Onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden: useful properties, application. Onion peel for vegetable garden or garden application

18.04.2019 Heating

Onions are used in every kitchen, as this vegetable is included in the recipes for most main dishes. After peeling onions, onion skins are left, which most people throw away because they don’t know that it can be used in various areas, from treating diseases with prescriptions traditional medicine, in cosmetology, before preparation from onion peel infusions, decoctions, which are used as a fertilizer for plants and protect them from pests and diseases. In this article, you will learn how to use onion peel when growing indoor plants and vegetables in the garden.

Onion is known for its antimicrobial action, it contains phytoncidal substances, which, as orderlies, inhibit the development of pathogens, fungi and bacteria, so onion peel infusions are effective against many plant diseases.

In the fight against plant pests, onion peel serves as a repellent drug, since its infusion has a specific smell. Spraying plants with a decoction of onion peel will help get rid of spider mites, thrips, and aphids on plants.

As you know, there are many different macro and micro elements in onions, and their concentration is maximum in the dried outer scales. When preparing a decoction or infusion of onion peels, all useful substances dissolve in water, such a solution will be an excellent top dressing for vegetable plants and flowers.

is safe means for a person. Since the infusion does not contain toxic substances they can be sprayed on houseplants or vegetable crops and flowers in the garden without using protective equipment and without worrying about environmental pollution.

The use of onion peel in indoor floriculture.

A decoction of onion peel is an affordable and cheap fertilizer for indoor plants. The decoction implies that the water with dry onion peel is heated to boiling, so as quickly as possible all the substances from the product pass into the water, so it will take less time to prepare this remedy. You can use a decoction of onion peel immediately after it has cooled. Since the concentration of substances in the broth is maximum, it is diluted with water.

To prepare a small amount of broth, pour a handful of onion peels with 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil, turn off the boil after 2-3 minutes. Cool the solution and strain. For spraying indoor plants, dilute the onion peel decoction with water in a ratio of 1:2, and for watering as a top dressing, 1:5.

Infusion means that the solution is infused for several days so that all useful substances dissolve in water. To prepare the infusion, 2 handfuls of dry onion peel are poured into 1.5 liters of cold or warm water and insist two or three days. Infusion for spraying plants and top dressing is diluted clean water, as well as a decoction. If you pour boiling water over the onion peel, then you can insist it for a day and then apply it.

You should not store the infusion and decoction of onion peel, as it quickly deteriorates, begins to smell unpleasant and loses all its beneficial features.

Spraying indoor plants with a solution of onion peel will help revive them, this procedure will replace foliar feeding and serve as a prevention against the appearance of insect pests.

When watering indoor plants with a solution of onion peel, the earth in the pot is saturated with nutrients, and the earth is also disinfected from fungal diseases, pests, mold and plaque on the surface.

When growing seedlings at home, onion peel will help you cope with many troubles. Crops and young shoots need a warm and humid atmosphere, but such conditions are favorable for the development of a dangerous “black leg” seedling disease, when young shoots literally die before our eyes. An infusion or decoction of onion peel will help save seedlings from the "black leg". After preparing this remedy according to the recipe described above, spray seedlings and soil with it every 3-5 days. An onion skin remedy will suppress fungal diseases and nourish the young sprouts, the seedlings will grow healthy and strong.

The use of onion peel in the garden.

Onion peel in the garden it is used in large volumes, so it can be stored all winter, and in the spring it can be applied when digging the earth. Onion peel will cleanse the earth of many dangerous diseases, the pathogens of which remain in the soil - this is powdery mildew, late blight, and will also scare away many soil pests, serve as a baking powder and fertilizer for the soil.

If your garden is inhabited by such soil pests as wireworm, beetle, then use onion peel to get rid of them. When planting potato tubers, planting seedlings of vegetables and flowers, throw a handful of dry onion peel into the planting holes, it will protect the tubers and roots of young plants from soil pests at first, and then, decomposing, feed the plants like fertilizer.

For use in the garden, onion peel infusion is usually prepared in large volumes.. For 10 liters of water, you will need half a bucket of dry onion peel. Infuse the solution for three days dark place, on the fourth day the solution is filtered. For watering plants as a top dressing, an infusion of onion peel is diluted 1 to 5, watered 2 liters per plant, and for spraying 1 to 2.

You can quickly prepare an infusion of onion peel using hot water. Dry onion peel with a volume of 1 liter, pour 10 liters hot water and insist about 12 hours. This solution can not be diluted for spraying plants, and for the duration of its action, a small piece of laundry soap is dissolved in it.

Plants are sprayed with infusion of onion peel to protect them from spider mites, aphids, thrips, fleas, various butterflies and flies. The specific smell of onion peel will repel all flying pests.

If you notice that the leaves of cucumbers have begun to turn yellow and wither, spraying with infusion of onion peel will help restore the plants to their former healthy appearance, as this remedy will not only serve as a disinfectant against many diseases and pests, but also as a foliar top dressing.

To protect carrots from such dangerous pest like a carrot fly, use an infusion of onion skins. Spray the tops of the plants with the prepared product and water the beds every week.

An infusion of onion peel is used to disinfect the earth in greenhouses and greenhouses. Spill the soil with this tool a few days before planting.

The use of onion peel in the garden will help you save money without having to buy fertilizers and pesticides, and will also allow you to grow an environmentally friendly crop.

Kira Stoletova

Any farmer knows how much attention and care ordinary cucumbers require. A real panacea for all cucumber diseases can be called ordinary onion peel, which is present in abundance in any kitchen and is undeservedly disposed of. Experienced gardeners who know how to feed cucumbers with onion peels start collecting this unique product in the fall and accumulate it in sufficient quantities by the beginning of the season to use it as fertilizer.

The benefits of onion skins

Onion peel for cucumbers is actually much healthier than the onion itself. It contains rare biologically active and mineral substances, as well as a complex of vitamins and microelements.

  1. Carotene is a powerful antioxidant and natural immunostimulant. The level of carotene content in such a product is comparable only with its content in carrots. For cucumbers, carotene is useful in that it increases the vitality of seedlings, helps plants fight various fungal and putrefactive diseases, and also improves leaf metabolism.
  2. Phytoncides disinfect the entire harmful environment contained in the soil, not excluding even the simplest microorganisms, and only here their concentration is many times higher than necessary for conventional protection. Phytoncides are found mainly in the outer part of the leaves and therefore easily pass into the water when infused.
  3. B vitamins are real growth activators for cucumbers. They are essential elements for the production of carboxylase, which is involved in the process of processing carbohydrates into useful substances. When seedlings are treated with such a solution, the stems of cucumbers will be more powerful, and the leaves stronger.
  4. Vitamins of the PP group or nicotinic acid are the most important trace element, without which the process of processing oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen by plants is impossible. If the plant receives additional nutrition rich in nicotinamide, it ceases to suffer from a lack of lighting, and its root system becomes much more powerful, which is important for those who grow cucumbers on heavy alumina.

Application methods

For seedlings

To prepare the soil for planting seedlings, it must be dug up with mulch. You can also treat the seedlings with a solution by insisting a handful of cleanings in a liter of boiling water for a day. Spraying is carried out before planting in open ground, and then - no more than once every 6 days. This will help cucumber seedlings to be more resistant to various fungal infections and protect against harmful insects. If you process cucumbers in two ways, digging with such a mulch and feeding with a decoction at the same time for one season, the crop will be bitter.

Bush feeding

To increase the yield of cucumbers and prolong the fruiting period, they are fed with a decoction of onion peels. It helps plants restore vitality and restore strength after frost or prevent yellowing of cucumber leaf plates. This decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 handfuls of leaves per bucket of water, brought to a boil and infused for a day. After that, the broth is diluted at the rate of 2 liters per bucket of warm water, and cucumbers that begin to wither are fed with this solution.

Pest control

Cucumbers are often affected by thrips or spider mites.

In order for these insects to run away from the beds without looking back, you should spray the cucumber leaves with the following infusion: pour a liter jar of rammed husks with two liters of warm water.

The use of the solution, the processing of plants does not require special knowledge: let it brew for two days, strain and dilute warm water in a ratio of 1:2. You can also add a little laundry soap to it for better fixation on the leaves. It is necessary to carefully spray the leaves for 3 days in a row, after which take a break of 7-10 days. The procedure is repeated several times. The same infusion, only without soap, is also used to treat the fungus, pouring it on the affected plants under the root.

Onion peel as a fertilizer for indoor plants has been used since time immemorial.. The main difference from minerals is the absence of a negative impact on crops. We can talk about a diametrically opposite effect - the yield and quality of fruits increases.

Present in onion skins a large number of trace elements and nutrients - phytoncides, carotene, salts, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, tocopherol. Due to such a rich composition, the husk saturates garden and agricultural crops with nutrients and disinfects them.

The residual products of onions contain quercetin, which is a special substance that increased concentration which is present in red varieties of onions. Quercetin is a member of a group of flavonoids that can be obtained exclusively from plants.. A positive effect is observed not only in relation to garden and indoor plants, but also on the human body.

Beneficial features

decoction based on onion peel - fertilizer for indoor plants, designed primarily for the root system. Its composition promotes anti-inflammatory action. It is used to strengthen and accelerate the growth of the root system of the plant.

It can be used as a composition for the soil. The husk contains phytoncides that protect the soil from insects, pests and improve its overall structure. Due to this, the soil becomes looser. A decoction of onion peel as a fertilizer is great for areas where garden vegetation is grown annually. Experienced gardeners use it for drinking bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers and feeding potatoes. It can also be used for indoor vegetation, watering strawberries.

Even our ancestors knew about the ability to "revive" yellowed and wilted sheet plates plants that grow under conditions open ground. This decoction is no less useful for flowers cultivated indoors. Main condition - use onion peel as a fertilizer for indoor plants exclusively in the form of a decoction.

The use of onion peel as fertilizer for the garden

Experienced gardeners are aware of the enormous benefits of onion peel. Above, we have already considered the main ways of using this tool on our own personal plot.

The use of a decoction for seedlings

The first method involves the use of onion peel as a fertilizer when planting seedlings in the soil.. It can be laid directly into the ground, but in small quantities. This protection will protect the young culture from many diseases. Vegetable crops become much more resistant to pests and diseases. As a result, productivity increases.

To use this method, you should prepare a decoction based on onion peel, thanks to which it is possible to quickly save the yellowed foliage from zucchini and cucumbers. The recipe for this decoction is extremely simple. It is enough to prepare 3-4 cups of onion peel, it is pre-dried and filled with 10 liters of water.

If you add a dry composition to water, then you should bring it to a full boil, and then remove it from the window so that the consistency finally cools down and can brew for some time. Taking into account the low concentration of the composition, this onion peel flower fertilizer considered the most preferred.

Application at home

If you use a decoction of onion peel for home greens that are on your home windowsills, they will actually begin to “come to life”, especially if you use onion peel decoctions as fertilizers for this. He is able to:

Advice! A decoction of the husk in this case can be used both for root watering and as a means for spraying leaves. This top dressing should be carried out as a light spray on the plants..

The recipe for preparing such a miracle decoction is extremely simple: a small handful of onion peel is enough to pour 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Put on a slow fire and hold in this state for about 5 minutes. After that, the broth is removed from the heat and set to cool completely. The tool can be used absolutely freely.

Here is such an easy and simple way to get rid of all kinds of pests, strengthen vegetation, as well as stimulation and full development indoor crops. It is enough to use onion waste and the condition of home greenery will improve significantly.

Tell, How many onion your whole family consumes in one year? Surely a lot. But in the trash goes a lot useful tool, which could be applied to your dacha or indoor flowers! We will talk about ordinary onion peel, which the housewives throw into the trash without a shadow of regret.

The benefits of onion skins

It turns out that onion peel is obtained good fertilizer and means for pest control of fruit and vegetable crops. Moreover, it contains whole line micro- and macroelements (vitamins of groups A and B, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and zinc), which are very necessary for plants for development, and also in its composition there is a substance that can inhibit colonies of pathogenic soil microorganisms. Not bad onion peel copes with the "raids" of insects such as aphids, thrips, spider mite. Kill, of course, does not kill, but it scares well for several days.

As a fertilizer, onion peel has a positive effect on root system plants. It accelerates the regeneration of roots, reduces the likelihood of inflammatory processes and has an immunostimulating effect.

In this guide, we will tell you how to cook and use onion skins effectively. Moreover, there are already many ways to use it. These are her infusions and decoctions. But remember that you need to use all these funds on the same day that you prepared them. Yes, by the way, to have enough husk, you need to save it for a whole year. To collect, you can connect the whole family. ;)

What to spray with infusion of onion peel?

Almost all vegetable crops can be sprayed with this solution, with the exception of garlic and the onion itself. The solution helps well with tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, radishes and cabbage. Most insect pests will simply leave the treated crops.

Such an infusion helps very well for fruit and berry bushes and fruit trees.

When to spray with infusion of onion peel?

The procedure for spraying plants is best done in the evening, in calm, clear weather. If rain is predicted with a high probability at night or in the morning, then all processing results may come to naught. This procedure must be repeated periodically and repeatedly. The maximum impact lasts about 3 days if there is no rain and heavy dew.

Infusion of onion peel

  1. Take about 1 liter of dry onion peel.

  2. Fill it with 2 liters of warm water.

  3. Insist for 2 days, and then strain through several layers of gauze or a fine strainer.

  4. Add liquid or potassium soap to this solution so that the mixture adheres better to the leaves and branches.

  5. Before spraying, dilute with water, in a ratio of one to two.

Country infusion of onion peel from aphids in haste

  1. Take 1 liter of onion peel and pour 10 liters of warm water.

  2. Insist for half a day.

  3. Strain and immediately spray plants affected by pests.

Against what pests can an infusion of onion peel be used?

  • Treatment of aphids with this infusion is repeated every other week for a whole month.

  • infusion of onion peel from spider mites should be sprayed for about two months, once a week. Make sure that drops of solution fall on lower leaves and their reverse side.

  • On cabbage, radish, turnip and radish, infusion helps cruciferous flea. Dilution with water is not required.

  • In August or a prolonged rainy season, you can spend from a false powdery mildew appearing on cucumbers. it is necessary to spray before the first signs of the disease appear at intervals of every five days.

  • Spraying with a solution once a week helps with black legs.

  • On currant bushes and others fruit bushes this infusion helps kidney mite. Bushes need to be processed before and after flowering.

  • If you put a bucket of boiled onion peel in a greenhouse or greenhouse, it will scare away midges, fleas and aphids.

  • Of course, compared to chemical or biological insecticides, such a tool will lose in efficiency. However, it can be used for almost the entire season, and it will cost you nothing.

From what else can you apply an infusion of onion peel?

A decoction of the husk will also cure the yellowed foliage of zucchini and cucumber culture. But be sure to dilute with water! The same can be recommended for tomatoes, carrots and cabbage.

Using dry onion skins

Dry onion peel can be used when planting seedlings in the ground. By digging up the soil with the addition of crushed husks, you will protect the seedlings from pests and diseases.

It is useful to lay the husk in the holes when planting seed material potatoes. This will scare the wireworm away from young nodules a little. It is also advised to soak potatoes in an infusion of onion peel. It helps to deal with fungal diseases at first.

The use of onion peel for watering indoor flowers

If a decoction of onion peel is used as a fertilizer, then it will be possible to feed many types of indoor flowers and permanently get rid of the mushroom mosquito and flies.

The decoction can be used both for foliar feeding with microelements, and in the form of root irrigation, as a fertilizer. The most important condition is the constancy and frequency of the procedure.

To prepare such a miraculous solution, you need to take a handful of husks and pour 2 liters of water, and then boil over low heat for about five minutes. Remove fire and let cool. The tool can be used immediately.

For treatment various diseases in plants since ancient times, onion skins have been used. And now you will not surprise anyone with this - in various publications you can find many references to recipes for treating plants using onion peel. And it does not matter where they grow, on the windowsill or in the garden.

Infusion of onion peel for indoor plants

If you notice that indoor flowers have begun to look unimportant - do not worry. Just do infusion of onion peel and water them. Before your eyes, the flowers will begin to “come to life”.

The elixir of a good flower mood is very easy to make. Place a handful of husks in an enameled container for one and a half liters of hot water. Put it on the fire and boil for no more than 5-7 minutes. After removing from heat, leave the broth to infuse for two hours. At the end, it remains to strain the infusion and cool.

No wonder flower growers with experience advise at least once a month to use an infusion of onion peel for spraying plants and the surface layer of the soil. This is done both for antiseptic prophylaxis and for the purpose of fertilizing the soil with microelements, of which there are a huge amount in such an infusion. But you need to know and remember - you can not store an infusion of onion peel. Therefore, it should always be used for processing and watering the soil and plants only freshly prepared.

Watering with a decoction (infusion) of onion peel

Onion peel, as noted above, has disinfecting properties and contains a lot of microelements useful for plants. Adding it to the soil in the spring before planting seedlings increases not only the resistance of plants to various diseases, but also the yield! To summarize, then decoction of onion peel is one of the most effective means for gardeners and gardeners in the fight for the health and fertility of plants.

For example, if suddenly your cucumber leaves turn yellow, it will help infusion of onion skins prepared according to the following very simple recipe, which differs from that used for indoor flowers only by the volume of the infused solution.

A few “good” handfuls of onion peel are poured with heated water in an enameled bucket, which we put on fire and bring to a boil. Then leave the broth to steam under the lid until it cools. The resulting concentrate can only be drained and as a result we get an effective remedy not only for healing cucumbers, but also for use on carrot and tomato beds to increase yields.

Also, an infusion of onion peel is very effective tool fight against all kinds pests and diseases, delivering a lot of problems to gardeners and gardeners. Take, for example, such common plant enemies as aphids, spider mites and thrips. You can, of course, fight them with the help of various “chemistry”, but it will undoubtedly be the best if you use the right and environmentally friendly remedy - an infusion of onion peel. The simplicity of its preparation and the cheapness of raw materials - gardeners always have onion peel - makes such a medicine truly popular and competitive with store poisons.

We take a bucket of onion peel and pour hot water. You need two buckets of water. We insist this mixture for five days, strain it and add a little laundry soap to the finished infusion - approximately two grams per liter of infusion. This killer concentrate for pests must be diluted in a ratio of one to two before use, after which it can already be sprayed on plants. Where you need to spend tens of liters of expensive "chemistry", it is quite possible to cope with three liters of our onion remedy.

Onion peel against aphids. But what to do when the aphid just “sticks”? You can quickly deal with her by preparing for her " onion mountain". For ten liters of hot water, add about two hundred grams of onion peel and insist this mixture for 15 hours. Then, with a filtered - but not diluted - infusion, we will process the plants occupied by aphids.

Infusion of onion peel will help gardeners in the fight against various fungal diseases on their acres. Let's take the black leg. This disease is caused by an invisible fungus and creates a huge problem for summer residents. A common antifungal recipe involves the use of potassium permanganate at the rate of 3 g per 1 liter of water. This solution is prescribed to treat the soil infected with the fungus. But in conditions where potassium permanganate has become scarce, it is better than onion poison for these fungi, and there is nothing to look for.

It is also very easy to prepare. Pour a good handful of onion husks with one liter of boiling water and insist this mixture for no more than a day. Then we filter and spray the affected beds with the resulting environmentally friendly antifungal drug. This should be done up to three times a day for several weeks, taking a break every 6 days. The infusion not only restores the microflora and kills harmful fungi, but also nourishes the soil with useful trace elements.

Shrubs can be treated in the same way, fruit trees and the ground underneath.

And if you leave a bucket of onion infusion in greenhouses and hotbeds - while occasionally spraying beds with plants with the help of an ordinary broom - you can completely get rid of any fleas, aphids and midges.