DIY flower pots from plastic bottles with photos and videos. How to make original flower pots from plastic bottles

05.04.2019 alternative energy

With this simple step by step instructions in just 10-15 minutes you can make a charming flower pot from a plastic bottle with your own hands. We will tell you how to turn an ordinary and already exhausted bottle into a cute little cat. The craft is so simple and clear that even small children can handle it.

Such a flower pot will fit well both in the country house and in home interior. If you have children, let the flower in the "cat" stand in the child's room, especially if he makes this pot with his own hands. True, in the process of creating crafts, it is necessary to strictly follow safety precautions: cut the bottles yourself, do not trust the child, and you need to paint them with rubber gloves, preferably also in a gauze bandage to cover Airways(fresh acrylic paints practically do not affect adults at all).

What will we need?

  • clear plastic bottles
  • acrylic paints (can be in a spray can)
  • permanent marker
  • craft varnish (non-toxic)
  • priming
  • plant

Plastic bottles don't have to be big. If, for example, you decide to plant a cactus in a pot, you can even take a 0.5 liter bottle. For big flowers 2 liter bottles are more suitable.

How to make a pot?

We cut the bottles so as to form two cat ears in front and a tail in the back. If the edges are too sharp, they can be carefully melted with a candle or lighter. Hold the bottle at a distance of 2-3 cm from the fire, turning it to him with the edge. Take precautions!

We paint future flower pots both from the outside and from inside. Acrylic lays flat on plastic, so there should be no problems. Since we paint on the inside too, the craft will not turn out pale - you do not need to apply an additional layer. If you have spray paints, use them, the scheme will be the same.

We draw eyes and ears on the bottle using permanent marker. If you don't have one, take a different color of acrylic paint and a thin brush.

Leave the cats to dry for a day. If desired, you can cover the flower pot with a non-toxic water-repellent varnish (if your acrylic is already water-repellent, this is not necessary).

It remains to pour the soil (this important point, since we need to make plastic pots stable). Then you can add earth or plant a flower directly into the ground - it depends on the plant itself, on its needs.

For people with imagination and skillful hands, it will not be difficult to turn unnecessary things into real masterpieces. Masters and beginners use crafts from plastic bottles for the interior, as a garden decor and in the form practical furniture. Colored plastic bottle caps are an excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and fences. Best Ideas With detailed instructions and the photo is easy to embody in the country, turning a bare area into a "glade of fairy tales", and filling the house with useful little things.

Important advantages of crafts from plastic containers

A well-made souvenir or trinket will eventually develop into a hobby if there are no limits to fantasy. Do not cease to amaze summer residents who have moved from simple hedges on a wire to buildings that delight in scope.

From the available material, which many people throw away, someone constructs:

The main advantage of such facilities is available material. With reliable fastening of the elements, the walls of the building are aesthetic and quite reliable. It all depends on how the plastic bottles are connected. If you approach the matter thoroughly, the desired result will impress even experienced builders.

Plastic eventually becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to recycle. But it is enough to involve all those who are not indifferent to the cleaning of the territory, and there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for the construction of a greenhouse, a cascading flower bed or vertical gardening. The only drawback is the long collection of the same container, since the containers are produced in different colors and volumes.

Some manage to collect enough ornamental material in 1 season, others attract neighbors and friends to collect plastic. Someone decides to clear the area for picnics in order to improve the environment on the way to the dacha and collect material. As a result, both plastic bottles are in use and the territory is clean.

Another advantage - plastic container soft and pliable, easy to cut, no complex tools. With little skill, the material itself "dictates" ideas.

For creating original decoration required:

In the hands of a real master, plastic bottles take on a second life, becoming functional objects. Souvenirs are best done on a seasonal basis. For example, christmas toys make in winter, practical country buildings- in summer, and in spring and autumn, it remains to build a "glade of fairy tales" near the house for children.

Disposal of plastic containers - an exciting activity for the family. It is easy to attract children to him by entrusting a simple part of the work. Don't forget to remind them that you don't just make a firebird or "Chunga-Changa Island" with palm trees from bottles, but take care of the environment. A yard or a school class can be involved in ennobling the territory.

Furniture and interior items from plastic bottles

Furniture made from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece that not everyone can afford. They will need a lot of plastic containers of the same sample. Sofas and pouffes impress with their design and comfort, not inferior to real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made in blocks - seat, back, sidewalls. If there are not enough containers, sofa blocks can be made alternately. It is better when they collect bottles from one drink, for example, two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of "assembling" furniture from bottles is simple - they are exposed in layers and tightly wrapped with tape. To make the furniture softer and springier, a little air is released from each bottle and twisted tightly. In the place where the cap is, cut out the cap from another bottle and wrap it with tape. It turns out a block, which has a bottom on both sides - this is the basis of the furniture.

Then it all depends on the imagination, the type of furniture and the number of bottles available. We wrapped 7 containers of the same volume with tape, we get the basis for an ottoman. What will be its appearance and style depends on the master. For a soft seat round pillow or a block of foam rubber according to the size of the top. The cover is cut out according to the size of the ottoman in the form of a cylinder, and it is convenient to insert a zipper along the side seams, but it is easier to sew up the upholstery tightly.

If there is not enough furniture for the summer, an ottoman for a summer residence is made from the old wadded blanket and a baby pillow wrapped around a block of bottles. Old curtains or a bedspread will go to the sheathing. If the pouffe should have a presentable look, fabric or eco-leather is chosen to be newer and more expensive.

For construction coffee table you will need 4 racks of plastic bottles and plywood shield as a tabletop, which can be hidden with a long tablecloth. In a similar way do convenient stand under a laptop or a portable table for giving. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or chair) from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and source material.

Useful little things for the house from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

It will not be difficult to decorate a schoolchild's bedroom or a children's room with crafts from plastic containers. You can build a whole bunch of artificial flowers. Put the resulting chrysanthemums, daisies or roses in a vase of the same material, adding the middle with diode bulbs on an insulated wire. This is how a night lamp of extraordinary beauty will look like, where a weak light shimmers in plastic petals.

Advice: To give the leaves a special shape, use the heating of the blanks and folding the corners with tongs!

To place a homemade bouquet, you will need a suitable vessel, just cutting off part of the bottle is not aesthetically pleasing. The edges of the cut are marked with a ruler to make a cut, fixing the result by heating the bends. A small transparent bottle is cut off to the very top, about a half is cut off from a large container. We choose a material with a corrugation or a “waist” in the middle so that there is an interesting base.

Then we do as fantasy allows, but we bend the edges beautifully. The fringed cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal notches of the plastic base. The resulting strips are evenly bent to the outside.

Note! It is important that all the notches and the depth of the slot are exactly the same, then the whole product will come out neat.

Depending on which edge is desired, the strips of the vase (the edges of any other product) are fixed in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • stapler staples;
  • fusing;
  • bonding with transparent polymers.

Planters, flower pots and containers for seedlings

Colored plastic containers in the form of bottles and bottles of various sizes are suitable as containers for growing live plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony from 3-liter tanks - cascade ampelous petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut containers will help make the dream of a beautiful piece of paradise come true.

Large bottles and tanks cut in half are hung upside down and with a lid. At the bottom it is recommended to lay large pebbles for drainage. Excess water after watering will go to the plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - in a hydroponic way with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh herbs and seedlings (in urban and country conditions) are also germinated in prepared plastic bottles.

Advice: Take advantage of the compact shape and the ability to hang containers for vertical gardening with automatic watering. In the absence of the owners, watering cans with water immersed in the ground will cope with moistening the plants.

Traps and feeders

Using plastic bottles, you can scare away pests or attract birds to the site. To do this, the tank is used as a feeder, and at the roots fruit trees place traps from bottles of chemicals. From a double plastic container, craftsmen build traps for wasps, where they fly into sweet water and they can't get back.

Equipment of the suburban area

At the dacha "in haste" it is easy to build crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an impromptu washbasin by hanging a full bottle upside down. It is worth unscrewing the lid a little, and a small stream of water will help to wash and wash your hands. It is also worth making a bench and organizing lighting with beautiful owls or gnomes of their plastic. Any garden decor for inspiration - on interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional items for the home

Make an original cosmetic bag from 2 bottoms of plastic bottles, sewing the edges with a zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - a piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

From a similar ball, suspended somewhere nearby, it is convenient to knit, pulling the thread from the ball inserted inside. Nail polish or a lipstick collection is easier to find in a makeshift zipper box.

New Year's decor

Bright christmas balls, garlands or toys from plastic bottles - a worthy use for transparent containers. From one bottle, cut into round strips, a transparent ball will come out. After fixing the sphere with a stapler, decorate in any way:

  • winding "rain";
  • pasting with crushed foam (snow);
  • decoration with sequins, beads and stones.

New Year's decor of white plastic bottles "with a waist" is suitable for snowmen or penguins. You can use black nail polish to draw eyes and other elements, cotton wool (snowball), sparkles, small buttons, beads and everything at hand. Funny caps for characters - from colored socks without a pair, knitwear strips are used as a scarf.

Advice: From homemade winter characters, a candle, ready-made tinsel and a couple of pine branches with cones, create an original New Year's composition so as not to buy a Christmas tree.

Curtains made of colored plastic caps and bottles

Space zoning is popular design technique, where a do-it-yourself translucent curtain is often used. original curtain able to decorate any living space, cottage or covered terrace. In the interior, original hanging partitions made of unusual materials are widely used.

AT modern decor plastic is in demand, including bottles and caps for them. For curtains there are options:

  • from scraps of the bottom of small containers - stripes on a thick fishing line, swaying with air movement;
  • from colored covers - a fantasy panel of tightly strung elements;
  • a garland of plastic and lights to give the curtain on the diodes more aesthetics.

Original all-season flower beds

The summer season is over, and home-made plastic flowers are replacing the living flower beds, which are not inferior in beauty to real ones. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower beds fade against the background of living plants, but in early spring and late autumn only they attract admiring glances.

For daisies you will need small plastic containers white color(petals), yellow (middle) and green (leaves). You will also need an awl and a candle (for heating), “liquid nails”, scissors and hard wire in green insulation.

We cut the base of the white bottle to the center, marking 16 segments - these are the petals. We bend the neat edges over the candle flame, we also make 2-3 chamomile corollas, which we connect in the center with an awl. Here the stem with leaves is fixed on the green wire, closing with the middle. We fill the center of the flower with a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a fringe bent over the candle. We supplement the flower with green sepals from the bottom, collect all the parts and fix them together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, cut out leaves with a hole at the base (for stringing) and give the desired shape by heating over a candle flame. We fasten leaves on a wire handle, they should slightly bend around it. It remains for chamomile to make a few "companions" and find a decent place for the bouquet.

Using patterns and imagination, it is easy to build plastic lilies of the valley, roses, chrysanthemums or tulips. It needs plastic suitable color, from which several layers of petals are made to achieve resemblance to fresh flowers.

All-season flower beds include mosaic compositions from containers filled with earth. Made from lids wall panels. "Butterfly" or " ladybug"- in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the playground

The incredible beauty of a bird with plastic plumage is a whole “field of fairy tales”. This is a peacock or firebird, swans, doves, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made from empty PET bottles according to the general principle:

  1. Design an aesthetic bird head with eyes and a beak;
  2. Build the torso and neck;
  3. String plastic plumage;
  4. Provide wings and tail;
  5. Plant on paws or fix on the selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off with a blue "lake" of inverted plastic bottles. Outlandish birds will decorate the trees in the corner of the garden, which is reserved for children's games. You can choose a themed decor, such as a desert island with palm trees and parrots.

Plastic animals, birds and insects, familiar to our latitudes, as well as favorite fairy-tale characters, are complemented with other materials. Tires, wood and empty containers that are easy to paint will be used.

How to make decorations from plastic bottles for summer cottages and gardens

Original garden decor from improvised material is another way to give the site a personality while the young plants come into force. From green plastic bottles, it is easy to make funny frogs on the edge of the pond, watching dragonflies and butterflies from the same material.

Palm trees - a popular garden decor, consists of trunks (up to 15 brown bottles) and palm leaves (green plastic 5-10 pcs.). This is a simple process that even children willingly participate in.

Prepared brown cups with notches are strung on a thick steel rod (bamboo rod), having previously pierced the base. It is better to use brown containers (1.5-2 l) as a whole, cut in half, then you will only have to punch through the bottom.

We leave green bottles without a bottom and a neck, with the exception of the last one with a neck, which will be needed as a loop. We cut these containers lengthwise into 3 parts to the loop and cut them like leaves. If longer leaves are required, we attach the second half of the sheet with a stapler. All parts of the stem are strung on the base and attached to the top, connecting common loop. It remains to be securely installed on the site of "exotic guests" with a lush crown.

The material is collected for a whole year, but it is easier to involve neighbors and acquaintances in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"ecological" cleaning. In the yards there are special containers for plastic - it is much easier to collect.

Preparation for work - removal of labels and glue residues from plastic bottles, it is important to rinse well and discard the deformed material.

If vertical fences are being built, they need to be filled. Depending on the idea, PET bottles are filled with sand, stone chips or dry soil, digging 1/3 neck down.

For selected purposes, plastics of different elasticity are used. Heat treatment is required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat the fragments cut into strips.

Fairy tale characters sometimes require additional painting. For example, pink piglets for a playground are best covered with an aerosol spray, fixed with transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles are an excellent material in skillful hands. Using them as a basis, it is not difficult to teach children a lesson. environmental education and fill the house or yard with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and shape of plastic bottles themselves will prompt new ideas for an exciting creative process.

69 photos of plastic bottle craft ideas

DIY flower pots from plastic bottles will become exclusive design decision for your home. Self-manufacturing- it's not only fascinating process but also saving you money.

Manufacturing flower pots do-it-yourself is a fascinating process and saving your money.

The popularity of floriculture is growing. Almost every hostess is ready to boast of a variety of green pets. No flower can do without a pot. You will say that it is easier to buy pots in a store where big choice goods of this kind.

But only DIY flower pots will be different original decor. Why buy when you can make a real work of art with your own hands.

Pots from plastic bottles for flowers

There are many manufacturing methods. The most important thing is to turn on your imagination and, of course, prepare all the necessary materials.

For the first method of making a flower pot, you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • music disc;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue gun.

The manufacturing process is simple. First you need to cut the plastic bottle into two halves. It is better to make its cut uneven: a pattern or a wave will look more interesting. It is most convenient to cut the bottle with a clerical knife. Next stage manufacturing is attaching an unnecessary CD to a bottle. From the side of the neck, use a glue gun to glue the disc. It is necessary to wait until the structure dries, and then paint it in any color with paints. It is better to take acrylic paint, because after drying it does not stain your hands and is not washed off. A flower pot from a plastic bottle is ready.

There is another very interesting and unusual way making a pot from a plastic bottle. The peculiarity of this product is that the flowers will grow from the bottom of a plastic bottle. And after a while, when flower pot will be braided by a plant, the effect will be as if the flowers are floating in the air. It is important that when watering a flower, water will not pour out through the bottom.

Such a product is well suited for a home that has pets that can damage flowers, so flower pots made from plastic bottles are hung from the ceiling.

To work, you need to take:

  • a 2 liter plastic bottle (the upper part should resemble a sphere);
  • air building hair dryer;
  • pliers;
  • stationery knife;
  • tourniquet or fishing line.

Dryer construction necessary for working with plastic.

The bottle must be placed in a vertical position and its upper part must be heated. building hair dryer. It is necessary to warm up very carefully and evenly, especially at the bend. After the bottle has warmed up and softened, you should take the pliers and gently press the neck inward. Instead of a hair dryer, you can use an electric stove. Attention! The use of open fire is strictly prohibited. After the product with the depressed part has cooled down, it is necessary to cut off the bottom, as well as make holes so that the product can be hung. Then the roots of flowers are pushed into the hole, the earth is filled up. The result is a beautiful plastic bottle pot for decorating an air greenhouse.

A good solution for the garden and for open greenhouses will be the following product for flowers. For work you will need:

  • several plastic bottles;
  • scissors;
  • thin rope or rope.

First, cut a rectangular hole on the side of the bottle so that you can easily place the plant there. It turns out something like a mini-flower bed. From below and near the neck of the bottle, you need to make holes for hanging the product. Holes should be even and symmetrical. The structure of the placement of such pots can be chosen at your discretion.

Do-it-yourself planters from plastic bottles

by the most in a simple way making flowerpots for plants is considered the following. It is necessary to take a plastic bottle of a size that is suitable for future planters. Then you need to cut off the lower part with a clerical knife, the height is chosen as you like. Next, you should carefully make holes in the sides of the product with an awl so that it can be hung. For decoration, original cutouts from the remains of a plastic bottle, for example, butterflies, flowers, funny figures, as well as stickers, appliqué, decoupage, are perfect. The product can be crocheted or dyed in your favorite color. acrylic paints. A handmade planter will be a wonderful decoration for your home and garden.

Another manufacturing method is no less interesting and simple. An elegant planter will decorate any interior, and even more so if the house has a blank wall. To mask such walls, they usually use climbing plants. But it will take a long time to wait until they cover the entire surface. While the ivy grows, you can hang the entire wall beautiful planters. For manufacturing you will need:

  • a wall with carnations that are driven in in any order;
  • plastic bottles;
  • cable, twine, fishing line;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • the soil;
  • flowers.

It is necessary to drive the carnations securely and firmly into the pre-cleaned wall at such a distance that the pots can be freely and beautifully located. It is recommended to leave gaps of about 10 cm between plants. Next, you need to cut the bottom of the bottle to the height you like. The edge may be curly. From the remains of the bottle, cut out the muzzles of animals and attach them to the front of the planter. From the sides, holes for the rope are made with an awl. The container is filled with earth in which the plants are planted. The pot is ready. Be sure to make holes in the bottom. If the planter is voluminous, then it is better to hang it on two carnations. In such a simple way, you can turn a gray, nondescript wall into a blooming garden.

Another option for making flowerpots: in the form of a so-called vase. For its manufacture it is necessary to prepare:

  • scissors;
  • rectangular bottle;
  • rope;
  • soil;
  • plant.

It is necessary to cut 2 pieces of plastic along the bottle, not reaching the bottom, but with a good indentation from the neck. On the sides of the product, holes should be made at the bottom and several at the throat to ventilate the root system. Next, you need to insert a rope into the holes located at the bottom and fill the pots with soil to the very top. Then plant a flower in a flower pot and hang the product upside down in appropriate place.

Flowerpot from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself flowerpots from plastic bottles will decorate any home, and almost everyone can make them. The first step is to cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle. For cutting, it is better to use a clerical knife, although ordinary scissors can work. A hole should be made in the bottom of such a size that the neck can fit into it. In a suitable place where the flowerpot is planned to be installed, it is necessary to dig the base. For it, you can use an old piece of wood, fittings or a piece of pipe. It should be noted that the height of the base should not be large.

Next, it is recommended to carefully pour sand and spill water to approximately the widest part of the product. The verticality must be well adjusted. Then you need to wait until the sand settles, and fill the flowerpot with soil. Cut for safety rubber hose and put it on the edges of the flowerpot. After that, paint the product. Spray paint is best. A product painted in metallic colors looks very advantageous: copper, bronze, silver, gold. Figures cut out of plastic bottles, butterflies, flowers, etc., are also great for decoration. If you attach a handle to a flowerpot, you get a pretty basket. You can fantasize ad infinitum. It's so easy to create masterpieces with your own hands.

Master class Weaving: Cache-pot from plastic bottles and plastic bags Plastic bottles, Waste material

Dear craftswomen and craftsmen!

Looks like I came up with something new!
We have accumulated several large 5-liter bottles of water. And since I really love to weave, my thoughts worked in this direction.

So let's get a bottle.

We cut off the lower half and cut it into vertical ribbons (there must be an odd number!), Not reaching the bottom a couple of centimeters (so that water does not leak during irrigation). The photo shows that I just made a mistake and cut too low!!! Don't repeat it!!!

Now we take bags (I had ordinary T-shirts for garbage) and make yarn out of them, alternating colors to your taste. Let me not repeat myself and just give a link to a detailed MK how to make it:
I hope Elena.ost will not mind :-)

And we begin, as it were, to assemble the cut bottle back to its previous form. For convenience, you can insert a whole eggplant into our blank and braid it, as when weaving with magazine tubes - I think everything is clear in the photo: we stretch the yarn behind one tape and in front of the next.

Here's what happens. I increase the yarn in the course of weaving different colors- the upper part turned out to be a checkerboard pattern of alternating two white and two green packet rings.

In some places the yarn breaks - I have to tie it back - in such cases I try to hide them inside, and then with a lighter, slightly bringing it closer to the knot, I melt it. I also go through the flames in places where the yarn does not lie flat or bristles - everything immediately looks neater

Now the broken branches of begonias grow roots in a beautiful planter...

And other flowers are not offended ...

Gardeners and hobbyists indoor plants must know how to make flower pots with your own hands. Tubs and pots will transform the interior and give a "zest" to each plant. In addition, homemade pots will help save money and get rid of unnecessary items and materials.

Decorative pots provide great opportunities for creativity. They can be painted, decorated with decoupage, ribbons, fabric, accessories, made from different material and give the most unusual form.

We do it ourselves

It is easy to think of what pots can be made of.

For flower pots, any material is suitable, including waste material, which does not allow moisture to pass through and keeps its shape well.

Undoubtedly, the most beautiful and comfortable pots are ceramic ones. If it is possible to make a pot on potter's wheel then feel free to use it. Clay - optimum material for landing home and ornamental plants. It retains moisture and allows air to pass through, does not overheat and keeps its shape well.

If it is not possible to make a pot yourself, then you can purchase a ready-made one and figure out how and how to decorate it. There are many ideas for decorating pots. It is not necessary to paint the pot with paints, you can dream up and come up with the most unusual “outfits” for it.

Thrifty gardeners can save on a ceramic pot and make it from improvised materials. The simplest pots and tubs are made from plastic bottles. It is enough just to cut off the upper part, fill in the earth and start planting the plant. However, you can dream up a little and make elegant flower vases from such an unsympathetic material as plastic.

For the manufacture of two variants of pots you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a bottle of 1.5-2 liters;
  • CD-ROM;
  • glue gun;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • spray paint.


  1. Draw a wavy line in a circle approximately in the middle of the bottle (it can be straight) and carefully cut the bottle into two parts along it (two blanks for pots turned out);

  1. Glue the part with the neck to the middle of the disk (before that, tighten the lid tightly);

  1. When the glue sets, turn the workpiece over and drip a little glue around the edges for stability;

  1. Make holes along the wavy edges with a hole punch;
  1. Paint the resulting pots from a spray can and wait until it dries completely.

Pots are ready! You can plant plants.

To make the edges of the cut bottle even and smooth, they can be trimmed with a soldering iron. You can also give the edges an original shape with a soldering iron.

Hanging pots are also easy to make from bottles. The most simple model suspended from two sides - by the bottom and neck. One side of the bottle must be cut lengthwise, and two through holes should be made on the sides with an awl or soldering iron so that the bottle pot can be hung.

In such pots, you can plant plants directly, or you can use them as a planter. If desired, paint the outside of the bottles with acrylic paint.

More interesting models- kitties. To make them you will need:

  • bottles with embossed bottom;
  • marker;
  • spray paint;
  • stationery knife;
  • soldering iron or awl;
  • ropes or pieces of strong fishing line (4 pcs.);
  • sample.
  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle;
  1. Draw ears by hand or according to a template and cut them out;

  1. Paint the blank from a spray can and wait until it dries completely;

  1. Make a muzzle with a marker: draw eyes, ears, mustache, nose;
  1. To hang the pot, you need to make holes on four sides and thread ropes or fishing lines through them.

Ready! You can plant a plant.

Instead of cats, you can make other animals, for example, a bunny or a bear.

Original pots are easily made using tin cans and clothespins. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Peel off the label and wash tin can, dry;

  1. Attach ordinary wooden clothespins tightly to each other to the wall of the can.

It turned out a small pot, reminiscent of a traditional tub. If desired, you can paint the clothespins with acrylic paints, and so that they retain their original appearance longer, cover them with varnish.

Eco-friendly pots and flowerpots can be made from wood. They will decorate both the apartment and Vacation home. Wood - cheap material well amenable to processing. However, it is worth remembering that when making a wooden pot, the hygroscopicity of wood should be taken into account. In order for the tub to not start to rot or deteriorate from moisture, it must be treated in a special way - impregnated with moisture-proof agents, covered with stain, varnish or other means.

The easiest way is to assemble a pot from ready-made wooden beams by securing them with glue or nails.

Unusual outdoor wooden tubs and flowerpots for suburban area can be made directly from a piece of log. For this you need:

  • a log or stump of a sufficiently large diameter;
  • drill with a drill length of up to 25 cm and a diameter of 20 mm;
  • chisel;
  • file and sandpaper for leveling the walls of the pot;
  • impregnation for wood from moisture and decay;
  • polyethylene.

What to do:

  1. Saw the selected log, making it the desired height (usually soil flowerpots are made from 40 cm);

  1. Using a drill, destroy the core of the log: in a circle, make several holes through equal distance from the walls, and then make holes in the middle;
  1. Using a chisel, remove the middle of the log and align the walls;

  1. Impregnate the wood from the inside with moisture-proofing agents, lay polyethylene and start planting plants.

Also, a log-pot can be used as a planter: put a plastic or ceramic pot with a plant in it.

A few ideas of what else can be adapted for a flower pot can be seen in the photo:

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