleep. The dream was at 11 am on Sunday 05/10/2014.

    I was at work in an Internet cafe. Some people wanted to smash the whole room, beat the guard, and then on each windowsill above the computers (there were a lot of them in a dream) there were dead cats ... I'm scared

    I dreamed that I was visiting my grandmother with whom I bad relationship and suddenly a ginger cat appeared from somewhere and suddenly my grandmother closes the door where she was just passing and the door was crushed by the cat's throat and she died before my eyes !!!

    Hello! I remember that I am with a friend (some kind of man, but in a dream he is my friend) we are on some kind of test. They show us (some kind of adult (with gray hair, but not an old woman) woman, like a doctor., shows tests that if the worms (and they are big in a dream, like sausages) they yell somewhere, then this can cure a person from any disease. And these worms crawl (they are in some kind of device, the size of a table), and we look at them. I see that the worms began to crawl away. And one began to crawl after me. And it became the size of a snake. It crawls on me, and I just have time to dodge so that it doesn’t bite into me. And somehow I pinched it and in my hands seemed huge knife, practically a cleaver. And I began to saw off the head of this worm. Blood flowed. And I sawed off the head. And then, for some reason, in the corner I saw several cats lying (stretched out in length) and I know that they are dead. I told my friend that you feel sorry for the worms, it would be better if you felt sorry for the cats ..
    The worms were different colors(beige and dark, pieces 4.), and the cats were also colored, fluffy, one seemed to be red-fleshed ..
    That's something like this .. Thank you.

    Hello, I dreamed that in the old house (the abandoned house where my grandmother lived) I found a dead cat (with dead kittens on its back). Kittens are small, dried up, half decomposed. It looks like someone from close relatives put them like that. The house is dilapidated.
    I began to sweep the floors in another room - suddenly another cat with small kittens (about 2 kittens) runs into the room. I don’t particularly welcome her, I don’t touch her, but she starts to help sweep the floors ..
    After that I have a dream where treacherous woman, bringing the other to suicide (she drinks 200 drops of poison), conducts fraud with her real estate.
    like this unusual dream. I rarely see dreams. But this one was too bright.
    When I woke up, I became anxious. I started searching the internet for information.
    I ask you to help interpret this dream.

    a domestic cat attacks me when I’m in the bathroom and somehow I don’t kill her on purpose (she dies under running water.) and then the same cat appears, I do it as if nothing happened to that cat (I throw it away)

    Good afternoon, Tatyana!
    I love cats, a black cat is not bad for me, quite the contrary.
    About the dream: a longtime acquaintance came to visit us (in the apartment), with whom we have not communicated for a long time, I prepare the table for the reception and show him my cats (there were three cats).
    In reality: one cat lives with us, another died of old age and her adult kitten.

    A creepy house in the forest, a place not familiar to me, a lot of dead cats around, a lot of children, scary and creepy, in a dream it was summer camp i was there with my mother and we tried to get away from there, but the children did not let us

    Today I dreamed that I had a cat and she became a zombie, she bit me many times and I decided to kill her, unscrewed her head, her head hung on one skin 20 centimeters below the body, there was no blood and suddenly she looked at me !!! I woke up in a strong fright that this could mean! I haven't seen horror movies in a long time!

    i dreamed about a dead cat lying on the road, and in my presence a car ran over it several times but didn’t catch it, then the cat got up on its front paws and went and the hind ones trudged after it and there were intestines

    today I had a dream as if the dog wants to bite the girl, and I try to protect her from the dog and she bites me for left hand, but without blood, and it was very painful for me and I push it away from me. And yesterday I had a dream as if I see a lot of dead cats lying on the ground, there were more than 10 of them, but there was no blood.

    There were many dead cats. Apparently they were poisoned. One was black with black kittens. She hugged them with her paws. My Siamese cat, (lives at my house), was still alive in a dream, but in her death throes. Then I found one kitten alive, gray and very plump and large, about 5-6 months old. I was very glad that the kitten was alive, because he was sleeping at the time when the others were poisoned. I grabbed him in my arms and hugged him and stroked him. Then there was some cardboard box, in which I carefully put dead mice and severed chicken heads, and then, for some reason, they told me something and I began to lay out the mice, taking them by the tails. Here is such a dream.

    Old city. Empty but bright streets, houses yellow color. In dark alleys, dead cats were hung up. Some of them have already dried in the sun, and some have not. All of them were suspended by three meters, sometimes on houses, sometimes on poles. About 7 pieces. Then, it turned out that some witch did it, who later found me. But she didn't seem to show any aggressive behavior. Otherwise, the dream ends. I clearly remember only a lot of gray, striped, dead cats.

    The late parents dreamed, I washed the floor in the middle unfamiliar apartment(but it’s as if she’s mine), and some elderly woman with my late mother brought me my dead cat (in fact, she’s alive) and began to show it to me, the cat caught on the calf of my leg with a claw, I scolded women, tried not to look at the cat, asked them to throw it away, a small wound formed on my leg, from which blood leaked.

    I dreamed that I was coming home, and my cat Sonya was lying dead, and the next day I was coming from school, and my second cat Dunya was dead, dead mice were lying around the house, and Dunya had such hair as if they licked her, (and in life these my two cats fight all the time

    Hello. There were many cats in my dream, and it seemed that not all of them were alive. But I saw one thing clearly - one cat was lying dead, only one head and some incomprehensible body remained from him. Another approached him and began to lick, somehow pitifully. I myself felt sorry for them, quite a bit, but there was also a feeling of disgust. I remember the dream well. Does it mean something?

    Everything seemed to really be ... .. A room in my apartment, my cat jumped onto the windowsill, the window was open, a seagull was sitting on the other side, the cat rushed after her and flew down, I look out, and she lies on the pavement, there already picture I go to her, she is dead ... .. crying, waking up

    Good morning! I dreamed as if I was visiting my parents, I was going into the room sitting there younger brother and doesn’t let his son climb into the mouse hole, I ask that you don’t have a cat and a cat to disperse all the mice, he took his son and went to the kitchen there and the cat and the cat were sitting and then when I woke up I remembered that they had died.

    I had a dream from Sunday to Monday. I was standing in the kitchen, hearing the sound turned around, a snake crawled out of the boxes, at first it was small, but the more it crawled out, the more it became large and long. 2 is dead. My mother tried to drive him away, but I shouted run) after my mother ran, the kite jumped and missed. Nevertheless, the snake was escorted out of the house to the entrance, his mother escorted him out with a stool cursing at her.

    I dreamed that I was in a village familiar to me, but this is not my village, but another, and there in the garden this grandmother had up to 6 7 pieces of dead cats on the grass in different places and there were maggots in them. and I also saw how three dead kittens were lying together and they were also with maggots in their head. and I decided to leave this place, I felt uneasy that there were so many cat corpses.

    I had a dream that my cat was running around the room, which in real life is dead. She rushed to the newly born kittens, which were lying on the floor. Now, I'm very curious as to what that might mean. Thanks for the help.

    hello my brother yesterday he asks when there will be a trash can, well, when a car is driving to pick up trash from people, and my daughter answers him that tomorrow she’s not there only on Tuesday she will be, and yesterday I was so surprised that this happened to my brother, I decided to help, and I dream that I’m passing as if it would be past our garbage and there our cat doesn’t even lie and sits I looked like that and he’s dead but in fact it’s not my cat I have a gray cat at home and this is a white-red cat

    Hello. My name is Julia. I dreamed that my husband and I rented a house in a private house. And when I started looking at it, I found a cat on the windowsill of this house. Her head was in a jar, and her body was sitting. And the tail, for some reason - it moved. In my dream, the house was very dirty, damp, there was a stench, as if rats were not running far away. And the dream itself was in a very gloomy color.

    I dreamed of my village, where I was with my mother and aunt. They were in the garden, and I was at home with two cats, one was someone else's, striped, and the other was my own, white and fluffy. Then I found out that there is a maniac in the village who kills cats and people and immediately found a dead tabby cat under the door. and soon white. I remember that wide-open red eyes stood out very clearly against a white background. Then I began to fear for the lives of my relatives, ran to them and said that our cat had been killed and cried. They were alarmed, at that moment I woke up.

    I dreamed that, as if my mother’s puppy would tear my mother’s old cat (I didn’t see this in a dream, but I know), and her little kittens are all covered in blood (I saw them in a dream) climbed around the room looking for their mother, meowing, and then the kitten turned into a very hairy boy and asked me to wash it, and I woke up in horror

    I don’t remember all the details exactly, but I dreamed about my dead cat that I have at the moment, what I remember was his head, it was whole, but there was no body, one skin continued from the head, and worries because he died by stupidity someone close, the rest is vague, as well as the feeling of what kind of cat will be now, as if this is not the first.

    I had a dream (the content is very strange, I don’t remember), but from a kudo, a cat appeared, she gave birth and all the dead kittens were born to her, as a result, she and the kittens were all dead and in the blood, what could it be. Thank you

    I was somewhere in the swamp and there were dead cats with their throats cut, there were a lot of them, I tried to get away from there and almost stepped on them, the cats were of different colors, but they were mostly white.

    dreamed of a dead, half-decomposed cat, with crawling cadaveric worms. it seems there were several cat corpses in the yard high-rise building, in the grass, a place unfamiliar to me.
    I borrowed a big shovel from someone to pick up and bury these dead cats.

    I dreamed in the attic of some house a lot of cats and a lot of kittens, they ran, but didn’t bite, didn’t fight just a lot of cats and a few dead cats, I saw one right with my eyes open, I felt somehow unpleasant.

    i dreamed as if I were going out onto the balcony and a dead cat was lying with intestines, the other nearby seemed to fall from a tree and fell into a hole and suffocated and died there, lay folded in half, then I was not pleased of course it became and I asked someone to remove it, and they tell me, look, your cat has some kind of tick under the skin and he can die, he’s already swollen, I ran to the veterinarian but still couldn’t remember the address where to go, and the time went on and on, I wanted to call the girl, who knows the address, but the hands pressed the wrong letters on the phone

    I had a dream on last week from Wednesday to Thursday.
    I was walking with my daughter from some park, it was a warm summer day. Before reaching my car, I was stopped by two unfamiliar men and they said that I would not go to the Neva (river), I asked them if I understood correctly, and they again said that I would not go to the Neva in any case. When I looked closely at them, I realized that they were the living dead, and one could even see the bones on their legs.
    After listening to them, I grinned, said that okay, I won’t go anywhere, and went further to the car. And then I touched two dead cats, to which the living dead told me that it was better not to touch them. And as soon as I heard them, both cats opened their green eyes and angrily rushed at me. I fought them off, but somehow it didn’t work out very well, and it was disgusting to touch them, but still I repulsed them from myself. How it all happened)))

    I saw two dead cats, but as if there were three of them, these two cats lie on the porch of my house on the stairs in iron railings - as they happen for flowers, and then there is some man, tall, but I don’t know him and we look at these cats and say that they urgently need to be removed from here, because. otherwise there will be infections and odors. In the end, he picks them up and takes them away.

    In a dream ... .. as if I see another dream and in it I dreamed of my cat, who died a long time ago ... .. but she is so healthy, cheerful and pretty ...... .. out of surprise that I see her, I call my son to said our cat or the yard cat, which I have been feeding since the summer ... .. and I get confused in what dream I see it woke up ...

    I dreamed about my long-lost cat Manya. For unknown reasons, she simply disappeared and did not return. A year has passed and tonight I had a dream about her. It's like she's back home again. She was all terrible, dirty, with tired eyes and gray hair on the back. I started stroking her and suddenly woke up.

    I was sitting in the kitchen and the cat was sitting on the window.
    I looked sharply at the window and the cat was not there, then I went to the window, and looking out it was horrified. (I directly felt an unpleasant feeling, both fear and tears in one vial).
    The cat lay on the ground, from her head to her ribs everything was covered with blood.
    Then like a failure. The next part of the dream began when I brought the cat to the hospital. Because the cat was already dead, why did I bring the dead cat to the hospital? And moreover, in the hospital she was not in the blood, just dead.

    Hello Tatiana. Such a dream - I walked along railway, then went on a green meadow. accidentally stumbled upon a mound of light sandy earth, there was a dead light-red cat. I avoided her, moved away. from the side, a light-colored cat with reddish spots and large round eyes and an attentive gaze reached out behind me, trying to touch my leg. I quickly left her.

    Hello. i had a dream as if I were walking between houses along a small alley with my father, who had died a long time ago, raising my head I look up and there are dead cats weighing at home, then my father takes little kittens from the boiler without wool washes in cold water and throws it into boiling water, it seems like it’s even become prudent for us to eat .. on this I woke up

    I don’t remember in much detail more pictures and the sensation, as it were, suddenly began to find corpses and bodies of cats in different places of the house and yard, but the house in the dream was not at all like ours, and the cats, it seems, both our former and strangers, also have a disgusting feeling from sleep there after all, I had to clean up and take away these bodies (this was done by the husband)

    I see a dream, as if I'm watching a documentary about a crocodile no more than 1 meter. In the frame there is a crocodile, a mirror and a red-and-white cat. The crocodile hunts for the cat's reflection in the mirror. Meanwhile, the cat is rubbing against the person filming. Meows him in the frame, asks for food. The cat is pregnant. Then the crocodile already pays attention to the cat itself, and begins to hunt for it. At this time, the cat in a dream is already black and gray with stripes. For some reason she does not pay attention to the crocodile. The person filming does nothing to save her. And as a result, in a dream it is already clear that the crocodile did not eat the cat, but removed the skin from it. At the end, I see that on my skin, evenly spread on the pavement, lies the carcass of a pregnant dead cat. I am getting up.

    i dreamed that my cat was hanging on a thick white rope in front of my gate former home where I spent my childhood, there is a notebook next to it, something is written, but I could not read it, I know that something is bad. I woke up when there were two blank sheets left in this notebook, everything else was written out ....

    I am in some village or the outskirts of some unfamiliar city. Everywhere wooden buildings dilapidated. And throughout this territory and inside the buildings, there are numerous corpses of cats (or cats) of dark colors. Feeling like they were killed. Some are injured, making terrible noises. The most ridiculous thing is that fruits (pears, apples) are everywhere on earth among the corpses, and my task, together with my sister, is to collect these fruits. My sister and I have not spoken for three years in real life.

    I dreamed of my cat, which was bitten by dogs already 4 months ago. In the dream, he is still alive, but bleeding terribly and suffering, and my mother says that he will recover, although it does not look like that.

    I go home (but the apartment is not mine, like a big studio ... Terry carpet and a large hall) and I see a dead cat on an armchair. There are a lot of flies in the room, I open some kind of closet door, another whole swarm flies out, among them a huge fly, annoyingly flies over me

    i dreamed that I saw a half-dead cat in front of the entrance to the apartment. It was black and looked very unpleasant. I went into the house, went into the bathroom and saw that this cat was there. I felt very disgusted, I wanted to get rid of her, I was afraid that she would die there and stink. before throwing her over the threshold, for some reason I took her paw and began to crush her paw with the bathroom door. hearing a light crunch (it’s even scary to remember), I took and put the cat on the threshold of the apartment. seeing that she again pitaetsa enter, I kicked her with my foot, she ran down the stairs, and there were two more dead cats. potom i closed the door

    Hello Tatiana! Sleep creepy and unpleasant! I'm driving, and there are dead and alive cats running across the road! there is blood all around, some of them are still crushed by the machine and suffering! I'm driving, and it's hard for me to go around them, tears in my eyes

    Before going to bed, I thought that I wanted to meet and improve relations with the man with whom I broke up six months ago. Fell asleep. Something was dreaming. But only a fragment is clear: I am in my room, something flies into the balcony and “sticks” to the glass (and I live on the 9th floor). I look through the window of the room at the balcony and for some reason I understand that this is a dead cat .... or a bird (dark). And immediately woke up ....

    In my dream there was something like the end of the world or the invasion of some kind of trouble, like the one when Moses sent flies and diseases! The food was running out, and not only there was nothing to feed the animals, people, and so, in order to avoid that the cats did not run wild and rushed at people, they were closed in one room, after some time they were opened to look, but they were dead, but not all , there were two or three half-dead, and in my opinion they were cats! We began to solder them for some reason! I don't remember further

    I leave my entrance and the cat has been lying on the car for a long time and it’s all dried up in the place where it was lying, I pass by about it to move, then it supposedly lay stretched out for a long time and falls to the ground, but then someone dragged it under the car and I woke up, but in a dream I knew that this cat died and when she fell and someone dragged her, I realized that someone had come for her, like maybe an angel or hell, I knew for sure and was very scared and probably woke up because of this

    i dreamed that I was following someone along a street I knew and on a house on the 9th floor high up somewhere on the 8th floor I see a black and white cat hanging on a nail by its paw dead near the window, then I go further again I see a dead cat lying on the ground

    I threw a dead cat out of the window from the window sill\ And there were two of them\ And then I had a dream about my pregnancy\ It seemed to me that the professor introduced this pregnancy through a syringe through the blood!!! And I didn't know how to tell my husband. In fact, he is sick! And then I thought, maybe tell my lover7

    Good afternoon. Summer, everything is green. I picked up a fluffy kitten, who himself ran to me and wanted to take him to his brother. He took it in his hands and walked down the street. I turned into the yards and met, apparently, acquaintances. I didn't see my face, only voices. Passing by the house, when descending into the basement, puppies were sitting on the concrete, who saw me and began to whine and look pleadingly into my eyes. I stopped to stroke them and thought about where to buy them a bun. Then he felt an unpleasant cadaverous smell, looked around, and saw that behind the concrete in the grass, there was a white blanket, and red hair sticking out from under it. He came closer and saw a dead red cat. I took a stick, covered it completely and woke up

    I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, it all started with the fact that I was watching my house from the side, when suddenly a lot of identical adult cats began to run to my house, they were all white and red. I ended up on my balcony and they all ran towards me, like soldiers one by one, and then behind them little kittens, I noticed that the kittens didn’t all run, and I have my dogs in the yard, I looked out into the yard and saw how they they are bitten with great anger, and no longer distinguishing a kitten from little puppy in a rage they began to kill and tear even their own, so to speak, I started shouting at them and giving a command is impossible, but they simply ignored me, after which I woke up in a cold sweat and I was terribly afraid, I sit fooling my head what does this mean and why

    Good afternoon Tonight I dreamed that the room through open window cats climb in, but they are all dead and half decayed. I beat them on the windowsill and throw them back. And I know that they are all evil. Then the only living red cat licks, sits on my hands, I stroke him, but then I also throw him out the window.

    two dead cats lie on the ground (they are decomposing, but the view is decent). around them in the ground - maggots crawl in the grass (or whoever crawls there in corpses), I don’t see them, but I know that they are there. People are standing, there is a type of remembrance. I stand on this incomprehensible land next to the cats, trying to look out for these maggots, they are not there. All around in mourning, I know what to do. Am I mourning? unclear.

    I’m dreaming about an apartment, it’s kind of cold, and I still think this is how people who live on their own feel. I see orchids behind the sofa. I close some doors with a bad lock. and some kind of moth-like pakrazites appeared on the flowers and orchids already look like corn stalks. I look further, and there are 5 or 6 dead cats, of different colors. and I seem to know that they are poisoned with something ...

    I walk along the road and see a dead cat lying on it, I see the head, body and tail, wool gray color. I understand immediately. that she is dead, like flies something flies on her. I have a very uncomfortable feeling, I think. how to get around it and wake up. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday.
    What could it be, please help.

    I don’t remember why, but my husband and I (in a dream) decided to eat cats. And I ask: How to eat it, and the husband answers: and like this (takes a cat, red and white, holds it by the throat, without lifting it, and knocks on its head with a hammer. After the 1st blow, her eyes look funny. I don’t see the cat’s death itself, a gap, then I stand at the table and butcher it (the carcass is already without a skin, but I know that this is that cat).
    This dream is very strange.
    The day before, I dreamed that a dog (small) bit my daughter, and when I flew out into the street, I grabbed her and started beating her on the ground (in a bloody mess)
    I had never seen such dreams before. Maybe I subconsciously want to kill everyone?)))

    I had a dream in the morning, I remember it for its unusualness.
    She swam in the river on which she grew up, when she came out of the water she saw four drowned cats at the bottom under the bridge. they were quite large, cold pink, without wool. For some reason, the current did not carry them away, but then people came and pushed them into the current so that pure water which can be used for drinking.
    Thank you for helping me interpret this dream.

    My grandmother had a cat, after the death of her grandmother, she still lived for some time and died of old age. Today I dreamed that it was this cat that was killed by a truck, it was as if they had pricked it on some spikes on this car. Then I dreamed of others cats that were also killed, but I didn’t see it anymore, they were scattered. Next, I threw out one of these cats, as if it was evil. But in a dream I was very worried about these cats, I felt sorry for them. Especially that , the old cat hooked me, I cried and repeated her name

    My grandmother had a cat, after the death of my grandmother she lived for some time and died of old age. Today I dreamed that this cat was killed by a truck, it was somehow pricked on spikes. Then I dreamed of other cats, they were also killed, but I didn’t see it. They were scattered, I threw one of them out of my way, somehow she interfered with me, as if it were evil. But I was very sorry for them, and I cried for that grandmother’s cat and called her name.

    I dreamed of 3 big white cats, but they were dead, and there was a tiny kitten, also white, sort of alive. I pulled him out into the cold corridor, but then brought him back home. with the words "you won't live long anyway"

    Hello! Today I dreamed of a dead black-and-white cat in a transparent pond close to the shore. Immediately dream of how my uncle pulls out for good luck big fish ashore, the fish is dead. And I stand and watch all this.

    I go into a wooden house. There are mountains of garbage in the house - bags, food waste .. I crawl along these mountains and see that there are still many corpses of pregnant black cats with white spots around. After I climbed through these mountains of garbage, my hands were swarming maggots which I shook off in disgust on the floor.

    i dreamed that there was a bread pan on the table and it was covered with a lid, I removed the lid and looked into the mold, and there lies the dead body of a white cat, flies are flying around and it smelled of rot, I touched the mold, and the cat took it and ran away

    I dreamed that I was walking in my yard (we have an 8-block nine-story building). Opposite the second entrance, near the gazebo, lay a dead cat. She was not gray, but there are such motley ones with spots or stripes, I don’t even know how to say a street cat. I thought dead. I took matches and set fire to it. She twitched her front paw slightly. I thought, "What am I doing? She seems alive." But she didn’t jump up and didn’t squeal. “Probably it seemed,” I thought ... And the cat was already on fire ... And there was a nasty smell of burnt wool and something else ... And I woke up.

    Gray tones and I am walking down the street with my friends, and the whole street is lined with dead cats (cats). My dog ​​was with me. When I saw them, I lost my breath and began to cry very hard but not loudly, and the dog began to sniff and whine. Then she woke up abruptly.

    I dreamed of a cat with an open belly, some small insect ripped its belly open (for some reason, in a dream, I was sure that it was a cockroach or a cricket). The cat remained alive and did not even suffer much from the wound, but I (or someone else), seeing the wound and the insides, called the doctor, who gave her an injection and took her with me.

    I dreamed about my cat who died a week ago. Was very dear to me. I dreamed that I met her and we walked down the street. She led me to another cat that was sitting on the sidewalk, sniffed it and began to look at me. It seemed to me that she wanted me to take this cat from the street to my home. I understood that mine had already died, but it seemed to me some kind of betrayal. I thought she didn't even look like my cat at all.

    my friend and I were walking to my house, and I saw that a dead cat was lying a little further than my windows, her back was bitten, we did not attach any importance to this and went on, we walked a little literally three steps and we see that the same cat, which was dead a second ago, now lies on the paths and does not let us pass when this cat got up, I saw that her right side of her face was scratched and one eye was black, it seems that he did not see the back was also bitten, I I was very scared because it was clearly the cat that was dead a second ago, in the end I began to drive it away with a package, I don’t remember how I managed to be near my entrance, but I already took out the keys when I got them, then for some reason I didn’t to go into the entrance, I turned around and went towards the forest, but here again this cat appeared and did not let me pass, as a result, my girlfriend and I went towards the forest, we walked along the fence, and then I heard a dog barking, and after barking and saw the dog itself, she easily jumped over the fence and rushed at me, then black spot and i woke up

    I dreamed of my beloved cat dead she now lives with mine ex-husband and his mistress in our house. My husband took her away from me and I miss her even though it's been more than 2 months. Very worried about this dream.

    I was going somewhere, on the way I met a weak man. a middle-aged temple man. It was evident that he was drinking, when he moved, he leaned on some kind of device to facilitate walking, but he was not evil. Rather, on the contrary, weak. Passing further, I suddenly saw a basket with kittens - they were dead, and a dead cat was lying nearby. It seemed to me that they died of hunger. I buried them.

    Reality: diving in the Kola Bay. When I land on land, I see a half-decayed fish abandoned by fishermen in the water.
    Sleep: also a fish in the same conditions, but there are several corpses of cats nearby in the water, different colors. The water is transparent. My daughter is nearby, helping me out of the water, I help her not to touch the cats.

    a man was standing with me, and a maniac was chasing us, he was trying to kill us, a man next to me was protecting me - it was in the garden
    It was summer
    I had a cat, I let her go for a walk in a dream, then the man and I went into the house, and a maniac was hammering at us
    there was a balcony and I saw my cat
    then a maniac broke in, a man killed him, I ran into the garden for my things, then I came to that house and went in, and my cat was dead, and we wanted to leave and I sat for a long time roaring.

    In my home, I saw a dead cat. She is not mine. I had to put it away somewhere so that it would not stink, and I put the cat in a garbage bag and carried it to the container. I threw it in there with some other trash.

    I dreamed a large number of sick cats, mostly red, then I went somewhere, I came across the corpses of cats, one decomposed, I tried to step over it, but stepped into a puddle, took off my shoes and began to tear out the insole. When I got home, I saw that my cat was sick too. Changed in appearance, convulsions appeared

    Hello. I had a dream where I marry young man who we broke up with 2 weeks ago. The wedding took place in a strange ceremony. future husband he piled dead black cats in a certain sequence, some are completely dead, some were still moving but dying before his eyes. He spread them out, said that there were exactly 100 cats. What can this mean?

    My cat died a week ago. And today I dreamed about her, very exhausted, hungry, dirty. I really wanted to feed her, caress ...
    The dream was real. Like a willow.