Is it possible to drill a well in the spring? When is it better and cheaper to drill a well: the optimal season for work. Method #1 - using a clay pot

Productivity, service life of the well, even water quality depend on the location of the well. Therefore, it is so important to determine where you can and cannot drill a well, as well as when it is best to do it. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a cloudy suspension instead of pure spring moisture, unsuitable even for watering the area.

The first question is where to drill a well on the site. Here you should be guided by norms and standards: the best point is a place 30-50 meters away from sewage pit, septic tank, potentially hazardous areas. Of course, you can’t argue with this, as well as with the intelligence data of geologists and epidemiologists about the area.

If it is necessary to locate the well in the basement, you will have to order test drilling and go to the laboratory with samples. Only after the conclusion of epidemiologists can you start drilling, and if the filtering capacity of the soil is low, you will have to drill up to 3-4 or more aquifers. And the walls of the mine are strengthened with casing pipes.

You cannot drill a well at the lowest point of the site! It is not recommended to do this because the mine will become filled with melted and wastewater, which will lead to infection of the entire area and not only yours, but also your neighbors’. And designers categorically do not advise constructing wells in a zone of three meters from the outer boundary of any capital structure so that the neighborhood does not affect the foundations.

To summarize, it turns out that you need to retreat 25 meters from the neighbor’s house, 50 meters from cesspool and 3 meters from your foundation, position yourself further away from the depression and what remains? This description will take up the entire site, and where then can the well be located? The answer is simple: connect the wells of your neighbors with a mental line and it is on this line that you need to build a well. You can also find out about the direction groundwater carrying flows, so as not to make a mistake with the starting point. It is recommended to make test wells in any attractive places on the site.

Time to drill

The second question is when is the best time to drill a well? Each season has its own advantages and difficulties, so it is worth considering the seasons in detail:

  • In winter, you can drill a well for water if you are not afraid of opening the frozen soil layer. Advantages of drilling in winter: no groundwater in the mine, the ability to use heavy equipment without the risk of damaging the soil, complete stabilization of groundwater horizons, minimal risk of collapse of the mine walls.

If you have the equipment, then getting water in the winter is much more profitable and easier than doing it, say, in the spring.

  • Spring is a time when drilling the soil is quite simple, but doing this is strictly not recommended. There are several reasons: muddy roads can impede the passage of equipment, flood waters do not subside for a long time, filling the ground aquifers, the soil is abundant in water, so it spreads and it is almost impossible to hold the walls of the mine.

Therefore, spring is more suitable for arranging pipelines, clearing land, determining the location of a future water well, drilling method, etc. preparatory work, which will still have to be done.

  • In summer, you can drill any well for water. Dry soil, stabilized soil, it is quite easy to determine the location of the aquifer. There is only one drawback - if the work is planned by professionals, it will be difficult to find a team that knows a lot about the matter. Therefore, you need to either rely on your own strength or decide on the order and performers in the spring.
  • Autumn work is not much worse than summer work, especially in the first warm months. But even small mines up to 25 m can be dug before frost. Therefore, even without having time to drill a well to the end and complete the full construction cycle, there is no need to rush, the initial stage of deepening into the ground will ideally fit in warm weather, and the final work can be completed in winter.

Water is life-giving moisture, which is needed by everything on earth. Without it, a person, animal or plant cannot survive. If on personal plot if there is no water, it will turn into a real desert. Therefore, if there is no well or other source of water supply, the owners of the dacha will have to worry about providing it with water themselves. Pure spring water from deep well– what could be better? This source has such advantages as high water yield and long term services. Let's talk about when and where it is better to drill a well so that it can long years provide the area with quality water.

The most important thing in choosing a place for drilling is the location of the well above the aquifer. Otherwise, you can make attempt after attempt, but still not be able to reach the water. In addition, you need to place the well in such a way that it is convenient to use it and carry out repairs if necessary. By the way, do not forget that drilling machines must drive up to the drilling site.

Finding an aquifer is not so easy - the diagram shows possible well designs depending on their depth (click to enlarge)

In order to be sure that it makes sense to drill in a given place, it is necessary to study whole line factors. The presence of an aquifer is indicated by:

  • surface waters;
  • certain types of vegetation;
  • geological features of the area.

For example, studying own plot To determine where it is best to drill a well, you need to pay attention to the places where willows and sorrel, wild rosemary and birch trees, bird cherry and lingonberries grow. If small insects hover above the ground in dense vegetation thickets, then people also consider this a sign of groundwater. To be sure, it is necessary to carry out exploratory drilling. How to do it yourself is described in this video:

Additionally, you can verify the presence of an aquifer by resorting to the help of so-called dowsers. They explore the territory of the site with special frames, after which they indicate specific places and even sometimes the thickness of the soil that separates the water from the surface of the earth.

Where should you not drill a well?

Although the main condition for successful drilling is the presence of an aquifer, there are several other factors that should not be forgotten.

For example, when choosing a place to drill a well on a site, it is worth remembering that the source must be reliably protected from contamination. Therefore, it is better to give preference to an environmentally friendly corner. Under no circumstances should a well be placed near sources of pollution. It should be at least 15 m away from settling tanks and septic tanks. To the cesspools and sewage wells acceptable distance from 50 m. From industrial enterprises, storage facilities, garbage heaps and landfills, wells need to be removed a hundred meters or more.

The water source must be located at a reasonable distance from residential buildings, neighbor's wells or boreholes, as well as outbuildings. Drilling should also not be done near trees with large roots and power lines.

What time of year is best to start drilling?

Having decided on the location, you will need to set a time when the well will be drilled on the site. It is traditionally believed that the most optimal time for such work is summer or warm autumn. But thanks modern technologies You can change your point of view: drilling equipment is capable of coping with its task in winter. Moreover, from an economic point of view, it is more profitable to drill a well in cold weather. Of course, we are not talking about severe frosts: the mercury on the thermometer should not fall below 20 degrees.

Winter drilling is fully justified - the work is much easier to carry out than during spring floods or during rain

In cold weather, drilling is made easier by the fact that at this time groundwater is at a minimum level. Therefore, it is much easier to hit the aquifer with maximum accuracy. By the way, the soil will not be damaged so much by heavy equipment. In winter, any car can easily reach a wetland or the most inaccessible area.

Another advantage of performing drilling work in winter time– this is the absence of rain or melt water, which can significantly complicate the drilling process. Finally, having taken up this useful task in winter, by spring you can provide the area with excellent water. And it makes it much more fun to start a new planting season.

When installing a water well on a personal plot, there is a need to lay a water pipeline from the source to consumers, as well as take measures to prevent the penetration of groundwater into the pit and freezing of the water pipeline during the cold season. The consequence is the implementation of measures for arranging a caisson or inserting a well adapter, as well as underground laying of the pipeline and insulation to protect it from freezing.

All equipment is warm and in close proximity to the wellhead

An alternative to the listed labor-intensive procedures is a well in the house or Abyssinian well, which do not require the manufacture and installation of a caisson, which will replace placement in the basement, while it will be impossible to freeze the water in the pipes, and their length will be minimal.

Specifics of a well when drilling inside a house

A feature of a well equipped in a private house is the cramped conditions in which the work is carried out and, as a consequence, a large number of auxiliary operations associated with disassembling/assembling drilling equipment and transporting excavated soil outside the premises. The main part of the work on the construction of a hydraulic structure inside enclosed spaces will need to be done manually, and only the process of drilling a well can be mechanized by installing an electric drive and a guide vane in the house.

However, mechanization of work, due to which a well in a house can be drilled faster and with better quality, requires special equipment, available only from specialized organizations. If there is a desire or need to equip a well with your own hands in a private or country house, you should consider the pros and cons of the work:

  1. The dimensions of the room should be about 2000x2000 mm, since it will be necessary to mark out drilling and auxiliary tools, rods, couplings, casing pipes, and also use part of the area for temporary storage of soil removed during drilling.
  2. The height of the basement or cellar in which the well is installed under the house should be 30–50 cm greater than the largest of the elements: drill rods, casing pipes, sections of water pipeline, and for ease of work, exceed the height of the worker by a similar amount. Ultimately, we find that the minimum ceiling height should be 2.3 - 2.5 m, and the maximum length of the well elements should be 1.8 - 2.0 m.
  3. A water well installed in a house must be located at the lowest point, which can be a basement, cellar or pit in the basement. If the dimensions and height of the specified places do not meet the necessary parameters, you should prefer a room located higher and meeting the conditions.
  4. The potential for a rise in the level in the casing pipe requires making a sealed well head that insulates high water and will prevent spills that could negatively affect the integrity of the foundation. To avoid this operation, you should make an Abyssinian well, which is a non-pressure hydraulic structure and is not subject to rising water levels.

How to make a well inside a house

Having chosen the lowest point that is suitable in terms of dimensions required for placement, a point inside the room should be dismantled concrete covering, if it takes place. Disassembly can be done with your own hands using a hammer drill; the hole should not exceed the outer diameter casing pipe more than 30±10 mm.

Economical option with shallow well and surface pumping station right in the house

Limited height dimensions working area in the basement, when digging a hole into the water, it will require assembly/disassembly of the rod every time you need to remove the drilling tool to free it from the soil. On the other hand, limiting the length of the sections makes them less susceptible to bending during horizontal storage, which allows for compact storage on trestles, which you can make yourself and place next to the well.

Limitation on the area of ​​the working area in the basement requires rational placement of tools and materials, as well as regular removal of soil, the formation of which is accompanied by drilling.

The technology for drilling a water well installed in the basement of a house involves predominantly drilling using a drill spoon, auger or spiral drill, limiting the use of a chisel or bailer, the full use of which requires a greater height of the working space.

All of the listed disadvantages of a water well, due to the limited size of the premises, can be ignored if you equip an Abyssinian well in your house. With this choice, a tool in the form of a spiral drill will be required only for the initial excavation and setting the direction of driving the Abyssinian “needle”, and all other operations to reach the aquifer can be done with your own hands using:

  • a sledgehammer used to bury a water conduit equipped with a conical tip;
  • two gas wrenches necessary for assembling sections into a pipe string using special thick-walled couplings, as well as holding the pipe in a vertical position when driving;
  • a bronze or brass attachment on the end of the pipe to avoid jamming the threads when hit with a sledgehammer.

The advantages of this solution, in addition to simplifying installation, are the reduction in cost, time and metal consumption of work, since instead of a pipe with a diameter of more than 100 mm, a thick-walled inch can be used gas pipe. The disadvantages of a needle well are that it is not suitable for repairing and cleaning the filter; it requires the installation of a vacuum pump and a sealed assembly of a water pipeline, through which it would be impossible to lift water otherwise.

Pros and cons of equipping a well in the house

The advantages of a well installed indoors are the maximum reduction in the distance of water transportation from the source to the end consumers, and you can save twice:

  • once - for digging a trench, laying a water pipeline and arranging a caisson;
  • the second time - for the maintenance of communications, which will always be in sight, in a heated room and will not require any work earthworks for periodic inspection and repair.

Placing the well indoors allows you not to worry about taking measures to protect against low temperatures, and also makes it possible to carry out drilling work not only in summer period, but also in the cold season.

The advantages of equipping a well inside a house can outweigh all the disadvantages if exploration and drilling are carried out during the construction phase of the foundation of a private house and adjacent buildings.

It is permissible to make passage to water not only from basement, but also from any other place, including directly from the kitchen or by drilling a well in the garage adjacent to the house.

This is how you can arrange a water intake in the garage.

A significant disadvantage is the inability to carry out mechanized exploratory drilling, which can negate all efforts if the aquifer is not reached. In this case, the excavation made will have to be mothballed and the work repeated again, choosing another place, which may not be located in the basement, since it will be necessary to make an indentation of several meters from the drilled pit.

It is difficult to accurately and unambiguously answer the question of when to drill a well - in winter or summer. Determining the most suitable period depends on the purpose for which the water source is installed. Another factor that can significantly limit the possibility of using technology is the characteristics of the site itself and its location.

The machinery, equipment and tools used by specialized companies have virtually no restrictions on carrying out work in cold or hot weather. The only condition for organizing work is the ability to provide easy access for equipment to the site.

Winter drilling: equipment works at any time of the year

What determines the choice of time of year for drilling?

There is a greater chance of getting a high-quality well the first time, the water from which will not leave after several seasons, when there is accurate information about the aquifers, their saturation, and location. You can focus on neighboring areas by finding out to what depth the wells and wells are clogged and whether there are any problems with water supply in the heat. If you plan to develop a source for constant intensive use, it is better to carry out reconnaissance work. Organizations directly involved in drilling have ready-made maps of the area's aquifers.

What is water for: how to choose the type of well

Having studied the location of the aquifers, we determine the type of well that is optimal in terms of cost and flow rate:

  • A well and shallow wells, up to 15 m deep. They provide water for irrigation and construction work. Arranged without season restrictions, best time– summer, autumn, late spring.
  • Wells for drinking water driven to a depth of 50 m until a saturated aquifer is reached. Set up at any time of the year except spring.
  • Artesian. Water from deep limestone layers is considered the cleanest; the source is not polluted. The work is carried out during the period when it is possible to drill a well so as to apply construction work minimal damage to the area.

Determining the appropriate time of year for drilling depends on the type and purpose of the source

Characteristics of the site - choosing a place for drilling

You can finally decide when it is better to drill a well under water and plan the budget for the work after determining the exact drilling location. It is necessary to take into account that the distance from the house should be minimal, but no closer than 3 m from the edge of the foundation. You cannot build a well or borehole in the lowest place on the site. If there is a pronounced slope, you should prefer middle part– it will be possible to save on drilling depth.

Important! It is highly undesirable to drill in close proximity to a neighbor's water intake. The distance must be at least 50 m, perfect option– 100 m. It is also important to choose a site where water does not accumulate after precipitation.

Features of seasonal drilling

The only time of year when drilling with special equipment is impractical is spring. The reasons lie in the natural state of the soil. The soil, saturated with moisture, is not able to hold the walls of the mine, high level groundwater makes it difficult for equipment to operate. Driving a heavy machine with an installation on wet ground will cause serious damage to the area.

You can choose the ideal time when it is better to drill a well, in winter or summer, autumn - each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. Using an unconventional approach, you can save money.

Winter drilling - savings and cleanliness

Thick layer snow and frost are not an obstacle to drilling

Experts consider winter to be the ideal time for constructing deep (sand) and artesian wells. Oddly enough, weather conditions provide many benefits:

  • The risk of error is minimal - the groundwater level is the lowest of the year.
  • The technique easily copes with the frozen top layer.
  • Minimum dirt on the site.
  • There is no risk of damage to the lawn, equipped paths, or plants.

Note! In winter, you can save up to 20% on drilling costs and avoid long waits, because the excitement traditionally subsides by the end of autumn.

Summer boom: ideal conditions and lack of equipment

In summer, it is worth taking care of access to special equipment and a sufficient amount of technical water.

Ideal conditions and the best time to drill a well in the summer is July, August. By this time, the groundwater level reaches the seasonal minimum, and it is possible to accurately determine the flow rate of the well. Among the advantages summer arrangement water intake:

  • Soil stability and dryness.
  • Favorable conditions – long daylight hours, minimal precipitation.
  • Absolute accuracy of reconnaissance work.

Among the disadvantages is the need to remove a large amount of clay (it is advisable to do it before the autumn rains); the equipment can damage the lawn, plants, and paths. Also, those who have planned work for the summer need to prepare for the fact that prices during the peak season will be 10–20% higher, and they will have to wait a long time for a free crew.

Is it possible to drill a well in the off-season?

In spring and autumn it is easy to manually build a shallow well or well

The beginning and middle of autumn is practically no different from summer season, if the weather doesn't let you down. In the fall, you can equip artesian and sand wells, wells for household needs. By the end of the season, wells up to 25 m deep can be drilled without restrictions.

In the off-season, you can choose the moment when it is better to drill a well in summer cottage to a shallow depth on your own. For manual drilling The months when the soil is saturated with moisture are suitable - in spring and late autumn. It is at this time that it is better to carry out work if it is not possible to use equipment.

Choosing the best time: what to take care of

Drilling planned for summer and early autumn should be ordered in advance. Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary Consumables, determine the location of the hydraulic structure. Considering the volume of work, prepare an area for storing soil from the well.

When planning winter construction, you should take into account the weather conditions - work can be carried out at temperatures down to -20 o C. Another advantage of drilling in winter is the ability of equipment to access difficult areas where it is difficult to deliver equipment at other times of the year.

Many people decide to drill a well in their dacha. This is an opportunity to receive clean water Anytime. Also, a personal water supply is indispensable when planting, when it is necessary to regularly water the plants. But before you start work, you need to decide which well to drill, where and at what time of year.

Need to think ahead optimal time drilling a well for water. Each season has its own characteristics of carrying out this work, its advantages and disadvantages. But absolutely everyone agrees that this event cannot be held in the spring.

The reason for the impossibility of making a well in the spring:

  1. The groundwater level rises due to floods;
  2. It is impossible to objectively select a place of work and determine the depth of the aquifer;
  3. There are difficulties with the delivery of certain equipment.

In most climate regions, drilling cannot be carried out from March to May. In colder climates, this time begins in April and lasts until mid-June. Even in regions with a dry climate, it is quite dangerous to carry out this work; the water level is still unstable.

Drilling in the spring is possible only under one condition: if the exploration operations took place in the summer or autumn. In this case, the depth of the well is known exactly.

The time from July to September is considered the best option for drilling. At this time it is best to determine the water level. But there are other advantages in these seasons: dry and stable soil, free access to equipment, warm and comfortable weather.

Drilling begins after harvest. This is quite practical, since the equipment will not damage the plants and there will be no contamination of vegetables when flushing the well. But it is worth considering that all agreements regarding time must be made in advance.

Is it possible to drill a well in winter: features of the process

Winter time looks ideal for this work. It is during this period that they work on artesian and sand wells. The essence of the technology is to drill a narrow well. The risk of error in incorrect determination of the aquifer level is minimized.

Advantages of drilling a well in winter:

  1. Minimum groundwater level;
  2. At this time, the ground is least damaged by the wheels and tracks of equipment;
  3. You can get to wetlands that are difficult to reach at other times;
  4. There is no melt and rain water;
  5. You don’t have to worry about the peace of your neighbors, since the dachas are empty at this time;
  6. You can save money by taking advantage of winter discounts;
  7. Less time is spent on work.

To summarize, we can say that drilling a well in winter is quite possible. This is the cleanest option for doing the job. Simplified organizational issues, which may be difficult at other times of the year, which reduces the time for work. In this case, there will be no traces of the consequences of the work.

Flushing the well is an optional activity in winter. All the dirt will come out during floods.

But there are also disadvantages winter work Location on. For starters, this is the depth of soil freezing. This will take more effort and time. Next you need to take into account differences in the water horizon. It is more difficult to find quality water. Please also note that the water may freeze. In addition, they are not created very well comfortable conditions and for the workers themselves.

Well location on the site

Choosing a location for a well is a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the soil and the presence of other items. Geology, topography of the site, hydrological factors, proximity to other outbuildings. It is necessary to place the well conveniently so that there are no difficulties in using the source.

Well location requirements:

  • Presence of an aquifer;
  • Convenient location both outside and inside the house;
  • Possibility of constructing a water supply system;
  • Free access to working equipment;
  • There should be no power lines or underground communications.

You also need to think in advance about how the equipment will be connected. There should be power lines nearby. If you plan to build a water pipeline, then it is necessary to provide for an area slope of 35 degrees.

The correct installation location will save on filters.

There are standards that help determine the location of the well. The distance from the garden and other plantings should be 20 meters. There should be no industrial enterprises nearby at a distance of 300 m.

How to properly drill a well under water: unsuitable places

To successfully locate a well in a summer cottage, it is necessary to exclude unsuitable places. The main thing is the presence of an aquifer. But when it is available, in some cases it is still prohibited to dig the source.

Unsuitable places:

  • There are areas of groundwater contamination nearby;
  • You cannot drill a well near sewerage and wastewater;
  • Polluted water bodies nearby;
  • Unsuitable locations with underground utilities;
  • Areas with a voluminous tree root system are not suitable.

Water must respond sanitary standards. If they are broken, then you cannot make a well. It is also not recommended to place the source next to a neighbor’s fence. Who knows what he will decide to build. If there is no evidence against the work, then you can safely install the well.

How to drill a well correctly (video)

Preparatory work before drilling a well has a number of features. You will need to choose the right installation location. You can drill a source both in the basement and outside the house. But in any case, it is important to comply sanitary requirements. Also Special attention devoted to the working season. To find out how much the service costs in winter and summer, you can ask the company.

Examples of what a well looks like on a summer cottage (photo)