Material on the topic: Monitoring the development of the educational program. Monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the educational program

Development monitoring educational program as a way to individualize education and optimize work with a group of children in preschool

Popova V.R.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Annotation. The article emphasizes the importance of monitoring for individual

differentiated work with children, the requirements for monitoring in the preschool educational institution contained in normative documents. The author's approach to the problem is substantiated, an innovative model for monitoring the educational achievements of children is presented, an algorithm for creating a monitoring map is disclosed, the connection between the results of monitoring and the planning of the educational process in kindergarten is noted.

Keywords: preschool educational institution, monitoring, criteria, content, development, planning, parents

The role of education at the present stage of the country's development is determined by the tasks of Russia's transition to the rule of law, a democratic society and a market economy. The education system in 2001 was proclaimed one of the priority directions of Russia's development; it must be competitive, which is extremely important during Russia's accession to the WTO. To determine the exact actions for the development of the entire system

education in our country, every educational institution and every child, objective and versatile information is needed, which can be obtained in most cases only through the organization of monitoring.

Any monitoring allows you to get a holistic view of the state of the system of work with children for any period of time, about the qualitative and quantitative changes taking place within the system. This requires indicators that monitor the dynamics of children's development, its pace, level, etc., and create the possibility of preventing or minimizing the destructive development of events.

A few years ago, N.A. Korotkova and P.G. Nezhnov created an interesting monitoring system, published on the pages of the magazine "Child in Kindergarten", even before the publication of the FGT. The authors proposed as the main method of monitoring - observation of the dynamics of the development of the four most important initiatives of the child: creative, communicative, cognitive, goal-setting and volitional effort. This diagnosis, despite its "psychological", is simple, informative, technologically advanced, directly related to the educational process and correction of the subjective activity of the child, his orientation, work on the "sinking" areas of children's initiative. Such diagnostics does not exist separately from the educational process, but helps teachers to creatively carry out individually differentiated work,

to achieve positive changes in the personality of each pupil.

Unfortunately, few preschool educational institutions used this diagnostic system. Until the leadership ordered its adoption "from above", the teachers did not dare to take the initiative. So the problem of monitoring in kindergarten remained unresolved for many years.

After the release of the FGT to the structure of the main general education program preschool education» The concept of "monitoring" has firmly entered the practice of preschool educational institutions, requirements for monitoring the educational achievements of children were presented.

The newly emerging requirements have put teachers in difficult conditions: monitoring tools have not yet been developed, and it is already necessary to measure educational results. The methodological services of the preschool education system were puzzled by the selection of suitable diagnostic methods. Then they began to appear guidelines for monitoring. Today, along with special manuals of the authors of complex programs, many systems for monitoring the personal qualities of children and mastering the educational program by children are published (Afonkina Yu.A., Veraksa NE. and Veraksa AN., Vereshchagina N.V., Kalacheva L.D., Prokhorova L.N. and others).

However, books on this issue raised more and more questions, since practitioners did not always understand the principle of determining a set of methods and the very mechanism of monitoring research.

In the pedagogical environment, as a result, the level of anxiety, uncertainty of educators in

their actions, formed a negative attitude towards the monitoring procedure itself.

Lack of understanding of the need for monitoring, too complicated methods, uncertainty of the steps for conducting diagnostics led to the formal implementation of this procedure and the arbitrary filling of the final tables that do not reflect the true picture of the effectiveness of the educational process. The results of such a “research”, beautifully packaged in graphs and tables, existed on their own and were in no way connected with common system work of the preschool educational institution: with planning, correction of deviations, work with families of pupils, etc. Indeed, monitoring in this form is not needed by anyone.

However, today it is difficult to imagine the educational process of a preschool institution without monitoring. Education focused on the development of each child, his uniqueness, abilities and inclinations obliges the teacher to know each child: his interests, opportunities and abilities, which is important for building an individual path for the development of the pupil together with the family, as well as for the competent design of the pedagogical process.

The recently appeared project of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education somewhat corrects the requirements of the previous document and concretizes the approaches to monitoring the educational achievements of children. Thus, in section III it is written: during the implementation of the Program, an assessment of the individual development of children can be carried out within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (clause 3.2.3.). And further: the results of pedagogical diagnostics

(monitoring) can be used exclusively to solve the problems of individualization of education and optimization of work with a group of children.

Below is the text regarding psychological diagnostics, which is carried out by qualified specialists and only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives).

As you can see, the concepts of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics (monitoring) quite rightly differ in the draft Federal State Educational Standard. The educator conducts only pedagogical diagnostics of the actual state and specific features of the subjects of pedagogical interaction, which is important for predicting their development trends as the basis for goal setting and designing the pedagogical process.

So, pedagogical monitoring precedes the planning of the educational process, it is necessary to determine the content of individual-group work with children. Diagnosis of the actual level of development of children, its dynamics underlies planning (the first version of the GEF draft).

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard clarifies that the targets of preschool education (social and normative characteristics of the child's possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education) should not be diagnosed and evaluated. In terms of content, they coincide with the integrative qualities of a personality (the social portrait of a graduate) described in the FGT for preschool education; their diagnosis was especially difficult for educators. Regulation of the Federal State Educational Standard

regarding the fact that the targets are not measured is completely fair.

Pedagogical monitoring, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, comes down to diagnosing the individual achievements of children in the process of implementing the Program. And the educator again faces questions related to the criteria and indicators of such monitoring, frequency, presentation of results, planning based on the results of monitoring. He is concerned about how applicable in the current situation are the methodological manuals on monitoring developed by the authors of exemplary basic general educational programs.

We will reveal our approach to the procedure of pedagogical monitoring and, perhaps, it will be of interest to the employees of preschool educational institutions. After the release of FGT to preschool education, we, like all teachers, were in search of simple, compact and informative measuring procedures that can be included in the pedagogical process, associated with it. So there was a system for monitoring the development of the program by children, closely related to planning. What can an educator evaluate in the process of pedagogical monitoring

individual development of children? - Only the personal educational results of each of them and the dynamics of their development: these are the knowledge, skills, skills of children, and ways of creative activity. These indicators in the humanistic educational model act not as goals, but as means that contribute to the development of the child's value orientations, his personal qualities.

New knowledge, skills and methods of activity acquired by a preschooler become important

steps in the development of new and new activities. As a child develops, he constantly strives for emancipation from an adult (all developmental crises are connected with this), but in real life, in his self-consciousness, he can feel his growing up only through the development of new ZUNs. In the process of mastering them, a value attitude towards them, a motivational sphere, is formed. It is important to create the opportunity for the child to realize his achievements (I know, I can), assert himself, build his behavior in new situations, using the mastered means and methods. It is knowledge, skills, ways of creative activity (the creative initiative of the pupil) in the process of mastering the Program by children that should be measured by monitoring procedures.

A few words about the frequency of such monitoring. According to order 655, preschool institutions determine the terms themselves, usually it takes place twice (beginning and end of the school year) or once (at the end of the school year). We believe that such timeframes do not allow regular follow-up educational achievements children (in this case, only a statement of the final result is possible). By the end of the year, much has already been forgotten by children, and if during the year the process of mastering the program by children at each stage of work on it was not monitored, then the results would be low. Moreover, not only with regard to "mastering the skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities", which are based on knowledge, but also in terms of personal qualities.

In our opinion, monitoring should be carried out more often: not once or twice a year, but on each topic.

In preschool institutions today, in accordance with the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process, the educational program is mastered by children by topic. So, during the year, 20-25 topics are planned in each age group, in the process of mastering which, i.e. according to the expected results of the development of the child for each day, it is convenient to monitor. This procedure should be carried out, including by parents (customers educational services), the first and main educators of their children, as defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and other documents. Recall that it is the parents who are responsible for raising children, and kindergartens are being created to help them in this activity, organizing the educational process and, accordingly, organizing the activities of parents in raising their own children together with the kindergarten.

Thus, the educator is obliged to constantly bring to parents information about the program of work with children on a specific topic and about the program of each working day. To do this, information about the content being studied and indicators are consistently placed in the parent corner, by which you can check the assimilation of the program by each of the children.

Organizing the educational process on a particular topic, the teacher draws up a monitoring map (table) in advance, in which he records the successes or failures of any of the children. During the day (if possible, on other days), with direct or indirect contact with children, the teacher puts certain icons in

monitoring map. The monitoring card is drawn up in tabular form, where the first horizontal column is the names and surnames of the children, the next few columns are the indicators that are monitored (highlighted at the discretion of the educator from the content mastered by the children in areas - educational areas), as the most significant of the content of the topic. Other options for the structure of monitoring maps are also possible. But the main job of monitoring the development of the program by children is performed by parents.

The map of monitoring the success of the development of the topic

(subject is indicated)

List of children of the group Physical development Positive - but - speech Social and personal Artistic aesthetic


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2

As can be seen from the table, in four areas (educational areas) of a child's development - physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal and artistic - aesthetic (and in 10 educational areas - cultural practices, respectively), the criteria

assessments: knowledge, skills, creative initiative.

On what basis are these criteria identified? The theoretical basis was the ideas of our domestic didacticists I.Ya. Lerner, M.N. Skatkina and V.V. Kraevsky regarding the content of education, its four-component structure (knowledge, skills, ways of creative activity and value attitude to the world).

In the logic of reasoning, we presented the topic as part of the cultural content through which the mentioned components are formed in the personal experience of the pupil. The content of the topic contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children. For example, the topic: "Hometown": the child learns about the city and understands its significance for himself; acquires the skills and abilities of normative actions and behavior in the city, while showing a value attitude towards it; learns to self-determine, to show creativity and initiative, without violating the norms and without destroying the space surrounding him in the city. Therefore, the teacher needs to monitor

the formation of these structures in the personality of the pupil.

So, based on the four-component content structure, we have identified three criteria. Fourth, the value attitude to the world is difficult to identify separately from all three criteria, it is organically woven into their composition. How can you see the value attitude of the child within the framework of the topic being studied? Its manifestations can be seen in the reflection of knowledge - not only in speech, but also in facial expressions, gestures,

intonation, as well as in relation to work - in its quality, as well as in how the child reacts to non-standard situations: solves the problem with interest and desire. As a result, they form personal qualities pupils that meet the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Let's return to the table. For example, in physical development, we note the formation of three components in children (knowledge, skills, skills and ways of creativity) in the studied content in the educational areas "Health" (number 1) and "Physical culture" (number 2). Opposite the child's surname, some of the icons appear (+ full formation), (+/- incomplete, inaccurate perception), (- lack of formation). So, according to the program “From Birth to School” (topic “Spring”, senior group), students of advanced training courses identified the following measured indicators in the direction: “Physical development”:

F.R. (physical development)

1- Features of the body - the rhythm of life: the need for sleep and rest, business, nutrition:

Information from the sports life of the country;

2- Ability to dress according to the weather, dry clothes;

The ability to throw the ball swing from behind the head, the ability to jump;

3- Interest in sports games (initiative, participation);

Independent organization of familiar outdoor games;

Indicators for the other three areas (areas) are determined by analogy. All indicators are recorded on the back of the monitoring card or on a separate sheet, which is convenient for monitoring the dynamics

development of children from topic to topic and the educator and parents.

Such monitoring of children's achievement of the planned results of mastering the Program is compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the FGT for preschool education (now also the Federal State Educational Standard), allows you to assess the dynamics of children's achievements, is carried out by low formalized methods, and allows you to get a sufficient amount of information in the optimal time frame. The content of the monitoring is closely connected with educational programs for the education and upbringing of children.

In addition, as practice has shown, such an approach to monitoring the development of the program by children (by topic) makes it possible to achieve the maximum quality of children's educational achievements. Thanks to the maintenance of a monitoring map, the educator can: 1) identify lags in the development of the topic by children and timely carry out corrective work with them in the preschool educational institution (there is a place for an individual GCD in the plan); 2) actively involve parents in the educational process (contacts, training, continuous monitoring, assignments, etc.);

3) to make the parent corner an effective means of communication between teachers and parents;

4) not to miss even one child, to provide targeted assistance to each family in organizing activities with children at home;

5) be creative in planning and organizing the educational process.

The presence of a monitoring map that really reflects the level of actual development of children allows the educator to easily determine the direction and content of individually differentiated

work with children and their parents. Information about each of the pupils, daily entered into the map during the study of the topic, is necessary to optimize work with a group of children, plan the educational process in the “zone” of their proximal development, taking into account the potential and capabilities of each child.

Based on the results of the implementation of the program for a specific age group and on the basis of continuous recording of the successes of children in monitoring maps, one can see the results of the joint work of teachers and parents. Using the cards, it is easy to calculate the percentage of mastering the program by each child and draw up a general picture of the quality of the educational process in a group of pupils, which, taking into account all the recommendations, will be as high as possible.

Thus, the achievement of a high level of education quality, starting from preschool age - the first level of the education system (in accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"), is associated not only with changes in its goals, content, forms of organization, but also in the organization of monitoring procedures.

Monitoring can and should become essential element educational system, its organization and planning, in the presence of a certain technology for its implementation.

Bibliography 1. Korotkova N.A., Nezhnov P.G. 2005. Age standards and monitoring the development of preschoolers [Text] / N.A. Korotkova, P.G. Nezhnov // Child in kindergarten. No. 3, No. 4.

2. Monitoring in a modern kindergarten [Text]: Methodological guide / Ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. -M. 2008. 64 p.

3. Popova V.R. 2012. Planning the educational activities of subjects - an effective way to implement FGT in the practice of preschool education [Text] // Collection of materials of the First Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Education and Education of Young Children" (October 26-27, 2011, Moscow). M. C 372-393.

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation(Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated November 23, 2009 N 655 "On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education."

5. Rybalova I. A. 2005. Monitoring the quality of education and the management team in preschool educational institutions [Text] / IA. Rybalova // Management of the preschool educational institution. No. 4.

6. Modern didactics: theory - practice [Text] / Ed. AND I. Lerner, I.K. Zhuravlev. M. 1994.

7. Federal state educational standard for preschool education (draft).


based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring)

development by children of the educational program of preschool education

MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 4 "Fairy Tale"

for 2015-2016 academic year (end of academic year)

Base : Order "On conducting pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring)" dated April 12, 2016 No. 141.

Target: determining the level of development of the educational program, studying the dynamics of achievements by pupils in all areas of development, building an educational trajectory, predicting pedagogical work with children, determining the effectiveness of educational activities.

Date: 18.04-27.04. 2016

Educators: E.N. Tajieva; T.A.Fomenko

Amount of children: 23

Pedagogical diagnostics was carried out on the basis of conversation, observation, analysis of products of children's activities and diagnostic tasks.

Educational areas

Diagnostic methods


Physical development

Assessment of physical fitness - G. Leskova

Physio instructor

Diagnosis of the development of children's play - N.F. Komarova;


cognitive development

Diagnostics of the development of cognitive processes - G.A.Uruntaeva, Yu.A.Afonkina


Speech development

Methods of studying speech in children from 3 to 7 years old O.S. Ushakova;

Learning to speak correctly - T.A. Tkachenko;

Album for a speech therapist - O. B. Inshakova


Diagnostic materials were developed in accordance with the recommendations of T.S. Komarova; T.N. Doronova

Diagnostics of the musical development of a preschool child M.B. Zatsepina;


Musical director


About the children's achievement of the planned results

mastering the educational program of preschool education


clause 2.11.1., clause 3.2.3. GEF DO

Total children: 25

Development levels











Physical development




Socio-communicative development



cognitive development



Speech development



Artistic and aesthetic development





Speech development

Quantitative Analysis

Children examined: 25

B - 8 (32%)

C - 17 (68%)

H - 0(0%)

Qualitative analysis:Children develop structure simple sentence, compound and complex sentences are actively used. They can communicate with an adult on topics that go beyond the immediate perceived situation.



Planned works

Expected Result

Vitaly K.,

Xenia P.,

Zoya M.,

Yura S.,

Timur Sh.,

Rail S.,

Violetta H.

Less active children do not show high initiative in communication, but willingly respond to look at the picture, play with the toy.

Difficulty in retelling literary works, in independent stories based on plot pictures. Vocabulary is poor.

Makes grammatical errors and errors in sound pronunciation, errors in the definition of sound in a word. Difficulties in choosing an adjective for a noun.

Retelling of literary works.

Didactic speech games for development

attention, phonemic hearing, the selection of speech sounds, the selection of adjectives for nouns, synonyms, etc. Stimulate the manifestation of one's own speech activity. Encourage children to ask questions Improve articulation. Improvement of monologue speech.

Exercise children in the correct use of mastered grammatical forms for accurate expression of thoughts.

Learning the sound analysis of words.

The child is quite good at oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a communication situation, highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy

cognitive development

Quantitative Analysis

Children examined: 25

B - 10 (40%)

C - 15 (60%)

H - 0 (0%)

Qualitative Analysis

. Children have mastered different ways interactions with other people. They learn to notice the emotional state of others, show attention and sympathy. Children strive for independence, use the available knowledge in various productive activities.

Children develop deeper knowledge about the world around them, they learn to compare objects, classify them according to one or more characteristics.



Planned work

Expected Result

Xenia P.,

Timur Sh.,

Rail S.,

Yana U.

Violetta H.

Kirill D.,

Ilya Z.

Children who have shown a low level of development show interest in tasks, but they cannot independently analyze a visual task. They have a decrease cognitive activity.

Enrich children's tactile experience with objects.

Continue to enrich the life experience of children by expanding their understanding of the world of people, objects, and the natural world.

To promote the development of children's skills to classify objects according to common characteristics.

Continue work to improve the content of the pedagogical process.

Socio-communicative development

Quantitative Analysis

Children examined: 25

B - 13 (52%)

C - 12 (48%)

H - 0 (0%)

Qualitative Analysis

They have an idea of ​​the rules of the culture of behavior and perform them in a familiar environment, but in new conditions they may experience constraint, need for support and guidance from adults. They are sensitive to the assessment of their actions and deeds, refrain from repeating actions negatively assessed by adults. In communication, they strive for coordinated actions. Exercise basic self-control. Attentive to the emotional state of others, show sympathy. They are persistent in achieving results.



Planned work

Expected Result

Timur Sh.,

Xenia P.,

Yura S.,

Glory Ch.


Gleb Sh.,

Matthew B.

Reduced speech activity, role repertoire is poor.

Sometimes there are conflicts.

Carry out educational work to expand the play experience of children.

give Special attention the formation of positive relationships between children in the game, the ability to negotiate,use etudes and exercises aimed at relieving emotional tension in all types of activities,


create and play situations that contribute to the development of verbal communication, the ability to focus on the emotional state of others.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Quantitative Analysis

Children examined: 25

B - 9 (36%)

C - 15 (60%)

H - 1 (4%)

Qualitative Analysis

Children show interest and need to communicate with the beautiful in the world and works of art, experience the joy of meeting with him. They see the characteristic signs of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

There are types of art according to their genres, means of expression. They have an idea about the creative work of artists, sculptors, graphic artists, see the peculiarities of the creative manner of some of them.

They can independently and purposefully examine works of art, correlate what they perceive with their experience, feelings and ideas. Communicate about perceived with peers, adults.

They use means of expression, skills and abilities in their own activities to create an expressive image. Show independence, initiative and creativity.

Children with high mastering the program - 9 (36%).

Children with an average levelmastering the program - 15 (60%).

Children lowmastering the program - 1 (4%).

Planned work:

  • viewing paintings and illustrations by various artists to develop the expression of one's feelings, emotions and aesthetic perception;
  • the use of decorative applied arts to develop interest in beauty;
  • work with parents on the formation of aesthetic perception in children.

Predicted result:

Distinguishes works visual arts(painting, book graphics, folk decorative art, sculpture).

Highlights expressive means in different types of art (form, color, color, composition).

Knows the features of visual materials.

Drawing. Creates images of objects (from nature, according to representation); plot images.

Uses a variety of compositional solutions, visual materials.

Uses different colors and shades to create expressive images.

Performs patterns based on folk arts and crafts, years.

Modeling. Sculpt objects of different shapes, using learned techniques and methods.

Creates small plot compositions, conveying the proportions, poses and movements of the figures.

Creates images based on folk toys.

Application. Depicts objects and creates simple plot compositions, using a variety of techniques for cutting and tearing paper.

General conclusion: analysis of the results obtained at the beginning of the school year made it possible to determine that the level of development of children in all types of children's activities is at a low level.

Due to the introduction of both modern health-saving and educational technologies into the educational process, it will increase the level of development of children in all types of children's activities by the end of the year.

Pedagogical monitoring for senior preschool age

The monitoring system contains 5 educational areas corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013: “Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development ”, “Physical development”, which makes it possible to comprehensively assess the quality of educational activities in a group and, if necessary, individualize it in order to achieve a sufficient level of mastering the content of the educational program of the institution by each child.

The assessment of the pedagogical process is related to the level of mastery of each child with the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas:

  1. score - the child cannot fulfill all the parameters of the assessment, the help of an adult is not accepted,
  2. points - the child, with the help of an adult, performs some assessment parameters,
  3. points - the child independently performs all the parameters of the assessment independently.

Tables of pedagogical diagnostics are filled out twice a year, unless otherwise provided in educational organization, - at the beginning and end of the school year (it is better to use pens of different colors), for a comparative analysis. The technology of working with tables is simple and includes 2 stages.

Stage 1. Opposite the last name and first name of each child, scores are put in each cell of the specified parameter, according to which the final indicator for each child is then calculated (average value = add all scores (by line) and divide by the number of parameters, round to tenths). This indicator is necessary for writing a characteristic for a particular child and for individual accounting of the intermediate results of mastering the educational program.

Stage 2. When all children have been diagnosed, then the final indicator for the group is calculated (average value = add all scores (in a column) and divide by the number of parameters, rounded to tenths. This indicator is necessary to describe group-wide trends

(in compensatory groups - to prepare for a group medical - psychological - pedagogical meeting), as well as to keep records of group-wide intermediate results of mastering the general educational program.

The two-stage monitoring system allows you to quickly find inaccuracies in the construction of the pedagogical process in the group and identify children with developmental problems. This allows timely development of individual educational routes for children and promptly provides psychological and methodological support to teachers. Normative developmental options can be considered the average value for each child or a group-wide developmental parameter greater than 3.8. The same parameters in the range of average values ​​from 2.3 to 3.7 can be considered indicators of problems in the development of the child of social or organic origin, as well as minor difficulties in organizing the pedagogical process in the group. Average values ​​less than 2.2 will indicate a pronounced discrepancy between the development of the child and age, as well as the need to adjust the pedagogical process in the group for this parameter of this educational area (The indicated intervals of average values ​​are advisory in nature, since they were obtained using the psychometric procedures, and will be updated as the results of monitoring of children of this age become available.)

The presence of mathematical processing of the results of pedagogical diagnostics of the educational process optimizes the storage and comparison of the results of each child and allows timely optimization of the pedagogical process in a group of children of an educational organization.

The pedagogical diagnostic toolkit is a description of those problematic situations, questions, assignments, observation situations that you use to determine the level of formation of a particular assessment parameter in a child. It should be noted that often during the period of pedagogical diagnostics, these situations, questions and instructions can be repeated in order to clarify the quality of the estimated parameter. This is possible when the child has been absent from the group for a long time or when there are discrepancies in the assessment of a certain parameter between teachers working with this group of children. Musical and physical education leaders, teachers additional education take part in the discussion of the achievements of the children of the group, but develop their own diagnostic criteria in accordance with their job description and the focus of educational activities.

It is important to note that each parameter of pedagogical assessment can be diagnosed by several methods in order to achieve a certain accuracy. Also, one problem situation can be aimed at assessing several parameters, including those from different educational areas.

The main diagnostic methods of the teacher of the educational organization:

  • observation
  • problematic (diagnostic) situation
  • conversation

Forms of pedagogical diagnostics:

  • individual
  • subgroup
  • group

Please note that the parameters being diagnosed can be expanded / shortened in accordance with the needs of a particular institution, so the description of pedagogical diagnostic tools in different educational organizations will be different. This is due to the different content of the developing environment of the institution, the different contingent of pupils, different priority areas of educational activities of a particular organization.

Examples of descriptions of tools for educational areas

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

  1. Tries to follow the rules of conduct in in public places, in communication with adults and peers, in nature.

Methods: observation in everyday life and in organized activities, a problematic situation.

Conduct form:individual, subgroup, group.

Exercise: to fix the style of behavior and communication of the child on a walk, in independent activity.

Material: Ant and Squirrel toys, a model of a forest with an anthill and a tree with a hollow.

Exercise: "Invite Ant to Squirrel for a visit"

  1. Can give a moral assessment of one's own and other people's actions/actions.

Methods: conversation, problematic situation.

Material: a quarrel between children.

Conduct form: subgroup.

Exercise: “What happened to you, why did you quarrel?” What do you feel? Why are you angry? Why is he crying?

  1. He has a preference in the game, the choice of types of work and creativity. Methods: observation (repeatedly).

Material: necessary materials for labor on the site, in a corner of nature, in game room, materials for drawing, modeling, applications, designing, various desktop and printed games.

Conduct form:individual, group.

Exercise: "Choose what you would like to do now"

Educational area "Cognitive development"

  1. Knows his first and last name, address of residence, names and surnames of parents, their profession.

Methods: conversation.

Conduct form:individual.

Exercise: “Tell me, please, what is your name? What is your last name? Where do you live? On which street? What is the name of the father / mother? Who do they work for?

  1. Distinguishes circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. Correlates volumetric and planar figures.

Methods: problematic situation.

Material: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval of the same color and different sizes, ball, cylinder, cube of different sizes.Conduct form:

Exercise: "Find what fits what in shape"

Educational area "Speech development"

1. Maintains a conversation, expresses his point of view, agreement / disagreement, uses all parts of speech. Selects adjectives for nouns, knows how to select synonyms. Methods:

Material: plot picture "Children in the sandbox", the situation of the children's answers to the questions of an adult.

Conduct form:individual, subgroup.

Exercise: "What are the children doing? How do you think a child in a striped cap feels? I think he is happy. Why do you think so? How can you tell what he is like?

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

1. Holds scissors correctly, uses a variety of cutting techniques.

Methods: problem situation, observation.

Material: scissors, sheets of paper with drawn contours.

Conduct form Exercise: "Cut it out the way it's drawn."

Educational area "Physical development"

1. Able to throw objects with his right and left hands at a vertical and horizontal target, beats and catches the ball.

Methods: problematic situation, observation in everyday life and organized activities.

Material: ball, basket, rack - goal.

Conduct form: individual, subgroup.

Exercise: “Hit the basket with the ball with your right hand, then with your left hand. Now let's try to get into the rack - the goal. Now we play the game "Catch the ball and beat it back."

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Narimanov district

"Secondary school No. 2"

Structural unit of preschool education "Skazka"

"Monitoring - the level of assimilation of educational areas"


Development is the process of formation of a person or personality, which takes place through the emergence at each stage of new qualities specific to a person, prepared by the entire previous course of development, but not contained in finished form at earlier stages.

(L.S. Vygotsky ).

The main task of the state educational policy of the Russian Federation in the context of the modernization of the education system is to ensure modern quality education, including preschool.

Quality of preschool education - a comprehensive characteristic expressing the degree of compliance of preschool education with the federal state educational standard (requirements for the structure of basic educational programs, the conditions for their implementation and the results of their development) . The system for monitoring the achievements of children in the planned results of mastering the Educational Program is an integral part of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution.

Monitoring should be based on:

- Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155);

The implemented basic general educational program of preschool education. Pedagogical monitoring is a form of organizing, collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of the pedagogical system, providing monitoring of its state, as well as making it possible to predict the development of the pedagogical system.

Pedagogical monitoring allows not only to quickly monitor the process and dynamics of educational activities, but also to correct it in a timely manner in case of a possible negative impact on the health and mental development of the child.

Purpose of monitoring : identifying the degree of compliance of the results of the activities of the preschool educational institution with the requirements of preschool education in accordance with federal state requirements.

As stated in the Federal State Educational Standard, the planned results of mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education by children are divided into final and intermediate.

Interim (current) assessment (conducted once every six months or a year) is a description of the dynamics of the formation of the integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of mastering the Program in all areas of children's development.

final grade performed when a child is released from kindergarten to school and includes a description of the integrative qualities of a graduate of a preschool educational institution. It is held annually in the group preparatory to school.

The monitoring system should provide a comprehensive approach to assessing the final and intermediate results of the development of the Program, and allow assessing the dynamics of children's achievements.

The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree of mastering the educational program by the child and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the development of the child.

Monitoring of the level of development of pupils is carried out twice a year (1.2 weeks of September and 3.4 weeks of May). In the middle of the school year, if necessary, an intermediate examination can be carried out in order to identify the features of the dynamics of the development of each child and make adjustments to individual correction programs. Educators and all involved in the monitoring

Monitoring of the educational process is carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program, and monitoring child development is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the development of the integrative qualities of the child.

The planned intermediate results of mastering the Program in the group preparatory to school coincide with the final results of mastering the Program.

Monitoring the development of the educational program is carried out by the teacher on the basis of observation and analysis of the products of children's activities. Table 1 is filled in during monitoring.

Here is the 1st monitoring table. It indicates: the educational area, methods, techniques with the indication of the authors, frequency and performers.

At first, such a table is developed. Methods will be selected by you in accordance with the Program being implemented. These can be test exercises, observations of children, conversations, analysis of children's work, etc.

Kindergarten group

Date of monitoring

Name, surname of the child

The level of mastering the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas


Phys. culture

Evaluation of the level of development:
1 point - most of the components are underdeveloped;
2 points - individual components are not developed;
3 points - corresponds to age;
4 points - high.

Monitoring table







Physical Culture

Test exercises, observations

2 p. in year.

September, May

Physical education instructor


Observations, conversation, analysis of diagnostic maps

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 p. in year.

September, May

Art. nurse, educators


Diagnostics (Criterion-oriented tasks of a non-test type), conversation

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 p. in year.

September, May



Observations, conversation, analysis of diagnostic maps. Criteria-oriented tasks of non-test type

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 p. in year.

September, May



observation, conversation.

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May


observation, conversation.

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May



observation, conversation.

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May



Conversation, observation.

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May



Observation, criteria-oriented tasks of non-test type

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May

Musical director

Artistic creativity

Analysis of children's work, observation.

Criteria according to the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May


2nd Table , helping to identify the qualities of the child's personality and the degree of their formation. It indicates: the object (integrative quality), content (according to the educational program), methodology, frequency, timing, performers.

In the process of monitoring, the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child are examined through observation of the child, conversations, expert assessments, criteria-oriented methods of a non-test type, criterion-oriented testing, etc.

Monitoring the achievement by children of the planned final results of the development of the Program

Content (according to the educational program)

Form (method/technique)





Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills

basic physical qualities ( strength, agility, flexibility, endurance …)

methodology for determining physical qualities and skills

2 times per year

September, May

Physical Education Instructor

need for physical activity


2 times per year

September, May

Physical Education Instructor

performing age-appropriate hygiene procedures


2 times per year

September, May

Physical Education Instructor

adherence to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle


2 times per year

September, May

Physical Education Instructor

Curious, active

interested in the new, unknown in the outside world


2 times per year

September, May


asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment


2 times per year

September, May


capable of acting independently Everyday life, in various types of children's activities).


2 times per year

September, May


In case of difficulty, seek help from an adult.

Creating a problem situation

2 times per year

September, May


takes a lively, interested part in the educational process;


2 times per year

September, May


Emotionally responsive

responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends


2 times per year

September, May


empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories.

observation, conversation

2 times per year

September, May


emotionally reacts to works of fine art, musical and artistic works, the natural world;


2 times per year

September, May


Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers.

adequately uses verbal and non-verbal means of communication


2 times per year

September, May


owns dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults (negotiates, exchanges objects, distributes actions in cooperation)

Diagnostic technique in accordance with the implemented program

2 times per year

September, May


is able to change the style of communication with an adult or a peer, depending on the situation;

2 times per year

September, May


Able to manage their behavior and plan their actions based on primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior

The behavior of the child is mainly determined not by momentary desires and needs, but by the requirements of adults and primary value ideas about "what is good and what is bad"

observation, creation of problem situations

2 times per year

September, May


The child is able to plan his actions aimed at achieving specific purpose


2 times per year

September, May


Follows the rules of conduct on the street ( road rules), in public places (transport, shop, clinic, theater, etc.);

observation, creation of problem situations

2 times per year

September, May


Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) adequate to age

the child can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve ready-made tasks (problems) set by both adults and himself

observation, creation of problem situations

2 times per year

September, May


depending on the situation, it can transform the ways of solving problems (problems).

observation, creation of problem situations

2 times per year

September, May


the child is able to offer his own idea and translate it into a drawing, building, story, etc.

observation, creation of problem situations, analysis of children's work

2 times per year

September, May


Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature

has an idea about himself, his own belonging and the belonging of other people to a certain gender;


2 times per year

September, May


has an idea about the composition of the family, kinship and relationships, the distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world;


2 times per year

September, May


has an idea about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world;


2 times per year

September, May


has an idea of ​​the world;


2 times per year

September, May


Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activity:

ability to follow the rules

ability to model

listening to an adult

ability to follow adult instructions

Diagnostics according to Novotortseva

1 time per year




1 time per year


Psychologist, educator

Child development monitoring

Kindergarten group

Date of monitoring

Monitoring the achievement of intermediate results of mastering the Program by children of _______________________ groups







































In the course of monitoring child development, educators, with the participation of specialists and a medical worker, fill out tables 3.1. – 3.4. Then a summary table of the results of monitoring child development is filled in (Table 4).

The main goal of the work of the teaching staff is the formation and education of a healthy, comprehensively developed and educated personality of the child, ready to study at school, able to successfully adapt in society under rapidly changing living conditions.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that all educational work with preschoolers be built on a diagnostic basis, differentiated, taking into account the individual characteristics, capabilities and interests of each child.

The following methods are used for monitoring:

Observation, Experiment 3. Conversation; 4. Survey; 5. Questioning; 6. Analysis of products of activity; 7. Comparative analysis.

When organizing monitoring, the position of L. S. Vygotsky on the leading role of education in child development is taken into account, so it includes two components: monitoring the educational process and monitoring child development. Monitoring of the educational process is carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program, and monitoring of child development is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the development of the child's integrative qualities.

Monitoring of the educational process (integrative quality "Having mastered the necessary skills")

Monitoring of the educational process (monitoring of the development of the educational program) is carried out by teachers who conduct classes with preschoolers. It is based on the analysis of children's achievement of intermediate results of the educational program. With the help of monitoring tools of the educational process, it is possible to assess the degree of advancement of a preschooler in the educational program. The form of monitoring is mainly the observation of the child's activity during various periods of stay in a preschool institution, the analysis of the products of children's activities and special pedagogical tests (didactic games, tasks, conversations using stimulus material) organized by the teacher. The educator monitors the educational areas: Health, Physical Education, Socialization, Labor, Safety, Cognition (constructive activity, formation of a holistic picture of the world), Artistic creativity. The music director monitors the educational area - Music. A teacher-defectologist diagnoses preschoolers in educational areas: Cognition ( sensory development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts), Communication, Reading fiction. Data on the results of monitoring are entered into special tables for educational areas within the framework of the educational program (tables 1.1-1.4) and an individual map of the child's development. The analysis of development maps makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program and the organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group. In the course of monitoring, a summary table of results is filled in (Table 2).

Monitoring of child development (development of integrative qualities)

Monitoring of child development (monitoring of the development of integrative qualities) is carried out by teachers of a preschool institution and a medical worker. The main task of this type of monitoring is to identify the individual characteristics of the development of each child and, if necessary, to outline an individual route of educational work to maximize the potential of the child's personality.

Monitoring of child development is carried out using the method of observation, criteria-based diagnostic techniques and test methods. Based on the methods carried out, a individual card development of each child and builds an individual development trajectory.

For diagnostic examination, control tasks are offered, which in most cases are organized as final lessons, collective work of children. This form of diagnostics saves time for teachers. The success of the assimilation of program material also takes place in the process of observing pupils in the classroom and in their free activities.

The data obtained are entered into tables for each section of the program. They reflect the progress of each child in the group.

33 The child looks at pictures with different types of transport. Task: sort the pictures by type of transport (passenger, freight, special vehicles).

34 The child looks at the pictures and compares them. Tasks: compare objects and name those that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life and create comfort; arrange all the pictures in pairs (a broom and a vacuum cleaner, a washboard and washing machine etc.)

35 The child looks at the pictures. Questions: - What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals.) - Look, the forest is empty, let's populate it with animals. Tell me what you know about each of them. The child alternately “populates” the animals in the forest, answering the teacher’s questions about their life in the forest and habits. - What does it eat? (Mushrooms, nuts.) - What helps her to deftly move through the trees? - What helps her to escape from enemies? - What protects from the cold? (Winter coat, fluffy tail.) - What does a hare eat? - How does he escape from enemies? (Confuses traces, changes color.)

36-37 The child examines the pictures, names the objects and answers the questions: Lemon - what kind? (Yellow, juicy, sour.) Christmas tree - what? (Tall, green, prickly.)

: You can say the same thing in different but similar words. Such words are called close in meaning or words-"friends". Come up with "friends" words for the following words: 1. Blizzard (blizzard, snowstorm, blizzard). 2. Funny (funny, amusing, comical). 3. Sad (unhappy, sad). 4. Hurry up (hurry up)

39 The child examines subject pictures and arranges them so that in one pile there are words with the sound [a] at the beginning, in the other - with the sound [a] in the middle of the word. Why are there extra pictures? (The child should say that there is a picture with the image of a mountain ash, because the sound [a] is neither at the beginning of the word, nor in the middle.) Task: Think of a word for any given sound, for example: sound [m]. Think of a word so that the given sound is in the middle (at the end) of the word

When filling out diagnostic tables, it is possible to conduct a "horizontal" (conclusions for each child) and "vertical" (conclusions on the tasks of the section) analysis. Thus, teachers see what should be paid special attention to when planning the educational process, how to build individual work with children.

The data for each section is entered into a summary table. This is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the fulfillment of program requirements. The table indicates the percentage of assimilation of the program by children (high and medium level). Making a summary table of ZUN for a preschool institution allows you to compare the success of work in parallel age groups, evaluate the results for each section of the program of the entire kindergarten

47 The basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity have been formed.

    Independently performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures, observes the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle. Physical

    Interested in the new, unknown in the surrounding world (the world of objects and things, the world of relationships and his inner world).

Asks questions to an adult, likes to experiment. Able to act independently (in everyday life, in various types of children's activities).

    When in trouble, seek help from an adult. Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process

    Able to solve intellectual and personal problems -

Can apply independently acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new tasks (problems) set by both adults and themselves; depending on the situation, it can transform the ways of solving problems (problems). It is able to offer its own idea and embody it in a drawing, construction, story, etc.

    Emotionally responsive - Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends. Empathizes with the characters of fairy tales, stories, stories.

Responds emotionally to works of fine art, music and art, the natural world

    Having primary ideas about himself, about the family - Has ideas about himself, his own belonging and the belonging of other people to a certain gender; about the composition of the family, kinship and relationships, the distribution of family responsibilities, family traditions; about society, its cultural values; about the state and belonging to it; about the world.

Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activity - Able to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

49 For a more complete assimilation of the program material, it is necessary to include differentiated work in the planning of work, both in perspective and in daily work, to achieve high results, teachers, in the classroom to use various forms and methods of teaching and raising children, tasks for the development of logic, the ability to generalize, compare, draw conclusions, search tasks, problem situations, schemes, entertaining tasks and tasks - jokes that develop didactic games, puzzles, experimental tasks, experiments, game tasks. Based on the individual characteristics and level of development of each child, they offer tasks of varying degrees of complexity.

To maintain interest in learning activities, game, traditional and non-traditional forms, methods and techniques of teaching are actively used. Successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by children in all sections of the program is possible only with the implementation of a comprehensive, personality-oriented approach to each child, with the interaction of kindergarten teachers. The results of the diagnostics will point to a “falling” link, as a result of which one of the annual tasks of the institution’s work on next year will improve this direction.

Monitoring of the educational process

Monitoring of the educational process (monitoring of the development of the educational program) is carried out by teachers who conduct classes with preschoolers. It is based on an analysis of the achievement of intermediate results by children, which are described in each section of the educational program.

The assessment of the results of the development of preschool children is based on the development indicators compiled in accordance with the FGT for fourdevelopment directions:

On the physical development of children;

On the social and personal development of children;

On the cognitive and speech development of children;

On the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

In each of the directions, indicators of the level of mastering the necessary skills and abilities in the main educational areas are evaluated.

The readiness of children for school is also assessed (child development map -preschooler).

Diagnostics of children in the main areas of the program is carried out twice during the academic year (September, April-May).

In speech therapy groups, children are examined in the main areas of the program three times during the academic year (September, January, May).

Diagnostics of the neuropsychic development of young children is carried out three times during the school year (November, February, May).

Diagnostics of the readiness of children of the preparatory group for school is carried out twice in the academic year: in October - intermediate testing,in March - the final testing and filling out the "Map of the development of a preschool child."

With the help of monitoring tools of the educational process, it is possible to assess the degree of advancement of a preschooler in the educational program. The form of monitoring is mainly the observation of the child's activity during various periods of stay in a preschool institution, the analysis of the products of children's activities and special pedagogical tests organized by the teacher. Data on the monitoring results are entered into a special child development card as part of the educational program.

The analysis of development maps makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational program and the organization of the educational process in the kindergarten group.

Monitoring the development of the educational program is carried out by the teacher on the basis of observation and analysis of the products of children's activities. During monitoring, table No. 1 is filled in

Table No. 1 Monitoring of the educational process

Name of the child

The level of mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in the main educational areas.


Physical Culture






Reading fiction

Artistic creativity


Final result

Evaluation of the level of development:

    score - most of the components are underdeveloped;

    score - individual components are not developed;

    score-corresponds to age;

    score is high.

Physical development

Educational area:

"Physical development",


Psychological diagnostics

Criteria physical development

preschool children,

formulated in accordance with FGT in the program "

educatorsgroups, Methodists



BocharovaN.I."Assessment of motor preparednesschildren"

FIZO instructor



Assessment of the level of physical fitness of children(Ministry of Education)

Methodology "Assessment of psychomotor development" by N. O. Ozeretsky and N. I. Gurevich

Physio instructor, head nurse

Teacher - psychologist



September, May

Social and personal development

Educational area:




The criteria for the social and personal development of preschool children are formulated in accordance with the FGT in the program "From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

educatorsgroups, Methodists




Methodology "Study of gaming activity" (a modified version of the methodology of R. R. Kalinina)

Methodology "Assessing yourself in time"

(A modified version of the technique of I. E. Valitova)

Method "Pictures"

(modified version of the methodology of E. O. Smirnova, V. M. Kholmagorova)

Methodology "Conversation"

(modified version of the methodology of E. O. Smirnova, V. M. Kholmogorova)

Methodology "My future profession"

Method "Intelligibility"

(proposed by E. O. Smirnova, V. M. Holomogorova)

Diagnosis of the level of formation of gaming skills Kalinina R.R.

educatorsgroups, Methodists



McCartney Childhood Ability Scales

Educational psychologist

September October

April May

Diagnostics of the level of development of communicative abilities in children of senior preschool age

Diagnosis of the formation of the structure of the plot-role-playing game.

Examining the child's self-assessment over time

Examining the level of awareness conflict situations and ways to resolve them.

The study of ideas about the emotional states or social experiences of a peer and one's own.

The study of ideas about the preferred profession and the structure of the professional activity.

Learning the ability to resolve problem situations.

Educational psychologist

Educational psychologist

Cognitive-speech development.

Educational area: "Cognition", "Communication", "Fiction"

Methodology "Composing" Fairy Tales "(a modified version of the methodology of O. M. Dyachenko)

Methodology "Questions to pictures"

(modified version of I. A. Burlakova's method)

Methodology "Speech abilities" (modified version of the developments of S. V. Malanov)

Methodology "Ability for sign-symbolic activity" (a modified version of the developments of S. V. Malanov)

Methodology "Communication Skills" (modified version of the questionnaire "Communication Skills" (modified version of the questionnaire by L. V. Kuznetsova, M. A. Panfilova and co-authors)

Methodology "The form of communication between a child and an adult" (E. O. Smirnova)

Methodology "Perception of literary works"

The criteria for the cognitive development of preschool children are formulated in accordance with the FGT in the program "From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

The study of the characteristics of the child's imagination on verbal material)

The study of the cognitive activity of the child.

The study of the functions of speech as a manifestation of speech abilities.

The study of the ability to use sign-symbolic means.

Learning the child's skills with adults and learning

Identification of the leading form of communication between a child and an adult.

The study of emotional behavior in the perception of a literary work.

group educators,Methodists


Kolesnikova E.V. Level detectionnya mathematical development of children

Chudnova R.P. "The study of mathematical knowledge and skills of children"



Wexler D. Diagnostics of the Cognitive Sphere

Educational psychologist


Venger L. A. Diagnostics of the mental development of preschoolers

Educational psychologist


Zabramnaya S.D. Diagnostics of mental activity

Educational psychologist


Istomin. Diagnostics of memory properties

Educational psychologist


Diagnostics to identify the intellectual development of Goodenough-Harrison

Educational psychologist


Methodology "

Ushakova O.S.

Diagnostics speech development


Makarova V.N., Stavtseva E.A., Edakova M.N.« Learning Speech »

Makarova V.A., Stavtseva E.A.

"Diagnostics of speech development of childrensenior preschool age "

Senior educator, teachers-experimenters


Artistic and aesthetic development

Educational area: "Music", "Artistic creativity"

The criteria for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children are formulated in accordance with the FGT in the program "From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Additional teachers education, music directors,


"Artistic Creativity"

Komarova T. S. Revealing the level of development of fine skills

Teacherfor fine arts


Merzlyakova S.I. "Level assessment of the musical development of children"


Kostina E.P. "Analysis of the quality of mastering the alphabet by children of 4-7 levels of musical education"

"Music" - choreography

Burenina A.I. "Diagnosis of the level of musical and psychomotor development of the child"



readinesschildrento learningat school

Map of the development of a preschool child.

senior caregivereducatorsgroups

1.Amthauer test

2.Jrasek-Kern method

3. Methods of Gutkina N.I.

- “Krugozor”, “House”,

- "Magic glasses",

- "Fairy tale and toys",

- "House"

- "Woodpecker", "Yes and no", "Sound hide and seek".

4. Tsekhanskaya L.I. "Pattern"

5. Elkonin D.B. "Graphic Dictation"

6. Venger A.L. "Drawing by dots"

7.Zak A.Z. "Postman"

8. Kostikova M.N. "Methodology for determining readiness for schooling"

9. Ginzburg M.R. "Methodology for determining the motives of teaching"


September-October, April-May


emotional development

1. Projective techniques: - "Cactus", "Family drawing", "House - tree - man", "Non-existent animal"

2.Temmla, Dorki, Amen test to detect anxiety

3. Test - Zakharov's questionnaire to identify fears.

Methodology "Test of time perspective" (a modified version of the methodology of I. E. Valitova)

Methodology "Awareness of actions" (a modified version of the methodology of E. O. Smirnova);

Method "Bad and good child"(modified by A. M. Parishioners, Z. Vasilyaukaite);

Methodology "Volitional activity" (modified version of Sh. N. Chkhartishvili's method);

Methodology "Volitional manifestations" (a modified version of the methodology of N. A. Tsyrkun, E. A. Panko)

Methodology "Emotional sphere of the child" (a modified version of the methodology of V. M. Minaeva)

Methodology "Child in the classroom";

Methodology "Abilities of your child" (a modified version of the questionnaire L. G. Matveeva, I. V. Vyboyshchik D. E. Myakushkina).


During a year


Early age

Pechora K.Ya., Pantyukhina S.V., Golubeva L.G. Diagnosis of neuropsychic development

head nurse, group educators, methodologists

Child development monitoring

Monitoring of child development (monitoring of the development of integrative qualities) is carried out by teachers, educational psychologists and medical workers. The main task of this type of monitoring is to identify the individual characteristics of the development of each child and, if necessary, to outline an individual route of educational work to maximize the potential of the child's personality.

Monitoring of child development includes an assessment of the physical development of the child, the state of his health, as well as the development of general abilities: cognitive, communicative and regulatory.

Diagnostics of cognitive abilities includes diagnostics of perceptual development, intellectual development and creativity children.

Diagnosis of communication skills involves identifying the child's ability to understand the states and statements of another person in the observed situation, as well as express their attitude to what is happening in verbal and non-verbal form. Special attention is given to the diagnostics of the construction of the child's statement and the diagnostics of interpersonal relations within the group.

Diagnostics of regulatory abilities includes diagnostics of emotional and voluntary regulation of a child's behavior, in particular, emotional acceptance or rejection of the situation that has developed in a preschool institution, the ability to act, plan complex actions, and distribute roles and negotiate with partners in activities.

Monitoring of child development is carried out using the method of observation, criteria-based diagnostic techniques and test methods. On the basis of the methods carried out, an individual map of the development of each child is compiled and an individual development trajectory is built.

In the course of monitoring child development, a teacher-psychologist, with the participation of teachers and a medical worker, fills in table 2.

Table No. 2 Monitoring of child development

Name of the child

The level of development of integrative qualities

Physical development

Curiosity, activity

Emotionality, responsiveness

Mastering the means of communication and ways of interacting with peers

Ability to manage one's behavior and plan actions

Ability to solve intellectual and personal problems

Idea of ​​oneself, family, society, state, world and nature

Mastering the prerequisites for learning activities

Final result

Evaluation of the level of development:

1 point - most of the components are underdeveloped;

2 points - individual components are not developed;

3 points - corresponds to age;

4 points - high

The same diagnostic methods are used to monitor child development.

Traditionally, the result of the educational process is understood as the level of development of the child, reflecting increments in the physical, personal, intellectual, social development pupils; child's readiness for school.

To control the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, track the dynamics of the development of the pupil and his educational achievements, a special procedure is needed - monitoring.

The concept of "monitoring" in relation to the field of education means a system for organizing, collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of the educational system. Such a system provides continuous monitoring of the state of the pedagogical system and forecasting its development.

The essence of monitoring procedures is the continuity of monitoring the state of the educational system or its elements. The object of pedagogical monitoring is the results of education and the process of achieving them.

Monitoring, along with quality control and effectiveness of the educational process, involves an analysis of the causes of the identified discrepancies between the quality of the organization of the educational process and its structural elements (the level of mental and physical health of children, the nature of children's activities and the quality of the developing subject environment, the behavior of children and their relationships with each other, the attitude of the pupil to oneself and the level of formation of personal qualities, etc.); is aimed at finding ways to overcome them, making appropriate adjustments.

Purpose of monitoring in a preschool educational institution (organization) - identifying and assessing the level of a child's achievements in social-personal, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development according to the declared performance indicators (integrative personality traits, starting readiness for schooling) of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution; tracking the dynamics of the development of these qualities and the implementation on this basis of the psychological and pedagogical support of the child in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

Monitoring tasks: identification of the current level of development of the integrative qualities of the child's personality at each age stage, determination of the level of initial readiness for learning at the senior preschool age, identification of the level of mastering the content of the program; identifying the personal achievements of the child in the process of mastering the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution, developing an individual program for the psychological and pedagogical support of the child in accordance with the data obtained, implementing effective feedback in the system "supervisor - teacher - parent - child" to take adequate measures to regulate and predict development, improvement of the educational process.

In the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, it is noted that the system for monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the Program should provide an integrated approach to assessing intermediate and final results.

In connection with this requirement, with the help of monitoring in a preschool educational institution (organization), the following is studied:

- the quality of performance results (personal, physical and intellectual qualities of the child; the degree of mastering the educational program and educational achievements; the degree of readiness for schooling; satisfaction of different consumer groups with the activities of the educational institution);

- the quality of the educational process (the quality of educational activities carried out in the process of organizing children's activities; organizing independent activities of children; interaction with the family;

- the quality of the conditions for the activity of an educational institution: personnel potential, developing environment, etc.

Monitoring is carried out by the analytical and diagnostic group of a preschool educational institution (organization), which includes: the deputy head of educational work, educators, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a music director, an instructor in physical education, a specialist in visual activity, medical worker.

The subjects of psychological and pedagogical monitoring are educators; specialists of a preschool educational institution (speech therapist teacher, educational psychologist, music director, physical education instructor); parents.

Technological aspects of monitoring the personal development of preschool children

Three types of monitoring are used in the educational process:

- current, in the process of which the dynamics of the development of integrative personal qualities is monitored (current psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is carried out by the teacher of the group daily, according to the studied program material and the development of activities, according to age);

- intermediate, including tracking the current level of development of the integrative qualities of the child's personality, at each age stage. Moreover, the intermediate complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of child development is carried out once a year (May), at the end of each age period of 3, 4 years, 5, 6, 7 years;

- final, involving the determination of the final assessment of the level of development of the integrative qualities of the child's personality at the end of each age period, as well as the starting readiness of the child for school.

Examination of children of senior preschool age should be carried out in October, May of the current year and October, March preceding the child's entry to school.

The procedure of psychological and pedagogical assessment involves a two-level approach to the organization of monitoring.

First level the use of low-formalized methods used by the educator, the main of which is purposeful observation.

Second level - highly formalized methods used by specialists (tests, questionnaires, projective methods, etc.)

The final monitoring involves the use of multi-level methods, that is, a comprehensive system for assessing the level of development of the integrative qualities of the personality of children and starting readiness for school, etc. For example, studying and tracking the dynamics of the social and personal development of preschool children is carried out using the following methods:

- survey (conversation, interview);

- observation (included and not included, open and hidden, direct and indirect);

- natural, psychological-pedagogical and laboratory experiment;

- problem situations;

- the method of expert assessments in the ranking of personal qualities;

- sociometry;

- analysis of products of children's activities;

- projective methods (unfinished sentences, text interpretation, drawing tests);

- game tasks.

Forms of fixing the results of monitoring can be: a notebook of individual meetings; "health portfolio"; diagnostic cards, analytical sheets; maps of children's readiness for school, etc.

It is advisable to organize pedagogical monitoring in stages:

- organizational and preparatory, during which the creation of a program and the development of a procedure for psychological and pedagogical monitoring to identify the effective indicators of mastering the educational program take place;

- diagnostic, during which diagnostic information is collected;

- analytical and prognostic, including the formulation of a pedagogical diagnosis, the determination of the goals and content of work with the pupil, the development of psychological and pedagogical support for the child;

- correctional and educational, ensuring the implementation of programs, their current correction, tracking the dynamics of the child's development;

- results-analytical, aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the results of monitoring procedures, improving their organization and quality (correction of the monitoring procedure).

The result of psychological and pedagogical monitoring will be a comprehensive assessment of the formation of the integrative qualities of the individual in accordance with age and development of the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution, starting opportunities for school readiness.

The federal state requirements for the main general educational program of preschool education offer a list of integrative qualities of the child's personality, which he can acquire in the process of familiarization with different types of culture, internalization of cultural values ​​and cultural creativity:

- physically developed, having mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills;

- inquisitive, active;

- emotionally responsive;

- mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers;

- able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;

- able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age;

- having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature;

- who has mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to work according to the rule and according to the model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions, etc.

Exemplary general education programs containing an invariant component of the standard of preschool education are focused on obtaining, as educational results, those qualities that are defined in federal requirements. At the same time, each of them offers different options for describing the organizational and methodological aspects of monitoring in kindergarten (development and use of express diagnostics, complex diagnostic tasks, timing and frequency of monitoring in different age groups, options for the participation of specialists in studying the achievements of children and etc.)

Example: Invariant component of monitoring

The use of monitoring in the educational process of a preschool educational institution allows:

- ensure continuous (rather than episodic, as in the usual practice of control) collection of information about the object of control;

- makes it possible to study the object according to the same criteria in order to identify the dynamics of changes;

-provides compactness, minimality of measuring procedures and optimality of their inclusion in the educational process.

Preschool education as an educational process.

Basic concepts: pedagogical process, essence, structure and main components, integrity of the pedagogical process, subject-subject interaction - the basis for constructing the pedagogical process, the originality of the organization of the pedagogical process, planning.

In preschool pedagogy, the pedagogical process is viewed as a purposeful, meaningfully rich and organized interaction between adults and children. The pedagogical process is a certain system, the components of which are the content, means, methods, forms of interaction between adults and children (B.T. Likhachev). The word “process” testifies to the length in time, and the word “pedagogical” - to the focus on transforming the personality of a person (child). The pedagogical process has a goal, content, activity and result. The pedagogical process of the kindergarten as a system focused on the holistic development of the individual, his abilities and creativity. The concept of "pedagogical process" in the special literature is used in a broad and narrow sense.

The pedagogical process in a preschool institution in a broad sense is a set of all conditions, means, methods aimed at solving one global problem. For example: the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution is aimed at the comprehensive upbringing and development of the child. In addition to the global task, the pedagogical process can also be directed to the content of some narrow specific task (moral, aesthetic education). The teacher helps to solve these problems. various methods, means, forms of organization. The specific tasks of the pedagogical process are interrelated, implemented and solved against the background of other tasks of upbringing and development of the individual, since the pedagogical process has integrity, commonality and unity.

The pedagogical process has three stages: preparatory, main and final (IP Podlasy). At the preparatory stage of the pedagogical process, the goal and specific tasks are determined, methods of influence are planned and selected, taking into account the main task, the age of the children and the concept of education (at the present stage, this is the concept of a student-centered approach, which implies the observance by the educator of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child). At the second (main) stage, pedagogical interaction between the child and the educator is carried out, constant operational monitoring of intermediate results is carried out. Operational control helps to detect deviations and errors in education and immediately make adjustments, make changes and additions to the implementation of the solution of educational and educational tasks. In this case, the teacher must take into account the feedback - the child's response to the impact. At the third (final) stage, the results are analyzed and the causes of shortcomings in education are determined.

The principles of constructing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution:

- even the age capabilities of children based on their interests;

- solution of educational and educational tasks in their unity;

- taking into account the provision on the leading activity, its change and the compensatory relationship of different types of activity in a single pedagogical process;

- the implementation of the interaction of the educator with the children under the leadership of an adult;

- showing mutual respect between the teacher and the child;

- creating a natural, relaxed environment for the development of a free creative personality;

- Observance of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

Education is understood as a system of education and training, which is carried out in the interests of the individual, the state and society. It also defines General requirements to the organization of the educational process, its connection with educational programs, the principles of taking into account the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the interaction of a teacher with children, familiarizing parents with the content of the educational process in a preschool institution.

The educational process is understood as a professionally organized interaction of a teacher with children, including all elements of educational work. The concepts of “educational” and “pedagogical” processes have much in common. This is the presence of structure, components, meaning, functional orientation. Differences: the child is at the center of the educational process, and the efforts of all teachers are aimed at achieving it. The teacher is at the center of the pedagogical process. He is the organizer and leader of interactions with children, attentive to what and how children learn.

In pedagogy, the pedagogical process was considered in the works of M.A. Danilova, B.G. Likhachev, Yu.K. Babansky, I.P. Podlasogo. Common to all is the view of the pedagogical process as the interaction of its components, the identification of its integrity.

I.P. Podlasy formulated the laws of the pedagogical process:

- The pattern of dynamics (the higher the intermediate achievements of the child, the more significant the final result).

- The pattern of personality development (the level of personality development depends on heredity, educational and learning environment).

- Regularity of process control.

- The regularity of stimulation (the productivity of pedagogical work depends both on internal incentives - motives for educational activities, and on external - social, pedagogical, moral incentives).

- Patterns of the unity of sensory perception, logical comprehension and practical application meaningful.

- The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities.

- Pattern of conditionality (the result is determined by the needs and capabilities of society and the individual).

B.G. Likhachev determined the criteria for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process of the school, and Sh.A. Amonashvili formulated the requirements for the pedagogical process.

The theory of preschool pedagogy is characterized by the study of certain aspects of the pedagogical process: teaching preschoolers, developing the game (A.P. Usova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya); development of independence and activity of the child (G.N. Godina); planning as the basis of the pedagogical process (T.S. Komarova, N.B. Mchedlidze, V.V. Kondratova).

Concept preschool education focuses teachers on the implementation of an individually differentiated approach to children in different age groups, the possibility of building different differentiated educational routes.

In the history of domestic preschool pedagogy, there were several options for building the pedagogical process: in the 1920s–1930s. the pedagogical process was built on the basis of organizing moments. The whole life of children at certain intervals was concentrated around organizing moments.

Each organizing moment included a certain section of the program: social and political education, labor, natural history, physical education, mathematics, music, fine arts. During the training, the teacher revealed the content of each section and offered specific forms of work. The positive side of organizing moments is the long-term concentration of the child on certain cognitive material; he developed skills social behavior, outlook. Disadvantages - formalism in holding organizing moments and overorganization of children.

Later, other forms of constructing the pedagogical process were identified: thematic and complex. The essence of the thematic form is that the selected topic was the main core of the pedagogical process. The content of the topic was revealed in several lessons. The topic could include other activities related to it in content. The theme could be repeated during the academic year, and the entire educational process should not have been subject to it. The content of the topic could be one of the sections of the program, while other sections were studied in parallel. (N.V. Boychenko in the pedagogical process middle group kindergarten, thematic planning was used in order to develop role-playing games on everyday topics).

At the heart of the complex construction of the pedagogical process is the need to establish a logical relationship between different sections of the program. The complex could include several different, but similar in content themes or various types of children's activities. Thematic and integrated approaches to the construction of the pedagogical process are aimed at grouping educational influences, the desire to give them in a concentrated, purposeful manner. However, the principle of concentration cannot be applied to all content at once, and then some of its aspects become secondary, and the teacher's attention to their development is reduced. Violated the versatile development of the individual.

Modern approach to this problem - the organization of the pedagogical process based on the allocation of dominant educational goals. Educational task is the leading goal. Its content is dictated by the peculiarities of the development of children at a certain age stage and specific tasks education. The dominant goal determines the relationship and hierarchy of upbringing and educational tasks. The versatility of content and forms makes it possible to develop a variety of interests and abilities of children, and a single motivation is to direct this development into a common, pedagogically valuable direction. A feature of this construction of the pedagogical process is that the relationship between different types activities. In the foreground, changing, various types of activities that are most optimal for the realization of the dominant goal come to the fore. For example: for older preschoolers, the main goal is Team work and the development of friendly relations in the game, work, organized on the principle of jointness. Then other activities play a supporting role. Classes, independent individual artistic activities, holidays, etc. act as accompanying activities.

Components of the pedagogical process: target, content, organizational and methodological, analytical and effective.

With the publication of the Concept of preschool education, the problem of the pedagogical process again becomes relevant. At the heart of N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.K. Korotkova is based on the idea of ​​building a holistic pedagogical process based on the types of interaction between an adult and children.

There are three blocks, each of which has its own specifics:

block 1 - regulated activities in the form of specially organized classes;

block 2 - joint activities of the educator with children;

block 3 - free activities of children.

The core of the pedagogical process is its content, which is determined by the educational standard and implemented through the educational program. Content is the most dynamic component of the pedagogical process. The content of the pedagogical process corresponds to the age of the children, solves the problem of standardization and regulation of the activities of the teacher, the formation of the basic foundations of the personality, self-movement, self-development of the child.

Educational programs take into account the standard, create conditions for the development of all aspects of the personality. Requirements for programs are defined in the instructional and methodological letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Integrity, commonality and unity are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process. The specificity of a holistic pedagogical process is revealed when the dominant functions are singled out. The dominant function of the learning process is education, education - education, development - development. Each of these processes performs in a holistic process and related functions: upbringing performs not only an educational, but also a developing, educational function, and training is unthinkable without upbringing and development. The specificity is what methods will be chosen by the teacher to achieve the goal.

The basis of the educational process is planning. The plan is the blueprint pedagogical activity all participants in the educational process. Planning is a scientifically based organization of the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution, which gives it content, certainty, controllability.

Psychological and pedagogical research recent years showed that it is not so much the teacher's knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of children that is of paramount importance in planning, but taking into account their personal characteristics and capabilities. Developing, personality-oriented interaction is understood as a reliance on the personal qualities of the child, which requires the educator: constant study and good knowledge of individual characteristics, temperament, character traits, attitudes, habits of children;

- the ability to diagnose, to know the real level of formation of personal qualities, motives and interests of children;

- timely identification and elimination of the reasons preventing the child from achieving the goal;

- combination of education with self-education;

- reliance on activity, development of initiative, amateur performance of children.

In accordance with the draft law "On Education in the Russian Federation", a federal state educational standard for preschool education is established for the system of preschool education.

Monitoring is carried out for effective management, making informed decisions on managing the quality of education at the level of an educational institution.

The purpose of monitoring is to create information conditions for the formation of a holistic and reliable idea of ​​the quality of the educational process of MDEI.

Monitoring tasks:

1. Monitoring the state of the educational process in the institution;

2. Timely detection of changes in the educational process and the factors causing them;

3. Prevention of negative trends in the organization of the educational process;

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness and completeness of the implementation of methodological support of education

Educational monitoring in preschool educational institutions is a multi-level system in which it is possible to distinguish:

1. The first level is carried out by a teacher (educator and specialist) - this is monitoring the development of each child and the children's team as a whole in certain areas

2. The second level is carried out by the administration of the educational institution - tracking the dynamics of the development of children's collectives of groups according to certain criteria in several directions and in time (at the end of the school year)

Monitoring involves the widespread use of modern information technologies at all stages.

What methods are used to collect information is shown in Figure 2.

Rice. 2.

Monitoring the quality of education and personality development of children includes three aspects (medical, psychological, pedagogical)

The inclusion of pedagogical control in the work of the preschool educational institution takes place in stages:

1. Normative - installation

2. Analytical and diagnostic

3. Predictive

4. Activity-technological

5. Interim diagnostic

6. Final diagnostic

The system for monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the program should provide an integrated approach to assessing the final and intermediate results of mastering the program, allow for assessing the dynamics of children's achievement and include a description of the object, forms, frequency and content of monitoring.

In the process of monitoring, the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child are examined through observation of the child, conversations, expert assessments, criteria-oriented methods of non-test type, criterion-oriented testing, screening tests, etc. Mandatory requirement to the construction of a monitoring system is a combination of low-formalized (observation, conversation, peer review, etc.) and highly formalized (tests, samples, instrumental methods.) methods, methods that ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

A mandatory requirement for building a monitoring system is the use of only those methods, the use of which allows you to obtain the necessary amount of information in the optimal time frame.

To highlight the content of monitoring, it is necessary to correlate the results that the program used in the preschool institution is aimed at achieving with those qualities that are defined in federal state requirements as the planned results of mastering the Program.

Monitoring of the achievement of the planned intermediate results of the development of the Program is carried out once or twice a year (for example, May or October-May) - the frequency is established by the preschool institution. Prior to the adoption of an exemplary Basic General Education Program, the development of which is provided by the authorized federal state body, monitoring of intermediate results can be carried out using the diagnostics of those results that are laid down in the educational program implemented by the preschool institution for each age group.

All information reflected in tables and diagrams is a necessary part of the applications to the Educational Program, as it shows the mechanism for its development in a particular educational institution. The final results are reflected in the portrait of the graduate as a result of the formation of the integrative qualities of the pupil during the transition to a new social stage of development.

The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree of mastering the educational program by the child and the impact of the educational process organized in a preschool institution on the development of the child.

When organizing monitoring, the position of L.V. Vygotsky about the leading role of education in child development, so it includes two components: monitoring the educational process and monitoring child development. Monitoring of the educational process is carried out through tracking the results of mastering the educational program, and monitoring of child development is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the development of the child's integrative qualities.

Monitoring of the educational process is carried out by teachers who conduct classes with preschoolers. It is based on an analysis of the achievement of intermediate results by children, which are described in each section of the educational program.

Monitoring the development of the educational program is carried out on the basis of observation and analysis of the products of children's activities.

Evaluation of the level of development:

4 points - high.

The planned results of mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education by children describe the integrative qualities of the child that he can acquire as a result of mastering the Program.

Monitoring of child development (monitoring of the development of integrative qualities) is carried out by teachers, psychologists of a preschool institution and medical workers. The main task of this type of monitoring is to identify the individual characteristics of the development of each child and, if necessary, to outline an individual route of educational work to maximize the potential of the child's personality. Monitoring of child development includes an assessment of the physical development of the child, the state of his health, as well as the development of general abilities: cognitive, communicative and regulatory.

Evaluation of the level of development:

1 point - most of the components are underdeveloped;

2 points - individual components are not developed;

3 points - corresponds to age;

4 points - high.

Appendix 12 presents the age-sex standards of physiometric indicators for children 4-7 years old. In Appendix 13 - the average age-sex values ​​of indicators of the development of physical qualities of children 4-7 years old.

Ksenia Mukhayarova
Organization and conduct of pedagogical monitoring of the development of the educational program by children

Today the problem monitoring the development of the educational program by children in the preschool educational institution is a topical issue of any preschool educational organization. At the end of the school year before teachers are faced with the task how to assess the achievements of preschoolers, what note, and most importantly - what criteria to focus on.

The studies of A. S. Belkin, S. G. Vershlovsky, N. K. Golubev, V. V. Davydov, V. P. Zinchenko, I. I. Logvinov, N. D. Nikandrov and others show that the most important component any educational process is pedagogical monitoring.

M. M. Potashnik, A. A. Shatalov, V. V. Afanasiev, I. V. Afanas’eva, E. A. Gvozdeva give the following definition. Monitoring defined as specifically organized, systematic monitoring of the state of objects, phenomena, processes using a relatively stable limited number of standardized indicators, displaying priority causation for the purpose of assessing, controlling, forecast, warning of undesirable development trends.

There are a number of legal documents regulating the process monitoring in a preschool organization:

Law on Education RF

Federal State Educational preschool standard education.

The GEF DO states that “targets are not subject to direct assessment in the form pedagogical diagnostics(monitoring, and are not a basis for comparison with the real achievements of children"

But according to clause 3.2.3 of the Standard, when implementing educational program in the preschool educational institution can be carried out assessment of the individual development of children in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics(pedagogical monitoring) in order to determine the dynamics of the individual development profile of the child and optimize work with a group of children.

At first glance, these statements contradict each other. And before teacher question arises legally and is it advisable to diagnosis of children in preschool organizations? Should conduct this procedure or to abstain?

Per Absorption Efficiency Tracking No Standard There are no programs for pupils, and pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring can be carried out, and with pedagogical point of view. Each DO has its own educational program, which reflects the targets at the stage of completion of preschool education, as well as intermediate results development of this Program. received during monitoring data cannot be compared with others. children, a group of children. results pedagogical diagnostics are not intended for public disclosure or discussion. They are available for analysis forecasting and propaedeutics only to a narrow circle teachers working with children. The results allow see How well did the child development of the Program, and are also used to support the child, build it educational trajectory or professional correction of the features of its development. In the process monitoring the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child are examined.

Monitoring and diagnostics - these two concepts are interconnected. For example, conducting pedagogical monitoring it is possible to apply diagnostics as a method of collecting information, that is, to include diagnostic methods such as observation, testing, questioning, conversations, studying the product of activity, and others. Today there is a large number of pedagogical methods aimed at identifying the level of development of pupils for all 5 educational areas: cognitive development, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical and socio-communicative. In his pedagogical In practice, I usually use the following methods how:

1. Test "Nonverbal Classification", author T. D. Martsinkovskaya,

2. Kogan test,

6. Methodology for identifying the level of speech development of preschoolers ( the authors: Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M.,

7. Methodology "Analysis of the product of activity", author Komarova T. S.,

8. Methodology "Unfinished Situations" (the authors: A. M. Shchetinina, L. V. Kirs,

12. Diagnosis of the level of formation of gaming skills, author D. B. Elkonin.

13. Warteg technique "Circles"

received during conducting pedagogical diagnostics and monitoring data is the basis for making management decisions to improve efficiency Educational program.

Related publications:

Analytical report on the results of monitoring the achievement of the results of mastering the program in the older age group Analytical information on the results of monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the Program in the senior age group.

Analytical report on the results of monitoring the development of the educational program by children of the second younger group Analytical report on the results of monitoring the development of the educational program by children of the 2nd junior group "Hedgehog" for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Organizing and conducting walks with young children One of the most important conditions for raising healthy children is walking. Hardening effect of temperature fluctuations, fresh air, open.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institution "Organization and conduct of educational monitoring in kindergarten" Prepared by: educator MBDOU DS No. 48 "Dandelion" Kupaeva O. N. Educational program of preschool education "From birth to school."