How many minutes does holy water go from the tap to baptism. Why is it believed that the water in the tap is also baptized for baptism

26.09.2019 alternative energy

Water performs extremely necessary function in the life of any person. It is believed that at Baptism she acquires special properties and does not deteriorate. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon, although numerous studies are being carried out. When, where and from what time to collect holy water on Epiphany, is it possible to drink it from the tap on January 19, we will tell in the article.

When and where to collect holy water on January 19 at the Baptism of the Lord

The priests compare consecrated and ordinary water with a bright room and a dark one. If in the dark you can stumble and fall, then in bright room you see everything and understand everything. Holy water is the one on which God's grace has descended. Therefore, if a person drinks ordinary water, he satisfies his urgent need. And the shrine penetrates not only into the cells of our body, but also ennobles our soul.

When is the great consecration of water in the church and how to use holy water on January 19 for Epiphany

Inexperienced parishioners are often interested in the question of when and where to collect holy water on January 19 at the Baptism of the Lord. The great consecration takes place twice: on the eve and on the feast itself. The Great Hagiasma is a great church value. The clergy read prayers and lines from the Old Testament on behalf of the parishioners, as church visitors are also participants in the action. Then the cross is immersed in water, which, by the way, is not so importance like a prayer. Confessors believe that water is sanctified not by the cross, but by the Holy Spirit. When on January 19 at the Baptism of the Lord a crowd forms near the container with holy water, the blessed helpers collect and pour it. They drink water, wash themselves, sprinkle people, dwellings and places of work, as well as food with it. After visiting the temple for Baptism, it is recommended to sprinkle all the rooms of the house. But this water should not be poured over and given to animals. If you really want to consecrate your beloved puppy, just sprinkle it on him.

When to collect holy water from the tap for Baptism (Holy Theophany) - from what time and how to use holy water

Often on Epiphany (on Epiphany), the church sanctifies not only the water in the temple, but also reservoirs, so from this hour you can draw holy water directly from the tap and use it as usual. Newborn babies are connected to Christ through baptism. When a person dies, the place of his rest is sprinkled as parting word of eternity. Travelers and students are also blessed by the shrine. The water that is consecrated at Baptism is called Epiphany. Its effect on a person is more significant. Holy water can be used in different ways. If you sprinkle a dwelling or place of work with a shrine, it will be much easier for a person to live and work in such an environment. Even the air itself becomes different.

Ordinary holy water can always be consumed, regardless of the time and meal. But the mood for when to draw holy water from the tap for Baptism (Holy Theophany), from what hour and how to use it, should be more strict. It is drunk only on an empty stomach after a prayer with prosphora. But it cannot be used for domestic purposes. For example, the clergy forbid making tea or soup from it, since the shrine requires special treatment. Moreover, you can not pour it into the sink along with the remnants of food. Although it is still added to the prosphora during baking.

From what time does holy water work on Christmas Eve and on Epiphany from the tap

And on Christmas Eve, and on Epiphany, the water is consecrated in the same way. This blessing of water is called the Great. Celebrated on Eve, it serves as a memorial to the christenings announced in antiquity. On January 19, the water is consecrated in memory of the baptism of the Lord. On this day, all three faces of the Holy Trinity were revealed to people. It is believed that on the night of January 18 (Evening) to January 19, any water is Epiphany. But the degree of its holiness is different.

Why water does not deteriorate at Epiphany: a scientific explanation of the properties of Epiphany water

People are often interested in the question of why water does not deteriorate at Epiphany, a scientific explanation of the properties of Epiphany water. It retains its properties for a long time. But even if it deteriorates, there is nothing wrong with that. The fact is that in any water there are impurities. In addition, the Lord can thus show a person his failure as a Christian. If the water for Baptism deteriorates, the pastors advise not to look for scientific explanation its properties, but simply to water flowers with it and communicate with God more often.

How to explain from the point of view of science the fact that holy water in Baptism does not deteriorate - is this a myth or a reality?

Studies with agiasma are periodically conducted. Some of them really confirm the fact that holy water remains suitable for a long time, since the reproduction of harmful bacteria occurs much more slowly in it than in ordinary water.

The blessing of water is not just a rite. At this point, its structure changes. In order for holy water at Baptism to be beneficial, you need to know when, where and how much to draw it, sincerely care about the purity of the soul, wish for change and spiritual growth. Then even the tap water on January 19 will create real miracles for which there is no scientific explanation.

January 19 is a big and bright holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord.

Per last years very many have joined the rituals of washing in baptismal water and are trying to go to church without fail to collect blessed water.

Last year, I found an article about the results of many years of research in Moscow and Tyumen, I decided to try to draw water from the tap at the indicated time.
I divided the water into 2 parts, I used the first one, adding a little of this water to drinking water, adding fresh “correct” water to the jar, and I decided to remove the second part in dark place in the kitchen cabinet.

Imagine, absolutely nothing happened to the water in the second jar, it is still fresh today.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the results of studies published in Tyumen News.

It is known that people have long used the healing power of holy and baptismal water to heal their spirit and illnesses.
Every year on January 19, many people rush to the church to get blessed water, and thousands of those who are suffering from gaining health rush to swim in the hole, despite the Epiphany frosts. And it's really not in vain. There are a lot of cases of healing the sick using the healing properties of holy and baptismal water.
But a person is by nature curious, and since belief in miracles itself does not interfere, but only helps on the path of knowledge, the miraculous properties of baptismal water themselves also arouse research interest.
Unique studies of Epiphany water taken from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, conducted several years ago at the Moscow Institute of Information and Wave Technologies, showed that the frequency spectrum of the radiation of Epiphany water is similar to electromagnetic radiation healthy human organs! That is, it turned out that in the baptismal church water there is a certain information program in the form of an ordered set of healthy frequencies. human body!
In Tyumen, a group of enthusiastic researchers has also been conducting research for 5 years related to the study of changes in the structural properties of water on Epiphany, January 19, and their impact on humans. If the healing properties of baptismal water in the church are known to everyone, then few people know that ordinary tap water in Epiphany night can also become bioactive and then retain its special qualities not only for a whole year, but for much longer.
It turns out that tap water annually on January 19 changes its structure many times over a day and a half. Conducted studies included measurements of the water biofield, acid-base balance, hydrogen potential, specific electrical conductivity, as well as the result of its impact on a person during internal and external use (by gas discharge visualization, dowsing, laboratory studies). To do this, starting from the evening of January 18, samples of the water flowing from the tap were taken at short intervals and measurements were taken. For control, the samples were stored for a long time.
Data received various methods, talking about positive influence Epiphany tap water on human health. An increase of tens and hundreds of times in the human biofield was recorded, as well as an improvement in its physical and energy indicators when using Epiphany tap water as drinking and externally. This improves immunity and improves health, enhances the natural protection of a person from pathogenic radiation. environment. Theoretically, it can be assumed that the essence of Epiphany water is to cleanse the body of harmful pathogenic and toxic formations.
For several years, a group of Tyumen researchers established two peaks of water bioactivity during January 19: at about two in the morning and at twelve in the afternoon. Moreover, they coincide with the highest indicators of the electrical conductivity of water, which also constantly changes during the day, during the entire period of the phenomenon under study, tap water always remains bioactive, but to a greater or lesser extent. According to various sources, on January 19, the structure of all water on Earth changes, since this is a planetary, cyclical phenomenon. And it does not matter whether this water is poured from a tap, poured into a teapot, a bottle, a jar, or it is in a river, sea, in snow, etc. But already on January 20, she returns to her usual structural state.
It has been established that all water samples taken at Epiphany subsequently have improved physical and chemical parameters and an increased biofield, which are different from tap water on ordinary days. But only the water that was collected by a person from a tap at about two o'clock in the morning on January 19, subsequently retains maximum bioactivity, acquiring new properties. In addition, studies have shown that it is this plumbing Epiphany water does not lose its properties when it is repeatedly mixed and diluted, just like the one taken from the church. All the rest of the water returns to its usual structural state the very next day.
Thus, as the researchers say, every year, starting from fifteen minutes into the first night of January 19, a person during the day at any time can consciously draw water from the tap for subsequent storage and use as bioactive throughout the year. And if he still wants to get the most bioactive baptismal effect without leaving home and not swimming in the frost in the hole, then you need to wait at least half past two in the morning and in the next half hour you can calmly wash yourself, take a shower or bath from tap baptismal water, without even leaving the house, or just a little drink of this unusual tap water. The results of biolocation studies show that it immediately affects the body, raises the size of the human biofield by tens and hundreds of times, energizes, that is, it has a healing effect.
And then during the year, the use of tap baptismal water in small quantities daily as drinking water will help maintain high level human biofield and, accordingly, his health. In addition, baptismal water has long been always taken by believers only on an empty stomach.
Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the phenomenon of January 19 does not depend on the will of man and is a phenomenal cosmoplanetary phenomenon during which (a day or more, in accordance with time zones) all water, and not just tap water, naturally acquires unusual bioactive properties. Five-year observations of this phenomenon show an annual increase in the energy activity of Epiphany water.
The restorative possibilities of nature are inexhaustible. In today's very unfavorable environmental conditions, living organisms need help, and perhaps that is why the phenomenal phenomenon of Epiphany water comes to the aid of a person.

On January 18, all Christians of the world celebrate one of the main holidays of mankind -

When and where to collect baptismal water?

One two-liter bottle is enough for the whole family for a year.

According to the Church, the consecration of water takes place on the eve of Epiphany. A special procedure, called the liturgy, takes place on Epiphany Christmas Eve. From that moment on, water can be considered consecrated, however, historically, water is consecrated twice.

There are no problems with this in the Church. And on January 18 and 19, after the blessing of water, you can come and collect baptismal water. For those who collect baptismal water at home from the tap, the rule is simple: after midnight (00:00) on the night of January 18-19.

In the absence of such an opportunity, you can quite easily draw Epiphany water in the morning and even throughout the whole of January 19. The time for baptismal water has not yet passed.

Greed is a sin

You don’t need to stand at the temple to collect 20 liter canisters, one bottle will be enough. You can increase the volume of baptismal water at home: just add a few drops of baptismal water to regular water.

Healing properties

Holy baptismal water has many healing powers. It gives not only spiritual, but also physical healing. All Christians firmly believed in this since the time of the Baptism of Jesus Christ. This point of view is supported by many doctors and even some scientists.

Next unusual properties attributed to baptismal water:

  • ability to long-term storage;
  • miraculous healing;
  • getting rid of negative energy and evil;
  • body rejuvenation;
  • broadcast healing properties ordinary water(illumination through touch);
  • spiritual cleansing and protection through sprinkling and ingestion.

All these properties are preserved in Epiphany water for many days, until the next Christmas Eve. However, remember that if the water is still spoiled, and this may be, you should not use it inside.

When to swim in the hole and is it necessary?

Swimming is not required, but many people like it

Samo Epiphany bathing takes place on the same Epiphany night from January 18 to 19. However, no one forbids doing it during the day. Before bathing, it will not be superfluous to receive a blessing from the priest.

It is absolutely not necessary to conduct Epiphany bathing in the hole called "Jordan". The mere fact of bathing does not make you better or worse.

The basis of everything internal state human and sincere repentance. How you do it, in an ice hole or a warm bed, matters little.

For me, these dips are just entertainment, extreme. Our people, on the other hand, love something unusual: to dive into an ice-hole, and then drink vodka and talk about piety. For most, this is akin to fisticuffs on Shrove Tuesday. Archpriest Alexy Uminsky

What can not be done with baptismal water?

Many are worried about whether baptismal water can be used in one way or another. You can drink baptismal water with prayer as you like, up to making healing and good wishes during this.

The rule here is simple: remember that Epiphany water is sacred and treat it accordingly, then it will never occur to you to commit some inappropriate act with water. All this applies to the water received in the temples, and of course, does not apply to tap water. At the same time, the clergy claim that all the water on the planet becomes sanctified, including the one that comes from the tap.


Many folk beliefs about baptismal water from the evil one

The great blessing of water was overgrown with many folk signs and superstitions, not only having no logical justification, but also far from church traditions.

Epiphany water never spoils

With careless storage, anything can be spoiled. You should not use water that is clearly rotten, although it is baptismal. But don't pour it down the drain? That's right, you can water the plants, or take it to the temple and pour it into appropriate place(dry well).

This is "Epiphany" water, and this is "Epiphany"

It is believed that there are two types of water, "Epiphany" consecrated on January 19 and "Epiphany" consecrated on Epiphany Christmas Eve on January 18. Any sensible priest will tell you that this epiphany water no different from baptism. Moreover, in both cases, the same sequence of prayers is used.

I will swim in the hole and become baptized

Without repentance it is impossible to receive the Sacrament of Baptism. Bathing in baptismal water and Baptism are not directly related.

I will dive into the hole and get rid of all diseases and problems

There are people who actually testify to this. But the majority does not get rid of their life's hardships after bathing in baptismal water.

Epiphany water protects from the evil eye and curses

Christians believe in God, and such phenomena as corruption or the evil eye are considered nothing more than superstition. Priests recommend praying to God with a request for protection from someone else's and their own evil. And all sorts of witchcraft is considered nothing more than quackery.

On this day, planets and stars are arranged in a special way.

The Great Blessing of Water takes place through the prayers of the Church. According to Christian tradition, after prayers, the Lord God sanctifies the water and bestows upon it his grace-filled power.

Going to church is not necessary - all the water on Earth is baptismal

Indeed, all waters are sanctified. But water itself should not be an end in itself. The whole holiday is devoted to the glorification of God in gratitude for the blessings of His Son, and not to the simple collection of healing water.

Alternative opinions from the evil one

Water is something without which life is impossible, both in everyday life and in spiritual sense. Holy water is always present at the consecration of temples, residential buildings, buildings, any objects. We are sprinkled with holy water religious processions, at prayers.

What is "holy water"?
This is ordinary in composition and original origin water (well, spring, lake, river, water), miraculously acquiring sanctifying beneficial properties after the performance (by the priest) of a special prayer called water-blessed. Consecrated water is an image of the grace of God.

Water blessing happens small and great. The small is performed repeatedly throughout the year: during prayers, the Sacrament of Baptism. The great blessing of water takes place on the very day Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany(January 6/19), as well as in Eve of the Epiphany(January 5/18). Between the water, consecrated in these two days, there is no difference.

Is it so that on Epiphany night even from the tap the saint is coming water?
This opinion is based on the words of prayers, that on this day all the waters of nature are sanctified. But it should be understood: 1) water is sanctified not by the onset of a calendar date, but by the prayers of the Church; 2) whether water becomes a source of grace for a person depends on his sincerity and faith. Only if a person does not have the physical opportunity to visit the temple (he is sick, the temple is extremely far away, other objective circumstances), he can draw water from the nearest reservoir or even from the tap (and the water will have the same properties), but this must be done with faith and prayer.

Is it necessary to bathe at Epiphany?
The traditions of bathing in the ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Epiphany itself, they are not obligatory and, what is especially important, do not clean human from sins. Forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and His Church is possible only in the Sacrament of Penance, during confession in the temple.

How to use holy water?
The use of holy water is many-sided: it is consumed on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this is especially true for the great agiasme- this is the name of the water consecrated on the eve and on the very day of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord; but due to a special need in God's help, you can drink it at any time), sprinkle it on your home, add it to food.

Can they drink and use Epiphany water non-Orthodox people, for example, Muslims?
Despite the fact that baptismal water is a great shrine, representatives of other religions can use it. But - God-fearing, reverent and with faith. At the same time, they can, and even need to, mentally turn to God in their own words, ask for the health of the soul and body.

What to do if the holy water has gone bad?
Spoiled holy water is poured into a stream or river - where there is a current, into the so-called living, running water. You can also water plants and flowers with this water.

Can a simple person sanctify water on their own by reading prayers over it?
No. Only a priest can do this.

In case of shortage of holy water you can add it (dilute it) to a simple clean clear water with a prayer: Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance; giving victory to Orthodox Christians against the resisters, and keeping Your residence by Your Cross", and she will be all sanctified. The Church Fathers say: a drop of holiness sanctifies the sea.

If you have questions or doubts about the use of holy water, it is better to contact the priests.

Consecrated water is a church shrine with which the grace of God has come into contact, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. Then it stays fresh and tasty. for a long time. It should be stored in separate place, better near with home iconostasis.

In order for holy water to be beneficial, it is necessary to take it with a living faith in God, by virtue of the prayer of the Church, with sincere and pure desire change your life to save your soul.

It is customary to use holy water and prosphora with a prayer: Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy, the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen».

Immersion in an ice-hole is a sacred rite, the Vodokanal of the northern capital has simplified this action by consecrating the city's tap water.

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox believers celebrate one of the main holy holidays - the day of the Baptism of the Lord. Along with the holiday, there is also a rite of purification. Another name for Epiphany is Holy Theophany, it is one of the most ancient Christian holidays and is celebrated at the end of Christmas time. In 2016 Orthodox Baptism falls on Tuesday. The Baptism of the Lord - an event taken from the Gospel, is a Christian holiday. On this day John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. During the ceremony, as the Gospel says, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. The bird said in a human voice: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." It is believed that the Son of God began to serve on our earth for the benefit of all mankind on this very day. Signs of the past Often this holiday is called the "Day of Spiritual Enlightenment" and the Feast of Lights. On this day, after the rite of Baptism, Christ gave the fallen man the opportunity to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit. As you know, the baptism of people began in this way. Thousands of Orthodox Christians go to the nearest reservoirs. Most of the traditions have been lost, but the most famous of them and the signs of this day have remained and are as important as in ancient times. On January 18, on the eve of Epiphany, the Orthodox celebrate Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, believers adhere to strict fast. It is necessary to prepare spiritually for the upcoming night of Baptism. The main tradition of this day is the consecration of water and immersion in it. According to beliefs, the most best time for the consecration of water is the night of January 19th. At the same time, it is necessary to read prayers, asking the Lord for health, longevity and all the best for yourself and your loved ones. holy aqueduct On the night of January 18-19, all water in taps and ponds becomes holy. If you wash yourself with this water, the most terrible diseases come off a person. Washing yourself with water at night, you should say: “Voditsa is from the street, a scoundrel is from me.” For example, in St. Petersburg, on the eve of Epiphany, a water blessing procedure will take place at the main waterworks. This was reported by the press service of the water utility on the air of "Radio-Baltika" At the Southern and Northern water supply stations, the consecration of water will not be carried out, since they were built already in the atheistic Soviet era, when all Christian traditions were not supported. And the water, consecrated at the main station, will flow from the taps of Petersburgers today. The procedure for consecrating the water of St. Petersburg - historical tradition. In 1901, a chapel was built on the territory of the station with donations from the workers, but in the twenties of the last century the building was destroyed. The chapel was restored only in 2000, thanks to which the tradition of water blessing was revived. Representatives of Moskvodokanal reported that such events would not be organized in Moscow. Also, many fonts and hundreds of Jordans in the regions have been prepared for the inhabitants of the capitals today. Other baptismal traditions There are many beliefs about what is necessary or forbidden to do on the night of baptism. "Do not leave shoes outside the threshold on Epiphany night, otherwise you will get sick" "If there are problems in the house, draw water at night, leave it at the threshold in open form, and in the morning, wipe the shoes of each family member with this water. Then pour the water into the latrine with the words: “ Evil spirit under the ground, kind to the earth "". With the onset of the Baptism of the Lord, people go to the temple for mass and for the great blessing of the water. And then they start the festive meal at home. January is the time of frost, so special ice holes are created on the frozen reservoirs. They are called " jordan "- in honor of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. You do not need to treat swimming in the hole as entertainment. Dive into the hole for the sake of interest or do it for the company is strictly prohibited. Such an attitude to the holiday is a sin. Before diving, a prayer is said and during All day long, all the traditions of the holiday should be observed.Only such bathing will bring purification to the soul and body.Also, according to the believers, swimming in the hole brings health and long years life. Dreams Come True Epiphany water, or as it is also called "Epiphany" has long been considered holy. Throughout the year, she needs to sprinkle things, take during an illness and give to drink to those who could not receive communion for some reason. There is also a tradition of making wishes on the night of baptism, it is considered the most successful time for this. On the night of January 18-19, all dreams will be heard and fulfilled. All these signs are hundreds, and maybe thousands of years old. They arose after the observation of the people natural phenomena and then compared and drew conclusions. As an example, some of them: "If the weather is clear and cold on the day of Epiphany, then wait for a dry summer"; “If Epiphany night coincides with the full moon, spring floods are quite possible; “Starry Epiphany night portends summer droughts, and if the wind blows from the south, summer promises to be thunderous” “If the weather was clear at Epiphany, they were waiting for a lean year. Orthodox Christians also consider baptism to be the best day to arrange a wedding. According to an old saying: "Epiphany handshaking - to a happy family." There is also a belief that people baptized on January 19 will be happy all their lives. Divination and dreams On the Epiphany evening, the girls guessed at the betrothed: they put the rings in a bag of grain and, taking them out in turn, determined their fate. A copper ring promised a poor groom, a silver one from a middle-income family, a ring with a gem - a noble groom, and a gold one - from wealthy merchants. In the same way, fate was checked in this way: leaving the gate in the evening, they expected who would be the first to get on the way. It was considered a good omen to meet a young guy, and a bad omen to meet an old man. The dreams seen on Epiphany night did not stand aside. All dreams that occurred during this period relate to all life and destiny and can come true after many years. Sergei Vyazemsky