Installation of street lighting - automation scheme in three stages. How to make a competent installation of street lighting How to connect a street lighting lamp

23.06.2020 Water heaters

Street lamps are constantly exposed to the environment: precipitation, gusts of wind, temperature changes. Therefore, special requirements are put forward for their design and foundation. So, the degree of protection of luminaires that are installed directly on the street must be at least IP65. If the luminaire is to be protected by a roof or canopy, the minimum degree of protection is IP44.

Stages of work: installation of a luminaire on a steel or aluminum column

Preparatory stage

We clear the place for mounting the support. We remove garden debris, prepare tools and materials:

  • Any device for arranging holes in the material. A brace will do;
  • garden or bayonet shovel;
  • Master OK;
  • cement and sand;
  • water;
  • container for mixing cement-sand mortar;
  • boards and bars for the construction of formwork.

Calculations and posting

The standard luminaire connection diagram is shown in the figure below.

Various sensors can be connected to the phase, or it can be limited to an ordinary mechanical switch. The cable is laid to a depth of 60 cm. If it passes under a parking lot or car traffic, the depth is from 1 m. It is advisable to draw up a wiring diagram.

  • For underground laying, cables with a double sheath and copper conductors are ideal: PVA, ShVVP, PUGNP, etc. The size of the cable cross section is selected based on the power of the luminaire. If the power is about 1.1 kW and it is planned to connect a 44-meter braid of fixtures, the minimum cross-section of the cores is 1.5 square meters. mm. With an increase in the length of the line to 73 mm, the minimum cross section will increase to 2.5 square meters. mm. If you need to quickly select the wire cross-section, refer to Table 1.

cross section


sq. mm

copper wires

Voltage, 220 V

Voltage, 380 V

power, kWt

power, kWt

    • Depth of underground cable laying - 0.7 m. Minimum distances: to the building - 60 cm, to the pipeline - 50 cm, to parallel cables at least 30 cm (if possible - from 50 cm).
    • Protect the electrical cable from damage during subsequent excavation by burying a plastic or wire mesh over it.
    • All street metal lamps are grounded.
    • The cable must be de-energized before connecting to the luminaire mounting block.
  • For electrical safety purposes, plastic corrugated pipes are used for laying wires. The alternative is armored cable.

Foundation arrangement

To determine the depth of the foundation, you need to know the depth of soil freezing. The calculation is made according to SNiP: the formula H \u003d √ M × K is used, where M is the sum of all average monthly sub-zero temperatures, and K is the coefficient (varies from 0.23 to 0.34 and depends on the type of soil). But you can do much easier without making any calculations for your region. Be guided by the data in Table 2.


Depth of soil freezing according to SNiP, m

Loams and clays

Fine sand, sandy loam

The sand is coarse, gravelly



Nizhny Novgorod



St. Petersburg



The depth of the foundation for a street lamp can be made 20–30% less than the depth of soil freezing. Minimum - 30 cm.

The pouring of the foundation begins with the arrangement of the well, a brace is used. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand, after which it is compacted and leveled. To strengthen the foundation, you can sprinkle a layer of sand with crushed stone, laying a roofing material or plastic wrap.

Now it's time to build a wooden formwork: boards, plywood, bars fastened with nails or screws are suitable. After erecting the formwork in the center, we place a plastic pipe or corrugation: the resulting hole will serve for laying an underground cable. The ends of the corrugation or pipe must be sealed - in order to avoid getting into the solution.

NOTE #1: if we are dealing with anchor type mortgages for, they must be installed in the ground, centered and concreted in such a way that the ends of the studs are on the surface. A mast thrust bearing will subsequently be installed on the studs. The final stage is fastening with nuts of the ground part of the lamp.

Solution preparation

It is necessary to mix cement, sand and water - to obtain a mass with a uniform consistency. The ratio of cement to sand is from 1 to 2.5 to 1 to 6. First, a dry mixture of cement and sand is prepared, then water is gradually added, kneading is carried out. The prepared solution must be used within 90 minutes. To make the mixture plastic and easier to work with, builders recommend introducing mineral additives, plasticizers or a regular detergent (up to 100 g per batch).

Formwork pouring

The solution is slowly poured into the formwork. To avoid the formation of voids, wooden rammers can be used. The surface of the foundation is leveled with a trowel. It should rise above the soil level by at least 2-3 cm. The main thing is not very high, in order to avoid flooding with stagnant water. The surface of the foundation must be perfectly flat so that the street lamp does not turn into a “Leaning Tower”.

Installation of embedded anchor and flange type

Embedded parts are used for mounting supports. They connect the underground and ground parts of the structure. There are anchor and flange. Anchor studs are studs, united from above and below by a round / square jig. Flanged - ordinary metal pipes with square / round flanges welded at the ends, in which holes for bolts are equipped.

Embedded parts must be installed in the foundation after the concrete work is completed, but before the setting process. The flange anchor for fastening is placed on the foundation surface in a vertical position. Bolts are screwed into the mounting holes to fix the mast thrust bearing.

Installation of anchor mortgages is described in NOTE No. 1.

Luminaire connection

After the underground and ground parts of the luminaire are fastened together, it's time to connect to the electrical wiring.

In the mounting box of the lamp we find the terminal block. We connect one or two cables to it (when connecting the lighting circuit in series). We put zero on N, and on L - a phase wire. A third ground conductor is also needed.

Lighting near the house allows you to create comfortable conditions and slightly increase the level of security. Such a system can be organized using various devices.

Before purchasing inexpensive street lamps, it is important to check their quality. This will allow you to get a durable and reliable lighting system.

Features of street lighting

Illumination of the territory near the house or enterprise is carried out with the help of special lamps. For such purposes, products with several qualities are used:

  1. Maintaining performance during frequent shutdowns. This is due to the fact that outdoor lighting may not work all the time. Therefore, light bulbs must withstand voltage drops.
  2. Resistant to various temperature conditions. This factor is also important, since the lamps work in the open air.
  3. High brightness. Lamps on the street should illuminate a large area so that a person can safely move around and navigate it.

Installation work

Installing street lights is quite complex and requires certain skills. This procedure consists of several successive steps:

  • design. In most cases, several lamps are used. Therefore, it is important to correctly distribute them throughout the territory in order to ensure maximum lighting. Experts recommend breaking certain zones with them. Therefore, very often for this they are placed along paths or places of rest.
  • pole installation. Almost all types of lanterns require the presence of metal supports. They are made in different styles, giving a certain design. Very often, forged structures are used for such purposes. It is desirable to cement the columns in order to obtain a solid system.
  • cabling. Electric wires are placed in the ground. It is important to choose such a depth of laying so that it is not possible to accidentally damage them during earthworks. An alternative would be to mount the cable over the air. But such systems do not look very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.
  • installation and connection of lamps. This process is not difficult. Many manufacturers equip designs with special fasteners. As for the connection, here you need to correctly connect the wiring to the outputs of the lamp. In most cases, the systems have special clamps that simplify the work.

Installation of street lamps involves the use of quality products and proper cable routing to their location.

Street lighting of a private house primarily fulfills a practical purpose, creates comfort, illuminates the road and places of rest in the evening. When installing the sensor, it increases security in the country, reacting to the movement of an outsider by partially turning on the light. This approach partly replaces the guard dog, scaring off the intruder and attracting the attention of the owners. Such lighting is also called technical, lamps are installed at the gate, on the porch of the house, along the fence and garden paths.

Decorative lighting is also actively used, which is responsible for the aesthetic part in the local area. It can visually increase the area of ​​the site, emphasize individual elements of the garden and buildings, draw attention to sculptures and ponds, and also change the look of familiar things. Properly created decorative lighting cheers up and gives a feeling of relaxation.

The creation of street lighting must be approached thoroughly, clearly following the principle of phasing in work.

Work on lighting the site of a private house should begin with the creation of a plan. You should work out the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow everything will look later. Will the paths and gazebo in the garden be illuminated, or only the main building? Do you need lighting for flower beds, ornamental trees or a decorative wall? What kind of lamps will there be: lanterns, spotlights, or maybe diode strips? And are there any plans for other work on the territory?

The finished idea needs to be transferred to paper, drawing up a plan for the location of objects. The plan does not have to be scrupulously verified, a clear understanding of what and where should be in the end is enough. It is also worth deciding on the placement of other electrical appliances: motion and light sensors, electrical wiring lines, switches and sockets.

The plan can be drawn up in any convenient way:

  • Using the printer, make several copies of the site passport. And on the resulting copies, place objects, draw various arrangement options.
  • If there is no site passport, you can create a rough plan on drawing paper. Draw a so-called situational diagram. Dividing the sheets into cells will help to properly scale the area. In this case, it is better to focus on a scale of 1:100, where 1 meter of earth will fall on 1 cm of paper.
  • Make a plan in a computer program, such as a landscape design application or a lighting calculation program.

Cable routing

At the planning stage, you will also need to decide on the way the cables are arranged. From the electrical panel, they can be laid in three ways:

  • Underground way. It is the most popular, since the wiring is hidden from the eyes of the earth and will not spoil the appearance of the garden. It is also considered safer, since the cables will not be damaged by negligence.
  • Air way. It is cheaper and easier to install. As a rule, it is used only in cases where laying underground is impractical. Cables in this case are hidden under the roof of the house or hung on poles. And to reduce the number of support poles, lightweight galvanized or plastic-sheathed cables are used.
  • Ground way. Usually used as a temporary measure, for example, for decoration during the New Year holidays. Cables in this case are simply laid on the grass.

Calculation of wiring elements

Considering that lighting devices are marked in Watts, and energy meters and fuses in Amperes, then in order to select machines with a suitable load, you need to recalculate these parameters with your own hands. The calculation formula here is quite simple.

  • For a single-phase network: Watt \u003d Ampere * Volt (P \u003d I * U).
  • For a three-phase network: Watt = √3 * Amp * Volt (P = √3 * I * U).

If you plan to install LED lights, then you need to pick up a low-voltage cable for them, and also put a transformer at the main shield, it will convert the outgoing voltage during operation.

Creating an electrical circuit

Using a street lighting plan for a country house, an electrical circuit diagram is created. The simplest one, which does not require special skills, is enough. When drawing electrical points on a circuit, it will be more convenient to use generally accepted notation.

For clarity, the following example is given. On the territory in front of the house, lighting of the porch and the space at the gate is required. Two lines of wiring are being laid. On the first line, the lamp and the switch are designated “L1” and “B1”, respectively, on the second line, stretched to the gate, the “L2” lamp is connected to the “B2” switch at the front door and the motion sensor “D” at the gate.

Increased safety requirements are imposed on the electrical equipment of external lighting. At this stage of work, special attention should be paid to them:

  • Underground cable laying should be at a distance of 0.7 meters from the surface. In this case, the cable must be at least 0.6 m away from buildings, 0.5 m from the pipeline, and 0.3 m from parallel wires.
  • Cables laid through the air should be located at a height of 3 meters from garden paths.
  • The light of street lamps should not fall on someone else's plot of a neighbor and "dazzle" neighbors.
  • Only copper wiring should be used.
  • Wires placed on the walls must be placed in a corrugated sleeve made of non-hot plastic.
  • Each lamp should.

Choice of electrical appliances

Lamps for the garden are divided into several types, each of which has its own purpose. You can buy the right one for any style or idea. The most popular light sources are:

Solars are not included in this list, as they are powered exclusively by the energy of the sun and do not require cable laying at all. They should be considered only as additional elements of illumination.

When buying lamps, be sure to pay attention to whether they are intended for outdoor use. Inspect all technical specifications of the product: power, luminous flux, cartridge type and degree of protection against the penetration of liquids and solids. Therefore, it is so important to buy devices in accordance with the IP rating.

For a luminaire located at a height of 50 cm, the IP value must be from 44 and above. For ground lighting fixtures, the IP range of 65–67 units is suitable, with this indicator the lamp can be in water for 12 hours. For water lamps used in water bodies, the IP number is 68 units.

The characteristics of other electrical appliances are also important: switches, junction boxes and sockets. Even semi-hermetic lighting devices should be located under a reliable visor.


They allow you to significantly save on electricity, since they turn on the light only when motion is detected within the radius of action. Such a device not only protects the home, but also creates comfort, since the owners do not have to look for a switch in the dark. Motion sensors are also used for decorative lighting, when spotlights appear right in front of the feet and disappear right behind the person.

Light sensors (automatic photorelay) respond to a decrease in the general level of illumination on the street and, at dusk, they themselves give a command to turn on the lamps. Human participation in this process is not required.

Garden sensors also have good protection against moisture and dust, which allows them to be used safely in any weather.

Do-it-yourself lighting installation

  1. Installation of street lighting near the house begins with the installation of support elements for fixtures. For mounting wall lamps, holes are made for the anchor, after which brackets are hung. In order for the lamps to stand evenly, you should use the building level. For lamps on poles, you need to fill the foundation. With the help of a rotator, a hole is dug (for lanterns of medium and small size, 50-60 cm is enough), the bottom is covered with sand (by 10 cm) and compacted. Next, formwork is installed. A plastic pipe is placed in it for the subsequent laying of the cable (the ends should be blocked so that concrete does not get inside). After that, cement mortar is poured into the pit. And until the solution is completely frozen, an anchor is placed vertically and strictly in the center.
  2. After the concrete has completely dried, a support is placed, lamps are mounted, switches, motion sensors and a photorelay are installed. Wire connections are made in junction boxes. They are fastened with clamping nuts, or twisted together. It is recommended to additionally solder the twists and isolate them with hermetic couplings (in extreme cases, they can be wrapped with electrical tape).
  3. The last point is to connect the lighting system to the electrical panel.

Introductory electrical panel

For the electrical panel there is a certain set of rules (PUE). In particular, its body must be self-extinguishing, i.e. consist of either heat-resistant coated metal or heat-resistant plastic. The installation location must meet the following criteria:

  • fire safety,
  • Daylight,
  • Good ventilation (preferably also natural),
  • Easy accessibility.

A country electrical panel usually consists of the following components:

  • electric meter,
  • Residual current device (RCD),
  • zero tire,
  • ground bus,
  • Introductory machines (30–60 A),
  • Automatic sockets for high-current electrical appliances (25 A),
  • Automatic sockets for low-voltage household appliances (16 A),
  • Automatons for lighting fixtures (10 A).

Connecting the backlight to the electrical panel

After all the fixtures and other devices fall into place, a control check of the connections and zero resistance with the phase is carried out.

Next, a connection is made to the electrical panel: the total voltage in the metering board is de-energized, after which each wire falls into place. It is safer and more reliable to entrust this work to an electrician. After connecting, it is desirable to sign each new machine; for this, they usually have special holes.

Lighting can be connected both directly and through a separately made socket. In this case, to de-energize the network, it will be enough just to pull the plug out of the socket.

Lighting is one of the main factors affecting human comfort. Therefore, it is present not only inside the house, but also outside it.

Outdoor LED lamps are a great alternative to standard incandescent lamps, as they consume less electricity at the same level of illumination.

Mounting methods

Street lighting is carried out using various types of lamps. This allows not only to create an optimal flow of light, but also to decorate the territory. It should be understood that for such purposes it is desirable to buy fixtures that can withstand exposure to moisture and temperature changes.

Installation of such systems can be carried out in several main ways:

  • Wall mount. For installation, lamps equipped with a special frame are used. The device is fixed with a dowel or anchor.
  • Foundation installation. This approach very often involves the use of metal supports, which turn it into a lantern. For the installation of such a lamp, a metal pipe is selected, to which the device is fixed. Then the whole structure is installed in the soil and poured with concrete.

Connection algorithm

Before proceeding with this task, an electrical cable from the power source should be connected to the luminaire. If the lights are installed throughout the territory, it would be more logical to lay the cable underground so that it does not interfere with the person when moving.

The connection process can be divided into several successive steps:

  1. Electrical wiring. To do this, you can use various methods, the main thing is that the system is safe.
  2. Removing the protective cover. Often it is located behind the device and is fixed with several screws or self-tapping screws.
  3. Connection. This scheme is quite simple and requires the alignment of the phase and zero of the cable to the corresponding terminals on the lamp. Fixation of the wire can be carried out both with the help of spring clamps and with the use of bolt fasteners. Please note that many lamps can only operate on 12 or 24 V. Therefore, it is imperative to connect a power supply designed for these indicators in front of it.

As you can see, the process of connecting street lights is quite simple and requires only following the manufacturer's basic recommendations. If you are not sure that you can do it yourself, entrust it to an experienced electrician.

Installation of street lighting is a responsible type of work, which should be carried out by professionals with the necessary qualifications and permits to carry out such activities. Experienced craftsmen adhere to the current rules and comply with the necessary standards, which allows you to install and connect all devices efficiently and safely. All this is necessary in order to prevent fire hazards and lighting failures during further operation.

On our website you can get acquainted with the profiles of the best specialists and make the right choice. The base of masters is constantly growing. Today, it includes over 1,000 people who are ready to professionally install outdoor lighting fixtures. Reviews about the work of specialists who were left by previous users who used their services will help you make the right decision.

Installation of street lighting: what is included in this service

Installation of outdoor lighting provides for the following types of work:

  • installation of street poles, lamps and supports;
  • laying wires;
  • connection of a system that provides convenient control of lighting and backlighting.

In addition, the installation of lighting fixtures for outdoor use involves various operations: laying cable channels according to a pre-agreed scheme using the most appropriate method selected in advance, installing grounding, checking the safety of the operation of fixtures, and the reliability of their fastening. Additionally, this type of service includes a study of the site for the placement of electrical appliances, digging trenches, leveling the ground after installing a support, pole, lantern, etc.

It is the responsibility of specialists to carefully check the lighting for compliance with the required parameters. With the master who will install outdoor lighting, you can agree on further systematic inspection and maintenance of devices in order to replace light bulbs, switches, and, if necessary, troubleshoot in certain areas.

Experienced craftsmen offering services on our website have all the necessary equipment for high-quality electrical work. Before installing outdoor lighting, experts study the features of the area, determine the most suitable installation method, the required cable length and equipment power.

How the price is formed

The cost of street lighting installation depends on various factors. The price is influenced by the following parameters:

  • the level of complexity of the upcoming installation;
  • method of laying cable lines and their length;
  • the number of lighting fixtures and their total power;
  • the urgency of the task;
  • section of each cable;
  • terrain relief.

The exact price for services in each individual case must be agreed with the master (or team) on an individual basis.