How to take beautiful photos on your phone. How to learn to photograph professionally with a SLR camera or phone

12.10.2019 Heating

How to photograph correctly

Many of my friends keep their blogs and are constantly puzzled by the replenishment of the blog with beautiful photos. How to properly photograph an object on a mobile phone and get high-quality pictures? 6 simple secrets from a professional photographer read below.

1. Light

Take pictures during the day with window light. You will get the natural color of the objects and the pattern that is pleasing to the eye. Sit at a distance of half a meter to a meter from the window on the side. We do not need direct sunlight, so if the sun is shining directly through the window, draw light curtains to make the light more diffused.

If the shadow side of the picture looks too dark (contrast), then use a reflector - it will fill in the shadows. A regular sheet of drawing paper is perfect for this purpose. Put it on the shadow side and get a more uniform pattern in the light.

2. Background

Beginners in photography are often given away by a sloppy back of a photo. Use a neutral, clean background, remove unnecessary items. The most popular and easiest to get beautiful photos are white, gray and wooden backdrops in natural color.

You can buy ready-made, usually double-sided. Make a photophone yourself or just use your desk, bed with a beautiful blanket, etc.

3. Angle

At the initial stage, when shooting with a phone, it is easiest to shoot from above. The phone camera should be parallel to the background plane. This rule also works for a professional camera. I often climb on a stool for a good shot, this allows me to capture objects with minimal distortion, which is typical of phone cameras.

4. Additional items

To make the picture look interesting, complement it with decor and related items. For artists, you can include brushes and paints in the picture, for writers, beautiful notebooks and pens, food photographers can use the ingredients of the dish, bloggers often add flowers, perfumes, drinks in beautiful dishes. Anything that can fill the picture with atmosphere and add to the viewer's sense of it can be used.

Add additional items one/two at a time and be careful not to overload the shot.

5. Do duplicates

After adding a new subject to the frame, take a picture, then try to move it and take another take. Thus, by adding/removing/moving your props, you will be able to achieve the best composition of the shot. You can build a diagonal, a circle or randomly lay out all the objects, the main feeling of the viewer should be a sense of harmony. At the initial stage, you can ask friends for help and show them your experiments, ask them to choose the best shot. Such tips from the outside are invaluable - you will quickly learn to look at your photos as if from the outside and catch the moment when everything went well and you can not change anything.

6. Color

Use at first no more than two / three colors in one picture. The brightest spot is the red color, you need to work with it especially carefully and try to balance it. Neutral achromats are: black, white and gray, they can be included in any combination and proportions.

In one photo, only muted pastel colors will look harmonious, or vice versa, only bright and clean ones, with the help of color you can easily convey your mood to the viewer. The main thing is not to mix everything together, there is a risk of getting a visual mess.

Tips from Jason D. Little, which I, the admincheg of the site, want to convey to you.

Most people think that a good camera in hand guarantees a quality photo, but great photographers take great photos no matter what camera takes the photo. A professional can take a photo with a camera phone that beginners will never take with an expensive "reflex camera".

Given the ubiquity of the camera phone, and their ever-increasing quality, there are many people who are quite content to have their cell phone also serve as their only camera. Even Jason D. Little himself admits that he takes more and more pictures with his phone.

But still, you need to learn a few rules in order to get a quality photo taken with your mobile phone.

1. "Vision". The main advantage of mobile photography is your increased mobility. You can spend much more of your time just watching, choosing or wandering around an interesting place. The phone has a minimum of settings, so you need to learn how to "see" and feel the subject.

2. Legs. Use your legs. Have you ever used the zoom feature on your phone? If yes, then you remember how terribly blurry pixels are. It's all digital zoom. And why do we need legs?.. That's right, turn the legs into a means of approaching the object. So, forget about the lenses, if you want to shoot big, get closer.

3. Searching for the light. Despite the fact that the light sensors in phones are improving every day, they are still far from the "DSLRs". To compensate for this, you need to learn how to find good lighting, whether it be natural (wait a bit for the cloud to pass) or artificial (turn on the lights in the room).

4. Don't forget the rules. Composition matters the most. Now phones have learned to help photographers with an additional grid. But the main thing is the "rule of thirds". Use it. Train your skills and then you will feel the edges and be able to make a beautiful photo by breaking them.

5. Don't forget the mirror. Make friends "SLR" with a camera in your phone. Sometimes with the help of a camera phone you will find a good shot for the "SLR", and sometimes a camera phone will help out if you need to take a quick photo.

6. Maintenance. Most people are very sensitive about their things, especially cameras, they constantly wipe the lenses with a special cloth and regularly check the charge of the battery and sometimes even several. Don't forget that the same rules will work well for your camera phone. Do not go hunting with a half-empty charger and be careful with fingerprints on the camera glass.

7. sound assessment. Of course, although progress does not stand still, camera phones are still far from "DSLRs", but take a sober look at the world. What do you need a camera for? Modern camera phones have already practically killed the market for digital "soap dishes", and many used soap dishes. Do not rush to buy a "SLR" if you need to be photographed only for social networks. Save your money for something more useful.

Ordinary, traditional cameras are losing popularity over time, giving way to smartphones with high-end cameras. Since a smartphone, unlike a digital camera, is always there, taking pictures with it is faster, easier and more convenient.

Today, digital technologies are improving every day, and almost all phones have good cameras. Some of them are very personal and allow you to shoot high-quality images. So, let's see how to take high-quality photos on your phone. The information that you will now learn will be useful to many people: not only to those who already have a smartphone with a cool camera, but also to those who are just looking at it. And remember: if you need professional photography, it is better to use.

9 tips for taking good photos with your phone:

  1. If you want the photo to turn out without distortion, try don't use zoom. Every time you do this, it leads to certain defects and a distortion in the quality of the future picture. In order to take a picture of something much better, you just need to get closer, and if this is not possible, then take a photo without zoom, and then correct everything else. And even if this object, in your opinion, is too close, do not worry, because this way all the details of the object in the image will be visible.
  1. This advice is not so important, but still this issue should be discussed. Don't forget to keep an eye on the camera lenses on your phone. Take care not to scratch and use the phone carefully. Even a slight buildup of dust can interfere with photo quality.

  1. Take as many pictures as possible. Take pictures of everything you want and see. Every time you press the start button, you get completely different shots. Don't believe me, do an experiment! It doesn't always work out the first time. With the plethora of shots, it's much easier to pick what's best than accept what's there.

  1. The main difficulty with a mobile phone camera is that it takes poor quality pictures in low light. Don't forget about it. If you plan to take photos, for example, in a museum, then you should take care of the flash, although this is not always appropriate. Unfortunately, there is a chance that the light you find will not give the desired effect and you will not be able to take high-quality photos. That is the nature of the device.

  1. Use the settings and set all indicators to the maximum. Yes, these photos will take up a lot of space on your phone, but they will be much better. Although it is up to you to decide what is more important for you: the place in the memory of the smartphone or the image quality?

  1. Many users almost do not pay their attention to a variety of creative modes. Although very much even in vain. Look for the modes you need, try taking photos in different variations and take as many photos as you need. For example, if you are shooting at night, select the Night Scene mode. This gives you a chance to get the best image at the ISO setting.

  1. In addition, if you decide to shoot seriously, then it is better to install Photoshop and Lightroom for image processing. Very often, a not very successful picture can be turned into a real masterpiece. You shouldn't limit yourself to anything. A few skills and abilities - and you will be successful.

  1. Practice as much as possible. Of course, if there is a goal to take a photo much better than at present. If you want, you will certainly succeed. You should also study the related literature to understand ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and more. You should be aware that even the best camera will not make you an outstanding photographer, so learn. The most important thing is patience and as much practice as possible.

  1. When you shoot handheld, the photo may not be of very good quality. To minimize risks, use stable planes that will serve as support. There are apps that allow you to use your phone's built-in accelerometer to take the right shot when your phone's camera is at its most stable. Use this option if you have it.

Finally, we note that today many people are starting to abandon digital cameras because smartphones with 3D cameras are starting to appear on the market. In fact, it's very cool, but it's not small money. So while you're undecided about whether to buy a camera or a phone, keep in mind that if you choose a smartphone, you'll always have the opportunity to take great pictures.

You can have a phone with a camera and amaze the world with beautiful pictures.

Professionals have long noted for themselves the convenience of taking pictures on a smartphone - pictures can be edited right on the spot and immediately sent to their destination - by mail, using social services, photo hosting or through cloud storage. At the same time, the quality of images with the right approach is not inferior to the results of working with professional equipment. So, the pictures taken by the smartphone even got on the covers of glossy magazines.

So, let's begin.

Phone camera needs to be cleaned

While the capabilities of the cameras do not allow you to take a macro shot of the dirt accumulated on the optics, bacteria can add blur and spots.

Set the maximum quality settings

Set the camera settings to the maximum image resolution, as well as the best quality value. Choose 4:3.

Turn off effects

Black and white, sepia, inverted colors, and the like have the right to exist, but all these settings are best used when editing photos on a computer.

Set the white balance

The human eye adjusts to the lighting, and white is perceived as white in any light. However, the camera "sees" an object illuminated by ordinary incandescent lamps, redder than the eye sees it.

Don't use ZOOM

In modern smartphones, the use of even the smallest zoom leads to a sharp deterioration in picture quality. Noises appear on it and sharpness is lost. If you want to take a closer picture of an object, move closer to it.

Don't forget about the universal pillars of photography - composition, subject and focus.


All smartphones have the ability to autofocus, but in order to show your device who's in charge, you can specify the point yourself, and some devices have full manual focus.

Avoid photos in front of a mirror and selfies taken with outstretched arms. Mirrors often "cheat" the autofocus mechanism. Better ask someone to take a picture of you. If you prefer to take pictures yourself, use a timer, lean your phone against something, and stand in the frame.


Avoid shooting in low light, at least if you want your subject to be evenly lit. The phone's built-in camera sensor is rather weak, and with a high ISO (light sensitivity) that allows you to shoot indoors without a flash, the noise level will also be very high. Therefore, successful indoor photos will be obtained only in bright light.

If you need to take a photo indoors, pay attention to the sources of artificial light in it. Avoid fluorescent lights as their light gives objects a green tint.

When shooting in low light, make sure the camera is still. With built-in cameras, when there is a lack of light, the exposure time increases greatly, and any movement will lead to the fact that the frame will turn out to be blurry.

Use the rule of thirds

When composing a frame, imagine that it is divided into equal parts by two horizontal and two vertical lines. Let the essential lines or boundaries coincide with them (for example, the horizon line passes at a distance of 1/3 from the upper or lower boundary), and compositionally important elements fall on their intersection points.

use flash

Using the built-in flash on your mobile phone isn't the best option, but it's still better than nothing.

Do not take pictures with a mobile phone flash at a distance of more than 3 meters, but not closer than 1.5, in order to prevent overexposure and underlighting.

Finally take a picture

Keep your phone still while pressing the button. After taking a photo, keep holding it in place until the image is recorded. If you move your phone immediately after pressing the button, you may end up with a smear instead of a photo!

Take multiple shots or use burst. Do not count on one frame, it will not always be successful.

Take pictures by positioning the camera at the eye level of the people being photographed to avoid distortion caused by the wide-angle lens of a mobile phone.

Turn off autofocus when taking pictures on the move. The mobile phone's camera will start responding to the press of the photo button much faster. At the same time, everything in the frame will be sharp, starting from 1.5 meters.

Use third party camera apps

Usually, third-party apps like Camera 360 for example have a lot of options that are hidden in the stock app. This is especially true for Nexus smartphones, where camera settings are always very limited.


Read literature on photography, practice yourself. Understand how optics work, what is exposure, ISO, aperture, shutter speed. After all, even the most expensive DSLR will not make you a pro, and vice versa, a real photographer will get good pictures from a smartphone.

Almost every modern person has a smartphone that has a camera. And certainly every owner of it takes pictures on it. But you must admit that they do not always turn out the way we see them in our minds. Either there is not enough light, or it turns out blurry, or the colors are distorted. Today RosKase will tell you about a few secrets that will allow you to take nice pictures with your phone.

The first secret is cleanliness

Check the smartphone lens - it needs careful care. If there are fingerprints or dust on it, the picture quality will deteriorate. Wipe it regularly with a special cloth (microfiber is great) so as not to scratch the vulnerable surface. If suddenly sand gets on the camera, do not rub the lens, but try to blow off the grains of sand so that they do not damage the integrity of the optics.

The second secret is light

We believe that you have already checked more than once that the best pictures are taken in daylight. Try to position the subject so that the light source is behind you and the subject being photographed is adequately illuminated. If the object is immovable (for example, a house), and you need a certain angle, then try experimenting with the camera settings and take several different photos until you achieve the desired result. For portraits, for example, you can also use special reflectors to help achieve the right light.

Secret three - settings

Check your device's camera settings. Most users shoot in auto mode. But it is not always suitable for a particular moment. Conduct an experiment - try changing the white balance, exposure. See what happens. This will help you adjust the camera for certain conditions next time. If manual settings are not for you, see which mode is best for shooting on a phone camera in a given situation. There are different modes - portrait, panorama, sports, macro, night, etc. Selecting one of them by default causes the phone to set the settings according to the situation.

Secret Four - Avoid Zoom

Digital zoom ruins photos. If you need to shoot an object closer - just go to it. In the event that this is not possible, take a photo in maximum resolution, and then crop the picture in a special program. So the quality will be better than when using digital zoom.

Secret five - a few shots

Take multiple pictures. In the end, it is more convenient to choose the best of those made than to regret that the one and only did not work out. After all, this is not a 36-frame film - you can take as many pictures as you like with a digital camera - everything is limited only by the device's memory (and this is definitely many times more than 36 pictures). You can also use continuous shooting, which, with one press of the button, will independently take several frames in a row.

Secret six - flash

Of course, the flash must be used wisely. But when there is not enough light, and you want to take a photo, using it is the first thing that comes to mind. In any case, the photo will turn out better with it than without it. And you can always take pictures.

The most obvious advice on how to take good pictures with your phone is to set the image quality to maximum. Go to the settings of your smartphone and check if your device is using the maximum of its capabilities. If there is not enough memory on your phone for many high-resolution pictures, you can always find a way out - for example, purchase a memory card or send a photo to the cloud storage.

Any breath or movement while shooting can cause the image to become blurred. To solve this problem, the photo stabilization function was invented. It allows you to smooth movements and take clear pictures. Turn this feature on and forget about blurry pictures.

There are many photo editing software available today. In them, you can crop pictures, overlay captions, make frames, apply filters and do many other things. Try to edit your photo. And you will be surprised how it can change. At the same time, filters can give it mystery and eccentricity. Experiment - and don't be afraid to mess up the photo - you can always go back to the original version.

It is impossible to pick up a device right away - and immediately start taking professional photos on a smartphone. This takes practice. And the more it is, the better. Read the relevant literature, but first of all, read the manual of your smartphone, paying special attention to the section that describes the camera functions. It is possible that you will discover many new things for yourself.

How to take professional photos with your phone

If you want to take high-quality pictures on your device, then you should choose a device based on its camera. The Nokia Lumia 1020 is currently the best smartphone for photography. This is the only smartphone that takes pictures in 41 MP! Of course, there are a number of other gadgets that have good cameras - and here you have to study numerous parameters in order to choose the phone model that suits you.

And we wish you good luck in improving your photographic skills and clear high-quality images!