Faucet with water temperature sensor. A thermostatic faucet is the smart thing you need to get comfortable water and save water. Purpose of mixer with thermostat

14.06.2019 Radiators

The main disadvantage of almost all types of mixers is their dependence on the pressure of the liquid in the water supply. It is difficult to call it stable, and it is from here that some problems arise - water flows from the tap either colder or hotter. Of course, you can put up with this, but not always - given that the pressure difference in cold and hot water pipes can sometimes be significant, then a not very good picture emerges. At one point, water from the mixer can scald your hands. Such problems are easily solved by a thermostatic mixer, which will be discussed in this article. Together with the site, we will deal with the principle of its operation, advantages and disadvantages, varieties and self-installation.

Thermostatic mixer photo

Thermostatic mixer: how it works

The main goal pursued by the developers of the thermostat mixer is to obtain a stable and constant outlet temperature, regardless of the water pressure in the pipeline. The result exceeded all expectations - the mixer not only copes with the task perfectly, but also has convenient control and excellent appearance which is important for the modern user. Moreover, in addition to the above advantages, a simple principle of operation of a thermostatic mixer can also be distinguished - a simple design ensures a long service life and inexpensive repairs.

How it works modern marvel plumbing equipment? In principle, it is quite simple, and its whole secret lies in a special valve, which, reacting to changes in the flow of water in one pipeline, simultaneously changes it in another - it does this according to the specified operating modes. Let's just say if the pressure hot water decreases sharply in the pipeline, the reaction of the thermal valve will be expressed in a decrease in the amount of cold water supplied to the mixing chamber. There are two types of such devices - the work of the first is based solely on mechanics, and the work of the second is based on the interaction of mechanics and modern electronics.

The principle of operation of a thermostatic mixer photo

Now for the question, how to use an automatic thermostatic mixer? As mentioned above, it works quite simply and visually practically does not differ from its ordinary relative - all the same pair of handles, body and spout. The difference between them is that one of these handles is a temperature regulator (divisions with degrees are marked on it), and the second is responsible for the water pressure. Once you have set the desired comfortable temperature water, then you only need to open and close the tap.

To eliminate the consequences of the curiosity of the younger generation, the temperature switch is additionally equipped with a fuse that works exclusively to increase the temperature.

Advantages of thermostatic mixers

We have already mentioned a little about the advantages of mixers with a thermostat above - the main one is the stability of the temperature of the pouring liquid. But besides it, there are other advantages, which should not be forgotten.

If we talk about the disadvantages of thermostatic mixers, then in addition to its cost, which is difficult to attribute to negative points, one can single out such a nuance as the dependence on the presence of water in both pipelines at once. If there is no water in one of them, then the valve automatically shuts off the water supply from the other pipeline. Not all models of such mixers have this drawback - some of them are equipped with a special switch that allows you to open the valve manually and use what is.

The device and principle of operation of a thermostatic mixer can be seen in the video.

Varieties of thermostatic mixers

You don’t have to talk much about the varieties of thermostatic mixers - according to by and large, a device for maintaining a stable water temperature can be equipped with any type of modern mixers. Therefore, we will simply list the most common options.

In principle, in addition, it is possible to single out a thermostatic mixer for, for, and so on - as mentioned above, they can be different, as, in general, all other types of devices for mixing cold and hot water.

Installing a thermostatic mixer

By and large, it is not so difficult to install a thermostatic mixer - in this respect it is not much different from others. similar products. The difference is observed only in two important points.

What else do you need to know about connecting a thermostatic mixer? This is about his protection from all sorts of cataclysms that happen to our water pipes, or rather with water in them. Here you need to take into account the following factors: firstly, our water is dirty (we need additional filters); secondly, pressure surges and hydraulic shocks occur quite often (at the water inlet to a house or apartment, gearboxes adjusted in accordance with the characteristics of thermostatic mixers will not be superfluous) and, thirdly, check valves, the need to install which is trumpeted by almost all manufacturers (they can also be mounted at the water inlet to the apartment).

In conclusion, I will say a few words about the central thermostatic mixer - there is such a variety of these devices that can ensure the operation of almost all plumbing fixtures at the same time. The thing seems to be good, but not without flaws - for example, sometimes you want to take a hot bath, so that, as they say, it gets to the marrow of your bones. You understand that in such a situation, you will temporarily have to refrain from using other plumbing fixtures. It's like connecting several to one tuner - all screens will have the same channels. If we talk about such a mixer, or rather about its installation, then, in my opinion, the best option will mount it exclusively on sinks - all other plumbing fixtures must be equipped with separate thermostats.

Installation of a thermostatic mixer photo

In principle, this is all that can be said about a thermostatic mixer. This thing is good, but it requires a special approach, especially when it comes to self installation. By and large, if you do not want to immediately spoil an expensive device, then it is better to entrust its installation to professionals.

Temperature-controlled faucets are gradually gaining well-deserved popularity. Such devices belong to a new generation and include not only a mixer in its traditional sense, but also a special one. It is the latter that serves to automatically regulate a certain water temperature.

The main advantage of mixers of this kind is the ability to set certain temperature water. Regardless of the pressure in the water pipe, adjusting the water in the mixer allows you to maintain the temperature that was originally set. It is regulated by means of two knobs, the first of which is used to regulate the pressure, and the second sets the desired level of heating.

The use of equipment with a thermostat is especially useful when there are children in the house or self-adjustment water temperature is difficult due to the pressure difference in the pipes of hot and cold water supply. For the first case, the model will become no less relevant, in which a special child lock is additionally installed, which works on the principle of a fuse and keeps the device strictly at a given temperature, not allowing it to be changed.

How did the thermostatic mixer tap come about?

For the first time, the possibility of controlling the temperature of the water was considered, known for their good habit make the most efficient use of resources such as energy, water and heat. It was they who introduced special regulators and sensors, which include a mixer with adjustable water temperature.

It is worth noting that thermostats are not directly installed on the devices, however, they are able to give water of the required heating through the use of elements such as:

  • the scale on which the required indicator is set;
  • a special temperature limiter used to block its increase and maintain the set level;
  • a heat regulator that serves to change the ratio of water from different taps;
  • pressure regulating device maximum convenience user.

Benefits of using

  1. Profitability. Such installations are especially convenient for those apartments and houses that are equipped with electrical appliances for heating. The temperature of the water in the mixer is adjusted as accurately as possible, and therefore there is no excess consumption of hot water, which means that the energy consumption for heating it is significantly reduced.
  2. Independence from neighbors, the use of water by which often determines the temperature of the water in other apartments.
  3. Comfortable to use instantaneous water heaters, which is often accompanied by significant changes in water temperature.
  4. Reducing the risk of using autonomous water heating systems with a maximum temperature of up to 80°C.

The principle of operation of mixers with the ability to regulate water is approximately the same, regardless of their cost. The main task of each of them is to mix hot water with cold water until the required temperature is reached and then serve it to the user.

Water preparation is carried out in a special element, which is located inside the housing. The speed of regulation largely depends on its power. water flow, but in any case, this process usually takes only a few seconds.


Such devices differ from each other depending on their purpose. For example, a faucet for adjusting the temperature of the water in the bathroom will be different from the one used for the kitchen. All such devices are divided into mixers for:

  • bathroom;
  • shells;
  • kitchens;
  • soul;
  • bidet;
  • universal use.

Modern faucets with the ability to control water can be electronic or mechanical. Electronic is equipped with an LCD monitor, which displays all indicators of the temperature of the water supply. It is controlled by buttons or a touch panel - just set the desired program and set a specific time for more effective use mixer.

Some models can also be programmed to display additional readings, including even complex ones such as water analysis. Naturally, their price is several times higher than the cost of conventional electronic mixers that do not have such a function.

Electronic mixers operate on batteries or from the mains, and today you can also purchase such devices that are controlled remotely, with the help of special ones - you can even configure them while in the next room.

The principle of operation of mechanical type thermostatic mixers is simpler - such models work through the use of valves, levers and handles - it is with their help that the temperature and water pressure are regulated. Despite their simplicity, mechanical models of mixers in some cases may be more appropriate than electronic counterparts.

The design of mechanical mixers is more minimalistic, however, modern manufacturers offer a fairly large choice of styles for all types of such products, and therefore they can be selected depending on the interior and user preferences, which is important. Manufacturers of such equipment use various stylistic decisions, thereby paying due attention to the aesthetic side of the creation of mixers. That is why products of this kind, for the most part, are not only functional, but also as attractive as possible in appearance.

Mounting Features

Considering that the vast majority of models of thermostatic mixers on our market come from abroad, it is not surprising that in accordance with European standards cold water connects to the devices on the right side, and hot - on the left.

In the CIS countries, the opposite scheme applies, and therefore, in order to avoid possible confusion in the process of connecting equipment, you should make sure of its origin and, if necessary, change the location of the inlet of the ducts leading to the thermostat.

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Two-valve and single-lever water taps are installed on sinks for mixing cold and hot water. They are extremely easy to use and cheap.

But when the pressure in the pipes changes, their valves have to be tightened so that the flow temperature returns to the desired parameters. It would be nice to automate this process, right?

Modern thermostatic the mixer allows you to level this small but annoying inconvenience. The range of models from various manufacturers is so rich that you can choose desired option pretty hard. Are you having a hard time choosing? Or you decided to install such a mixer yourself, but you are afraid of accidentally breaking something?

We will help you clarify these issues - the article discusses the device, the principle of operation and existing types thermostatic taps. Also given step by step algorithm installation.

In addition, we have selected informative photos, visual diagrams and detailed video instructions that will help any beginner choose the best faucet and master the installation process.

A change in pressure and temperature in water supply pipes is an unpleasant situation that residents face as apartment buildings and private cottages. This is especially annoying in the morning, when the jet from the tap in the washbasin becomes either too hot or too cold.

This happens due to the fact that everyone in the house at this time begins to intensively use water for washing and bathing. Its consumption increases sharply, causing pressure drops.

By domestic standards DHW temperature in centralized system can vary from 50 to 70 degrees. The spread is quite large.

For utilities, this is a boon, they do not have to worry much about going beyond the boundaries of the standards. And consumers have to suffer the inconvenience. You have to install special control devices or constantly adjust the water supply in the tap.

Here mixer-thermostats come to the rescue, all models of which are divided into three categories:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Electronic.
  3. Contactless.

The first are the simplest and most affordable. Adjustment in them of the required temperature and water pressure is carried out by means of a lever or a valve, and maintaining the set parameters is due to pure mechanics and changes physical properties internal elements of the device.

The second and third already include electronic components that require constant power supply.

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Type #1 - Mechanically Adjusted Instruments

The functioning of mixers of this type is based on the movement of a movable valve inside the device, which responds to changes in the parameters of the mixed water jet.

If the pressure increases in one pipe, then the cartridge simply shifts and reduces the flow of water entering for mixing from the other. As a result, the temperature in the spout remains at the same level.

Type #2 - devices with electronic stuffing

Faucets with electronic thermostats more expensive, technically more complex and require power. They are connected to the outlet through a power adapter or have a battery that is subject to regular replacement.

Control electronic thermostat carried out through:

  • remote buttons or on the mixer body;
  • sensors;
  • remote control.

The water in this device is controlled by electronic sensors. In this case, all numbers are displayed on a special liquid crystal screen. The display often shows both temperature and pressure. But there is also a variant with only one value.

The external panel is very convenient for controlling the device: a small screen allows you to see the exact parameters of the water flowing from the thermostatic mixer

Often in everyday life, an electronic mixer-thermostat with a display is a device with redundant functionality. Such equipment is more intended for installation in medical institutions or other public institutions.

It is much more common in shower basins and toilet rooms office buildings than or in bathrooms of private cottages.

However, if construction is planned with all sorts of gadgets that make life easier, then a mixer with an electronic thermostat is just what is required. He certainly will not interfere in such a home.

In addition to automatic control of the water temperature for greater comfort in the bathroom, it is possible not to depend on the mood of heat supply organizations during the cold season.

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Choosing a thermo mixer for kitchen and bathroom

The principle of operation for all thermostatic mixers is similar. With the help of the adjustment, the required temperature is set once, and then the water supply valve simply opens.

They function the same, but the lineup however, it is quite extensive. And each device has its own individual characteristics with merit.

If, in addition to the standard spout, the faucet model involves connecting a shower branch, then the left regulator has a corresponding switch, and not just turns the water on / off

By purpose and installation point thermostatic Mixers fall into four categories:

  • for washing in the kitchen;
  • with a spout exclusively for the washbasin;
  • with for bath.

They are installed on a wall, countertop or plumbing fixture using the method open mounting. Or they are mounted in a closed way, when only valves or levers and a spout remain in sight. And all the internal parts with this installation are hidden behind the lining on the wall.

Most often, thermostatic faucets are installed in the bathroom. In the kitchen, they are not so in demand. The water temperature in kitchen sink you have to constantly change - either you need a cold one for drinking or filling a kettle, then a warm one for washing food, then a hot one for washing dishes.

It is not recommended to continually change the fuser setting. And the convenience of having thermostatic mixer is reduced in this case to almost zero. And in the shower and washbasin, the temperature just needs to be constant. Here it is more relevant.

Pros and cons of different models

Mechanical mixers with a thermostat integrated into the body are more reliable than electronic counterparts. They will cost less than their counterparts. And in the event of a breakdown, they are easier to repair.

But models with a display are more accurate and easy to operate. But they can only be repaired in case of a malfunction in a specialized center.

Thermostatic mixers with mechanical adjustment provide for setting the desired temperature in steps of several degrees

Electronic devices are regulated smoothly, allowing you to specify in the settings any parameters in the range working for a particular model. However, they require power supply. In case of power failures, there is a risk not only to be left without electricity, but also to lose water supply.

Domestic water mixers with thermostat:

  • provide the required pressure with a stable temperature;
  • completely safe to use;
  • reduce water wastage;
  • easy to install with your own hands;
  • exclude scalding and falling under an ice shower;
  • save energy (in the case of installation in an autonomous hot water supply system).

Their only drawback is their high cost. However, in return - comfort, economy and safety.

What to look for when choosing?

The material for the manufacture of the mixer body should be chosen carefully:

  • bronze, copper or brass- the most durable and expensive;
  • ceramics- not as reliable as metal, but looks more attractive;
  • silumin(aluminum-silicon alloy) - cheap and short-lived;
  • plastic- the lowest price and low reliability.

It is even more important to choose the right material for the thermostat shut-off valve. Leather and rubber options are cheap, but wear out fairly quickly. If solid suspensions get into the water tap, these gaskets can quickly fail.

Compared to a conventional mixer, their wear rate in thermostatic analogue is an order of magnitude higher. So it won't take long to bring things to a flood and to sort things out with neighbors from below.

It is best to choose high-strength ceramic valves. They themselves are durable and will not damage the saddle.

But if the mixing device is installed with them, then you should forget about using force when tightening the valve until it stops. The valve is unlikely to break, but the thermostat head will be torn off quickly.

If a check valves and there are no coarse filters as part of the thermostatic mixer, they will definitely need to be purchased and installed

The main problem of most mixers with thermostats is the differences in standard hot and cold water pipe layouts in Russia and Europe.

We have a DHW pipeline according to the standard plumbing device is brought to the right, and they have to the left. However, these devices were mainly developed and produced by European manufacturers, according to their rules.

When choosing thermostatic mixer, it is extremely important to find out from the seller how to connect to it water pipes. If the pipes are connected the other way around, the thermostat will simply break.

Bath and bidet devices must be adapted to Russian standards. Otherwise, you will have to change the configuration of the pipes, and these are additional serious costs.

FROM kitchen models in this situation it is somewhat simpler - they are connected by means of flexible outlets, which can be rearranged without problems

And the last point is the presence of sufficient. in passports thermostatic mixers, the minimum operating pressure at 0.5 bar.

If in the pipes it actually turns out to be lower, then the device will not be able to work properly. There is simply no point in installing it in such a plumbing system.

Leaders in the production of thermal mixers

When choosing a mixer-thermostat, preference should be given to models made especially for Russia.

foreign manufacturers in recent times this plumbing began to be produced under domestic standards and requirements. It is she who should be looked for in stores, so as not to rack your brains later when performing installation.

It is necessary to distinguish between thermostatic (they are also thermoregulating), valves intended for heating systems (in the figure), and the considered mixing devices for sinks and showers

In the domestic market, faucets with a built-in thermostat are represented by the following brands:

  • Oras (Finland);
  • Cezares and Gattoni (Italy);
  • Grohe, Kludi, Vidima and Hansa (Germany);
  • Lemark (Denmark);
  • Toto (Japan);
  • NSK (Turkey);
  • Iddis and SMARTsant (Russia).

The Germans are the undisputed leaders in this industry. But other manufacturers are trying to keep up, creating lines of various price classes.

Here it is more necessary to focus on the materials of manufacture and product design. However, the positive image won over the years should not be forgotten either.

Installation of a mixing valve with a thermostat

In general, the installation of the mixer in question is practically the same as without a thermostat. It is only necessary not to make a mistake with the points of connection of hot and cold water to the device. Confusion will inevitably lead to thermostat failure.

If you unfold the mixer for correct connection is not possible, then the supply pipes will have to be swapped. The easiest way to do this is with . But you may need to rewire plumbing system in close proximity to the mounted crane.

The installation order is as follows:

  1. The supply of hot and cold water at the riser is blocked.
  2. The existing crane is dismantled.
  3. Eccentric discs are installed on the pipes with their dilution for a new mixer.
  4. They are installed on the places of laying and decorative elements intended for them.
  5. The mixer with a thermostat is screwed on.
  6. Attached parts (spout, watering can) are mounted.
  7. The water is turned on, and then the operability of the installed device is checked.
  8. The temperature of the water coming from the mixer-thermostat is adjusted.

To exclude leaks, tow, FUM tape or another analogue is used as a sealant.

Coarse filters and check valves should be installed on the water supply. Thermostatic the mixer is quite demanding on the quality of the water entering it.

On the one hand, care should be taken to ensure that there is no silt and other deposits in the flow, and on the other hand, even a potential overflow between cold water and hot water pipes should be excluded. This fitting can be omitted only in one case, if it is already in the mixing device housing.

Difficulties can arise only when installing a separate mixer, you will need to prepare in advance a place for the main segment with a built-in thermostat and connect all pipes to it correctly

At concealed installation into the wall, only the spout and the buttons or the thermostat adjustment lever remain visible. Everything else is covered with decor. The bathroom takes on a finished look. Just perfect option, however, if the mixer breaks down, to repair it, you will have to break the walls and remove the tiles.

The thermostat is calibrated using a special adjusting screw or valve under the protective cover of the device. To do this, you need a regular thermometer and a screwdriver.

If the thermostat is not calibrated in accordance with the passport instructions, then the temperatures at the mixer valve can vary greatly in reality.

You love original solutions For bathroom? Then you might be interested in the information about the waterfall faucet reviewed. thermostatic mass mixer. Its main obstacle mass use- this is the high cost of this device for many Russians.

A conventional faucet with a mixing chamber without a thermostat will cost several times cheaper. But if comfort and safety are more important to you, then equipment with a built-in thermostat is worth spending money on.

Do you use a thermostatic mixer? Perhaps you installed it yourself? Please share your impressions of using such a smart device - what disadvantages did you find for yourself, and what pleases you the most.

Or are you just choosing a mixer model for yourself? Or maybe you had difficulties during the installation process - ask your questions in the comments block, and we will try to help you.

The thermostatic faucet is gaining popularity, competing with models with two valves and one lever. Buying a thermostatic faucet means raising the level of usability of sanitary ware in the bathroom, because they set a new standard for comfort in the bath and shower.

What is a thermostatic mixer

The thermostatic mixer is structurally a product equipped with a sensor for measuring and maintaining the stable temperature of the water. Outwardly, it also differs from traditional ones: a panel with handles for turning the water on / off, as well as adjusting the temperature.

The temperature is controlled by thermocouples. It is enough for the user to set the required temperature before turning on the tap, and the device itself will maintain the required temperature regime by adding hot or cold water. Moreover, the thermostatic mixer reacts to temperature changes instantly.

Advantages of thermostatic mixers

Installing a thermostatic mixer offers the following benefits:

  • Eliminates the risk of getting burned hot water which is important for families with small children.
  • There is a saving of energy used to heat water in a house with installed heating devices.
  • Setting a stable temperature when using flow heaters.
  • The independence of the water temperature from whether the warm water at this point neighbors.

Considering the advantages, it is not surprising that the thermostatic faucet is becoming more popular.

Where to buy a faucet with a thermostat

You can buy a mixer with a thermostat in our store. Products from Grohe, Hansgrohe, Oras, Kludi, Hansa and others are presented at Home-Santehnika. And the price is below the market average. We have products from additional function temperature control from a remote control, as well as with a change lock set temperature children. There are reviews on the products on the site.

It is easy to buy thermostatic faucets with delivery in Moscow! Buy and you will understand how convenient it is!

Everyone wants to provide comfort and coziness in their home, as well as equip it with convenient and modern equipment. This is especially true of the bathroom, the possibilities of which, thanks to innovative technologies, are endless. However, when buying this or that equipment, it is advisable to first take an interest in the principles of its operation. For example, it would be useful to know how a thermostatic faucet works if you decide to renovate your bathroom from scratch.

Features of the design of a thermostatic mixer

One of the most common faucet designs worldwide is the thermostatic model. This device allows you to provide water supply in a user-defined temperature regime. In addition, there is a linear range of models, where you can additionally adjust the jet pressure. That is why the thermostat is equipped with two control valves: to select the temperature and pressure.

Now global manufacturers produce this equipment in two versions: electronic and mechanical. The first sample has a built-in information display that notifies you of the current supply water temperature. Such a sample works with batteries or thanks to a network adapter.

Standard models of thermostatic mixers allow you to adjust their operating modes using buttons. However, more expensive samples have touch and even remote control types that respond to commands from an infrared element.

In addition, such plumbing equipment is classified, depending on its purpose, into mixers with a thermostat for:

  • baths;
  • soul;
  • shells;
  • bidet;
  • kitchens.

However well-known manufacturers We have also developed universal models that are quite applicable for various purposes, for example, both for the bathroom and for the kitchen. It is worth noting that the method of attaching the mixer can also be different:

  • open - the entire structure and its elements are mounted directly on the selected equipment;
  • closed - in this case, the shower faucet with a thermostat "hides" in the wall, and only the panel and controls remain outside.

The basic principle of the mixer

It will seem strange to many that such modern plumbing equipment actually has an extremely simple design. All samples have a special mixing valve, the operation of which is controlled by the cartridge. It is most often made from bimetallic plates or has wax in its composition and is very sensitive to even minimal changes in water temperature.

The principle of operation of the mixer with a thermostat is that the set temperature parameters through the fixing and adjusting screw come to the cartridge, which either narrows in size or expands. To make the operation of the equipment safer, manufacturers install a fuse on the screw, it prevents the growth temperature regime supply water above 80 ° C. If cold water stops flowing, then the hot water supply also stops. As soon as the flow of water of the two modes is resumed, its mixing also continues. It turns out that this type of mixer eliminates the slightest possibility of getting burned or pelletizing. ice water due to a sudden change in temperature.

It is also particularly important to do the right thing with the thermostat to the water supply. If you confuse pipes with cold and hot water, then the specified set mode will not only not be fulfilled, but the supplied water will also have a wide variety of temperatures. Therefore, experts recommend inviting a plumber who knows his business to install the purchased mechanism. Next, you just have to do the replacement of filters, which is quite possible to do it yourself. Such filters look like metal meshes installed in the gap between the eccentrics and the thermostat.

What are the positive and negative properties of a thermostatic faucet?

The main advantage of this type of mixer is its ease of use. Especially such equipment will be appropriate in families where the elderly or children live. younger age. Also, these models are widely applicable in places where it is not possible to control the temperature of the supply water due to the huge pressure difference in the adjacent pipes.

In addition, with a thermostat is an economical sample. Thanks to the precise and coordinated operation of the system, excess water consumption is not allowed. high temperature, which is relevant if it is heated up thanks to the acquired electrical appliances. Since modern models of mixers allow you to adjust the pressure of the jet, the overall cost of water is also significantly reduced.

If you do not know how to make such settings yourself, you can select the "economy mode", which will automatically change the parameters of the mixer.

The very principle of operation and operation of a thermostatic mixer ensures guaranteed safety for human health. The equipment will not allow the supply of water at a lower or higher temperature than the one set by the user. If you are using autonomous system for heating incoming water, that is, the possibility of supplying water with a temperature of over 80 ° C, which is extremely dangerous for humans. But mixers with a thermostat can eliminate this possibility and prevent possible burns.

Using such a device, you will feel only pleasure from its operation. Problems associated with pressure and temperature drops in water pipes will not affect the smooth operation of the mechanism. Water will be constantly supplied in accordance with the set parameters, even if another person in the next room turns on the tap. Of course, the exceptions are cases when its full supply stops. It is also worth noting the quick response of the mixer with a thermostat to changes in the settings: in just 2 seconds, the new parameters will be put into effect.

As for the disadvantages of such modern model mixers, they are at a high price. Such samples are more expensive than standard faucets, but do not forget about the high level of comfort, convenience and quality guaranteed by manufacturers. Also, this cost will pay off due to the efficiency of the equipment and the reduction in water costs.

How to make a successful purchase of a mixer with a thermostat?

Despite the fact that in the West such models have already acquired their admirers, the domestic market has a certain imbalance regarding supply and demand for these samples of sanitary equipment. Due to the high price, not everyone can afford to purchase such a mixer model. It is worth noting that Russian companies also began to produce similar mechanisms, for example, KIT, but the models they presented are of a simple design and lack a hose and spout.

European manufacturers - Oras and Grohe - are not only a guarantee High Quality and long term operation of the equipment, but also carried out in the different design. That's why a wide range of products of these companies allows you to choose just such a model that will fit into any modern interior. A chrome-plated coating of products provides hygiene and aesthetic appearance.

It is worth noting that, having decided to purchase a mixer with a thermostat, you need to make sure of the quality of the purchased goods. It is advisable to first obtain information regarding the features of the original products, so as not to accidentally acquire a fake by paying a sufficiently large amount. Check carefully in the plumbing equipment store all certificates of quality and conformity, and also make sure that the warranty card is available. It is he who will ensure the possibility of free repairs if the mechanism fails. Also ask how the thermostatic faucet you are going to purchase works.

After carefully checking all the documents and the product for the absence of any marriage, you can safely purchase the goods and enjoy high level comfort and convenience, which only a mixer with a thermostat is capable of!