Quotes about human values. The best sayings and aphorisms about life and life values. Clever aphorisms about life and love with meaning

21.09.2019 Warm floor

Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes of the great and famous people" :

They go to immortality with a little luggage.
Immortality, Life, Life and Death, Values, Man

We should value more those who raise and bring up children well than those who give birth to them.
upbringing, children, Wise Quotes, Parents, Values

The value of a thing is essentially determined by the pleasure it can provide.
Richard Aldington
Things, Pleasures, Pleasures, Values

In the waterless desert and pearls and shells
They seem to be of equal value, one.
Is it all the same to them, who do not know the road,
They have a pouch with gold or with clay!
Gold, Valuables

Discord gives great value to agreement.
Publius Cyrus

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.
Friendship, Friendship and Friends, Communication, Values

Anything done in dependence on an expected reward or punishment would be an act of selfishness and, as such, devoid of purely moral value.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Morality, Wise quotes, Values

The economy is only a condition and a means human life, but not its goal, not the highest value and not the determining reason.
Nikolai A. Berdyaev
Causes, Values, Economics

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.
Friedrich W. Nietzsche
Man and Woman, Values

Only those who do good live.
Lev N. Tolstoy
Life, Life and Death, Meaning, Values

Cheap is only what you wear without a sense of self-confidence.
Erich M. Remarque
Confidence, Values

I would like to know what kind of antiquity gives the essay its value.
Quintus Horace Flaccus

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.
William Shakespeare
Life, Poet and Poetry, Annoyance, Values

Jews are like nails and rivets in high-rise building: they are not of great value in themselves, but without them the building will not stand.
Addison Joseph
Jews, Values

A cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and sees no value in anything.
Oscar Wilde
Life Quotes, Price, Values

Modern Western society is absurd because it cannot offer the European a single value that he could accept as his own. The entire value system adopted in the West contradicts the true needs of the inner world of the individual and very soon leads a person of Western civilization to the idea of ​​the absurdity of his existence and, as a result, to suicide.
Albert Camus
Inner world, Wise quotes, Society, Values

If a gem falls into the dirt, it retains its value, and if the dust rises to heaven, it will still remain insignificant. It is a pity when abilities disappear without support, but the support of the incapable is detrimental.
Dirt, Abilities, Values

Nothing of value can be born out of ambition or a sense of duty. Values ​​arise from love and devotion to people and objective realities of this world.
Albert Einstein
Duty, Love, Loyalty, Values

This collection includes quotes about the value of life for understanding the essence of what is happening. And here is the first saying: It is impossible to be satisfied enough with the love of one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, one can soon complete the path, one can soon be satisfied and fed up with love for one's neighbor, when the object of love is only man. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he incessantly strengthens, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to man to nourish it by himself, the food for the fire will soon be scarce, the fire will grow dim, extinguished.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals. Mahatma Gandhi

Sky and boundless expanse, that's what love is.

It doesn't happen beautiful women, are lazy. Coco Chanel

Instead of complaining that a rose has thorns, I rejoice that a rose grows among thorns. Joseph Joubert

Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough.

If you want to continue, don't tell anyone about the beginning.

Love is acquired through work on oneself, through violence against oneself and through prayer.

Amor omnibus idem - everyone has the same love.

There are two goals in life. The first goal is the realization of what you aspire to. The second goal is the ability to rejoice at what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of mankind are capable of achieving the second goal. Logan Pearsall Smith

I live in a world full of things I don't have but wish I had. Amendment,. I exist because it is not life.

With a full belly, it’s hard to think, but loyal. Gabriel Laub

Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by. Richard Branson

There should be no limits for us. Richard Bach

Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and it will be given to you according to your faith. William James

Love - tender plant and does not live long if it is watered with tears. James Fenimore Cooper

Who cannot take a child with caress, he will not take it with severity A. P. Chekhov

Faith is the knowledge of the meaning of human life, as a result of which a person does not destroy himself, but lives. Faith is the power of life. If a person lives, then he believes in something. If he did not believe that one had to live for something, then he would not live. Tolstoy L.N.

People complain about memory, but for some reason they don’t complain about the mind ...

Almost every wise saying corresponds to the opposite in meaning and at the same time no less wise. D. Santayana

To love is not to look at each other, but together, in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never give anyone your best advice because they are not going to follow it. Actor, director, screenwriter and producer Jack Nicholson

Any unambiguity primitives life

No desire is given to you apart from the power to fulfill it.

Who is wise, he is kind. Socrates

Happiness is when nothing hurts.

Everyone dreams, but each in a different way. Those who dream in the dark depths of the night see in the morning that dreams have crumbled to dust. But those who daydream with open eyes dangerous people because they can make dreams come true. Thomas Lawrence

If a whole life many will come unconsciously, then this life, no matter how it was. L. Tolstoy

The desires that have arisen must be realized without delay. And then all the fun is gone. I wanted to - I did, why pull, life is short. Here and now! Mikhail Veller

Sometimes it happens that very small things take up a lot of space in the heart. - Alan Milne. Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all.

Women's sensuality is the source in which men's spirituality is renewed. Karl Kraus

Stop comparing yourself to others. The truth is that the only person whose results you should strive to surpass is yourself.

You love to talk about your love, but you forget to share it.

A romantic woman is disgusted by sex without love. Therefore, she hurries to fall in love at first sight. Lydia Yasinskaya

Life breaks the strongest, bringing them to their knees to prove that they can rise. She does not touch the weak, they are on their knees all their lives.

With a unique man - I want to repeat!

Only in Russia they call their loved ones ... Woe is mine!

The most important thing when doing the impossible is knowing where to start. Max Fry

Passion-bearer Empress Alexandra.

Life is a chessboard and time is against you. While you hesitate and dodge the move, time eats pieces. You are playing with an opponent who does not forgive indecision!.

The relationship of true lovers is like agate, a beautiful and durable stone described in legends.

Do not be sad, do not cry, everything in life is for the better. And if people have turned away from you, don't you think that life is just getting rid of garbage?

I see only two paths in life: stupid obedience or rebellion.

Do nothing to please yourself, but do everything to help and to the pleasure of those around you; and you will exercise selflessness and love. Saint Theophan

Women are made to be loved, not to be understood. Oscar Wilde

Have you seen a person who never lies? It is difficult to see him, but everyone avoids him. M. Zhvanetsky

Love should soar, not crawl in the mud.

Exchanging kisses in front of the camera means no more than exchanging looks on the street. Jeanne Moreau

Love is a weakness, but it is forgivable if not left unanswered.

Aphorisms with development social networks have taken on special significance. Smart phrase now you can not only show off in a conversation, but also indicate it in the entries of your account, blog or diary. A capacious phrase describing an ordinary event will be remembered by guests, which means they will also remember the person who found it.

The concept of aphorism

An aphorism is always understood as an original saying, where the words are arranged so harmoniously and rationally that it leads to quoting by other people. As a rule, this is a concise sentence, not exceeding 10 words, with almost no punctuation marks and complex phrases.

The opinion that aphorism and quotation are synonyms is erroneous, because the latter is a fully or partially cited (voiced or rewritten) statement of someone. Accordingly, not every capacious saying can become a quote. Literary works and even serious scientific works full of original thoughts that were forgotten even by their authors.

Periodically, a random reader or listener discovers an aphorism, and after a successful quotation, it becomes known and is included in the number of "acting" expressions. Other well-known and tired statements, on the contrary, are forgotten in order to someday become popular again.

Types of sources of statements

Love for aphorisms arose a very long time ago. Even in ancient times, people were able to describe a situation or phenomenon with a sonorous phrase. And in the 21st century, Aristotle's quotes have not lost their appeal ( Man is a political animal Cicero (I'm never as busy as when I'm at rest), Horace ( You can run away from the Fatherland, but you cannot run away from the Fatherland in yourself.) and many others. Such aphorisms have long become classics of sayings, have changed and even moved into the category of sayings, becoming an integral part of the folk epic.

AT modern world sources of sonorous phrases are not limited only to the works of famous thinkers. Interesting saying can be found:

1. In artistic and scientific works different years. Moreover, the year and subject, religious or national affiliation of the author does not matter. A rare prose writer was not marked by an aphorism that was attractive to readers.

Of particular note is the trend recent years. Literary works that appeared before the beginning of the 21st century contain aphorisms that are very deep in meaning about life and life values. However, in the last century, the mood of aphorisms has changed somewhat - phrases have become more rude, catchy, cynical, focused more on attracting the attention of interlocutors than on understanding a philosophical problem.

2. Movies, series and cartoons. Modern screen art allows any person without special efforts find a suitable aphorism for the occasion. It is especially easy to do this in the works of the Soviet period, some of which have been sorted into quotations for many years. Among them is "Love and Doves" with the well-known Russian-speaking - "Ludk ... ah, Ludk!", "You bitch ... beautiful", as well as "Twelve chairs" ( A sultry woman is a poet's dream), "Wedding in Malinovka" ( Bad dad!), "Seventeen Moments of Spring" ( ... And I will ask you to stay), "The Diamond Arm" ( Even ulcers and teetotalers drink at someone else's expense) and others. The list can go on for a very long time.

However, modern TV shows are not too far behind them. Phrase: " Gravity, you heartless bitch!"- the authorship of Sheldon Cooper from the series" Theory big bang"Too good to forget.

3. Theater and film actors, politicians, scientists, cultural figures. Public people are rarely silent and are able to speak on various topics. It often happens that aphorisms about the life and values ​​of the authorship of politicians can be found in interviews, heard in the news or at speeches. In the period of the USSR, quotes by Leonid Brezhnev and members of the CPSU were memorized, but even in the 21st century, politicians do not leave people without "red words". But no one is forcing you to learn them.

- "There are 3 ways to influence a person: blackmail, vodka and threats". Vladimir Putin.

- "What kind of democracy can we talk about if 65% of Russia is permafrost?!" Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

- "I don't get paid extra for being optimistic!" Sergey Lavrov.

- "Our people are peace-loving and gentle. They spent 800 years in battles and campaigns." Gennady Zyuganov.

The number of acting aphorisms is incalculable. Faina Raevskaya's quotes are very popular, they are characterized by rough frankness and brightness. For example: "The second half is in the ass, pills and the brain. And I'm originally whole!"

4. Random jokes, comments and unknown phrases. Often, popular aphorisms about the values ​​of life do not have an author, because they arose from random words, were repeatedly modified and were never written down in their original version. Among them:

  • "Nothing lowers the price of a car like trying to sell it.".
  • "Marriage is the only legalized form of slavery."
  • "There are 4 types of lies: lies, damned lies, quotations and statistics."
  • "You can't forbid living a beautiful life, but you won't force it either."

Topics and types of aphorisms

In the last few decades, the number of aphorisms used has increased thousands of times. Hardly any relation or thing was left without colorful descriptions. The entire subject matter of the cited statements can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Traditional (common).

2. Non-traditional things and phenomena.

Far from ordinary words and circumstances are also "overgrown" with various aphorisms. The following statements are worth mentioning:

  • "Debit and credit do not converge, but a person will always converge with a person"(financial statements).
  • "The director knows, the boss knows how, and the referent does"(about the service hierarchy).
  • "Think globally, act locally"(ecology).
  • "Ask no questions and I won't lie"(interview).

Aphorisms of Russian history

According to certain quotations, one can form an opinion about literary work, some event or even an epoch. In Russia, according to aphorisms known to the people, it is quite possible to study history - from the period of its inception to the present day. Moreover, a short chronicle will look like this:

"Great is Russia, but there is no order in it"- the Slavs called the Varangian prince Rurik.

"The dead have no shame"- Prince Svyatoslav defends Russia.

"Let everyone own a fiefdom"- feudal fragmentation.

"An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar"- Horde yoke for 200 years.

"God is not in power, but in truth"- threw off the Tatar-Mongolian administration.

"The tsar ordered, and the boyars were sentenced"- Establishment of royal power.

"Here's to you, granny, and St. George's Day "- Strengthening the serfdom of the peasants.

"Chin chin read"- reforms of Peter the Great on public service.

"In Russia, the power of the ruler is limited ... by a noose"- unhappy Paul I.

"I wanted the best, but it turned out as always"- attempt to cancel serfdom in early XIX century.

"Russia is ruled by clerks"- about the Russian bureaucracy of the middle of the 19th century.

"The top can't, but the bottom won't"- Revolution of 1917.

"The main thing is to get involved in the battle, and then we'll see"- Civil War.

"Life has become better, life has become happier"- industrialization of the country in the 1930s.

"Our cause is right!"- The Great Patriotic War.

"They won't find us in underpants" - cold war and an arms race.

"To hell with it, with meat, if only capitalism is dead"- stagnation and deficit in the USSR.

"If there is no water in the tap, the Jews drank it!"- even more deficit and anti-Semitic policy in the USSR.

"Coming at you"- perestroika and Gorbachev's reforms.

"If brains leak, then at least they are. That's good"- emigration from the countries of the former USSR.

"Piss in the toilet of terrorists"- the beginning of the XX century.

"If a fight is inevitable, then you need to beat first"- political events of 2016.

Aphorisms about life and death

The most grateful topic is statuses about the problems of life and its end - these topics make up approximately 60% of the volume of all sayings. All statements on this topic can be divided into 2 groups:

1. Sayings focused on understanding human life as a phenomenon. Almost every writer or serious public figure has his own collection of aphorisms, phrases and sayings about life.

"Everyone winces when they are first called an old man"(Oliver Holmes Jr.).

"Life is short. But compared to what?"(André Maurois).

"Life is like a foreign language. Everyone speaks with an accent"(Christopher Morley).

"People don't want to live forever. People just don't want to die"(Stanislav Lem).

2. Humorous aphorisms, the priority of which is to turn serious thoughts into a joke. This is a general trend in recent years. Many people believe that the world is already too scary and it is better not to talk about serious things without a joke.

"I ask you to blame my life for my death"(Gennady Malkin).

"To live is harmful. They die from it"(Stanislav Lem).

"If you don't get used to it, you'll die. If you don't die, you'll get used to it"(Mikhail Zhvanetsky).

"Dying today is scary. And someday - it's nothing"(Russian proverb).

Jokes about funerals, cemeteries, immortality and death were unthinkable even some 100 years ago, when people had strong religious beliefs and fears.

Aphorisms about love, men and women

In modern relationships, beautiful and smart aphorisms about life and love with meaning are another way to express your feelings for a person. Sound phrases, serious or with a funny accent, are no worse than poetry, they can emphasize the severity of feelings and intentions.

Sayings about romance, brides, weddings and other related phenomena make up a significant part of the modern love epic. Since most of the aphorisms are still spoken by men, the theme of love, marriage and women is simply riddled with mockery and cynicism.

"Someone's surrender again - they play a wedding march."

"The sale of women is only allowed on the wedding day."

"With current taxes, you can marry for love."

"Marriage is a lifetime punishment for love."

"The rolling pin is the housewife's control shot."

A similar situation exists with the number of serious thoughts significantly inferior to jokes. logic and completely moved into the realm of the folk epic. However, sonorous statements also do not disregard men.

"Women's intuition used to be called differently - suspiciousness."

"Everything is from God except woman"(Italian proverb).

"There are no beautiful women. There are ugly and well-made."

"Men create laws, and women create morals."

"Men are always right and women are never wrong."

"A real man needs a babysitter."

However, people are quite tolerant of teasing nature, and many agree that men and women are different sides of the same coin.

Aphorisms about friends, family and children

Statements about family and friendship ties are aimed at describing the status (position) of people, the connections and feelings between them. They basically have a guiding meaning, since values, aphorisms about the values ​​of human life should affect a person in a positive way. The percentage of serious and humorous in this subject is approximately equal. Popular sayings include:

"All men are brothers. But what about women?"

"Do not judge a person by his family. He did not choose her."

"You can get rid of appendicitis immediately, but from relatives - only gradually."

"Children and grandchildren will easily find mutual language. They have common enemies."

"We love our children too much and our parents too little."

"Men love women. Women love children. Children love hamsters. Hamsters don't love anyone."

"Good sons never achieve great success."

"Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak themselves."

"Whom are we friends against today?"

and work

Not all aphorisms about life and life values ​​are devoted to spiritual topics. AT modern society the issue of finances and earnings is no less important than the love theme. The times when it was considered shameful to ask about the size of your salary are long gone. Now a variety of expressions are in use: from the ancient "money doesn't smell" authorship of the Roman emperor Vespasian to the terrifyingly truthful "money is freedom minted."

Aphorisms about inflation, politics, poverty, wealth and work are closely related to the monetary theme. At different times, they became popular sayings with which people expressed their attitude to a particular issue.

"Poverty is not a vice. But it is its only virtue."

"Study and study again. You still can't find a job."

"Keep your money along with your reputation."

"You can make ends meet without end."

"Work is not a wolf. It sticks, but does not bite."

"Don't fix what already works."

  • The life of an individual person is meaningful only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and nobler. Life is sacred; it is, so to speak, the supreme value to which all other values ​​are subordinate. Albert Einstein
  • If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick. Sigmund Freud
  • A person who decides to waste at least one hour of his time has not yet matured to understand the full value of life. Thomas Carlyle
  • Our great, powerful country is driven not by power for the sake of power, but because we have values. If every person matters, if every life matters, then we can hope that everyone will have a great God's gift freedom. George Bush
  • You do not confuse, like a fool, the value of life with its price. Alexey Dzygalo
  • Philosophy of life insurance: The value of life is in life itself, and it is determined by the life you paid for. Konstantin Madej
  • Courage is often the result of a sense of the depreciation of life, while cowardice is always the result of a false exaggeration of its value. Fazil Iskander
  • One should not delve into the search for truth so much as to forget the necessary duties of an active Everyday life; for it is only activity that gives the virtues their true value. Mark Thulius Cicero
  • We care most about life as it loses its value; old people regret it more than young people. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Life has exactly the value we want to give it. Bergman I.
  • Envy shows how unhappy a person feels. Constant attention and interest in other people's behavior and life - how boring he is. Ah, inferiority...
  • The true value of human life is determined by the extent to which this life is used to help other people. Val J. Helemenderis
  • Even if you are very young, you definitely need values ​​that would give meaning to your life. Franz Hesselbein
  • The value of life is not in how many breaths you took, but in how many times you caught your breath
  • The value of a life lived by a person is determined by the number of people who sincerely follow his coffin.
  • Death is the least feared by those people whose life has the greatest value. Immanuel Kant
  • The president's brand is his visible, audible and tangible life values. Konstantin Madej
  • When justice disappears, there is nothing left to add value to life. Immanuel Kant
  • It is obvious that in life a great value that is not lying on the road is the ability to think well. Alvinus Andrus
  • The president insures the value of the presidency at the cost of his own life. Konstantin Madej

10 rules for a happy life.

1) Give thanks to life for everything.

Remember how you relate to life and it will relate to you. Every time you wake up in the morning, tell yourself I accept my life as it is, with all its obstacles and trials, I accept everything that is sent to me.

2) Don't worry about what other people think of you.

It's just people no one will kill you if you do what your heart tells you to do. Life is yours and it's up to you to decide what is better to wear, who you can meet and who you can't, what is right and what is wrong.

3) Never respond to rudeness.

Ham always wants to assert himself to attract attention, he just wants to pat your nerves. why you ask? because he likes it so much and he can’t do anything else in life, well, he didn’t take place as a person, well, God bless him. Everyone has their own favourite hobby for someone to go in for sports, or drawing, and for someone to be rude, the main thing is that this does not affect your mental health in any way.

4) No past.

Stop remembering your old friends ex girlfriends for life. It was and has passed, nothing can be returned, each of these people has had their own life for a long time, they do fine without you, and if they didn’t do well, they wouldn’t leave. Everyone has their own choice, you won’t be forcibly sweet and you won’t keep anyone next to you, you need to understand and realize this. And as soon as you realize this, everything will immediately become easier and you will be ready for new meetings and people.

5) Create your own holidays.
If you are sad, and the new year is still far away and your birthday too, arrange a holiday just for no reason, call your friends, neighbors with whom you communicate and have fun. After all, we only live once, I believe that in life there should be a place not only for sadness and tears, but also for fun. Many of us are loaded with work, everyday life, and stress, we have forgotten what it means to LIVE, so let's remember this together and remember how wonderful life is!

6) Praise yourself for your accomplishments.

You know you can't praise yourself, no one will praise you. There is no such person who would not achieve anything, everyone achieves and achieves something, if you praise yourself, then you will have self-confidence and you will want to move forward and reach new heights.

7) There are people who are worse than you.
For example, you complain about your job, and your girlfriend was fired and she has been trying to make ends meet for the third month, along with small children and her husband.
You complain about life, and a neighbor, Aunt Katya, has only a few days left to live.
You dream of a cottage by the sea, and some do not even have their own home.
You can continue indefinitely better man lives, the less he appreciates what he has.
Less complaints, more joy gentlemen otherwise
one day you will be left with nothing
old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale.

8) Do what you love.
Favorite hobby works wonders, it distracts us from pain, restores our psychological health, gives a lot of positive, increases self-esteem. When you do what you like, a lot of adrenaline is released in the blood. Your favorite activity acts on us like a drug, only it is a drug, safe and very useful. doing what you love is great! don't quit what you love.

9) Spend more time with the most expensive
and loved ones
Even if you are always very busy, find time for those you love do not offend those who love you with your non-attention find time to kiss your mother, hug your grandmother, help friends in need, do not forget about your personal life, your loved one is also very may need your attention. Take care of your relatives, friends and beloved men, warm people dear to your heart with your warmth and love, right now, before it's too late, tell them the cherished three words I love you.

10) Give love.
Learn to give love from the heart, sincerely, while you give your love, you live and fill the lives of others. As long as you give love, you light a thousand sacred fires in the hearts of people and in your heart. By giving love, you heal, inspire, become a magician for those you love.

Not everyone can give love
But the one to whom such a gift is given,
That deception does not gnaw at all.
And do not be afraid, that deception.

Give yourself all without a trace,
That's the beauty of true love.
Love is not a mystery to the mind
Here the mind does not call for help.

Love for the heart is just a mystery
For our insides with you.
You can live bitterly, you can live sweetly,
Drink coffee together until the morning.

Not everyone can give love.
And stand together on the edge
But while we give each other love,
We will not sell our souls for anything.

And in conclusion, I would just like to wish people all the best, I hope that I can at least somehow help you, my dear readers! Try not to give up for a long time if difficulties have happened in your life, love and be loved and happy.