Which types of heaters are best for summer cottages. How to choose a convector heater for a summer residence

20.02.2019 Heaters

Electric convector heaters are modern and efficient heating devices. They allow you to count on the rapid heating of residential premises without changing the level of humidity and without burning oxygen. Small-sized convector heaters of a universal type are recommended for work in country houses. How to choose electric heating convectors for summer cottages - wall-mounted and economical? We will talk about this as part of our review of country convectors.

We will also tell you:

  • about the cost of electricity;
  • about the features of choosing convectors for country house;
  • on calculations of the required thermal power;
  • about security systems and how to control heating.

In conclusion, we will talk about gas convectors that are used to heat gasified country houses.

The device and principle of operation of the convector

A school physics course includes enough information to understand the nature of the simplest things. After all, electric convectors for summer cottages work according to the simplest laws of physics, providing circulation of heated air through heated rooms. While conventional batteries heat due to thermal radiation, convector devices heat the air masses, creating a comfortable atmosphere in houses and apartments.

The surface of the heater emits no a large number of heat, as it practically does not heat up. The main heat comes from the upper grate of the appliance.

Modern batteries contain finning elements, which allows them to give off part of the heat in the form of heated air - it passes through the fins, heats up and goes up, from where it is evenly distributed over the heated rooms. This achieves increased efficiency heating system. As for convectors, they radiate a small amount of thermal energy, almost completely giving it to the air masses. Warming up the premises is better and faster.

The principle of operation of convector-type heaters for summer cottages is simple and straightforward. Inside installed heating element through which passes atmospheric air. When heated, it rises, as it should be according to the laws of physics. In its place, the next portion of air enters - it is taken from below, while the heated air is sent out through the upper ventilation holes. Then it rises to the ceiling, from where it is distributed throughout the room.

The device of electric convectors is no less simple than their principle of operation. Inside we will find:

  • ribbed heating element - it contains a powerful heating element powered by an electrical network. Air passes through the heating element;
  • control system - electronic or mechanical. It controls the heating by adjusting the temperature or simply turning off the heating element through predetermined interval time;
  • protection systems - they ensure the safety of equipment and surrounding people. One of the basic protective systems is the overheating protection, which prevents breakdowns and accidental burns.

At the bottom of the case there are holes for air intake. Hot air is discharged into the heated rooms through the upper ventilation openings.

Control elements, which include power switches, thermostats and display elements, are most often located on the side.

Calculate electricity costs

You can save money by installing one wide appliance under big window instead of a few compact ones.

Electric heating convectors for summer cottages, wall-mounted and economical, work as independent or auxiliary heating appliances, differing in their power. Given the compactness of most cottages, they have small dimensions. They are also characterized by an affordable price, since in most cases some design delights are not needed in the country. However, for country houses with designer interior you can purchase any suitable convector type heaters.

Why is it advantageous to use convectors in the country? The following factors are taken into account here:

  • compactness - the same oil coolers have much large sizes with less efficiency;
  • silent operation - fan heaters heat just as efficiently, but they are very noisy;
  • cheapness - electric convectors for summer cottages are the most simple models, therefore, they are characterized by an affordable price.

Installation method, dimensions

A universal electric converter for summer cottages can either stand on legs or be attached to the wall.

For work in country houses, small-sized convectors installed under windows are most often used. They take up a minimum of space and provide quick heating of the houses. If the house is small, it makes sense to purchase a low but wide converter that will take its place immediately under two windows or one large window. For kitchens, it is advisable to choose a small-sized model with moisture protection.

As already mentioned, the most best option for summer cottages - these are universal heaters that are mounted on walls or can be installed on legs / wheels. If you do not plan to live in the country permanently, the universal convector can be easily removed and taken with you to the city, where it will help in heating the apartment. In addition, convector heaters on legs / wheels are easy to move from place to place, allowing you to improve the heating of the cottage.

Convectors on legs/wheels are optimal for wooden houses- by moving them away from the wall, you will ensure the fire safety of your suburban home.

We calculate the required power

It is customary to calculate the power of electric convectors based on 100 W of thermal power for heating 1 sq. m of living space. Accordingly, if you have a house of 20 sq. m, purchase a 2 kW convector. If at the same time a small reserve is formed, then this is even good - you will not freeze in the most severe frosts. Therefore, having a stock is welcome.

A reserve of 15-20% will not increase electricity consumption in any way, since convectors are endowed with thermostats that limit heating when the set temperature is reached.

The power of an electric heater directly depends on its size.

Also, when calculating power, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • the presence of thermal insulation - helps to reduce heat loss. To improve the thermal insulation properties, lay an additional layer of brick over the house using mineral wool thermal insulation;
  • the structure of double-glazed windows - the presence of triple-glazed windows reduces heat loss, allowing you to save on electricity consumption (single packages are about 10% of heat loss, replace such windows);
  • the number of external walls - the more such walls, the higher the heat loss;
  • the ratio of floor area to window area - too much glazing area increases heat loss, while small windows reduce them.

A factor such as the climate of the area is also taken into account. For example, in the southern regions, where winter is not very similar to winter, for heating 1 sq. m requires less heat output.

Also take into account the state of suburban electrical networks and try to avoid severe overloads (in some cases it is better to choose a low-power model so that it works around the clock without putting an excessive load on the electrical network). If possible, replace the power input with a more powerful one.

Temperature control methods

Which convector is better to buy for a summer residence? We recommend buying electronically controlled models. They possess high precision work and can provide additional savings. They also work according to various programs and are equipped with remote controls. remote control. The disadvantage of electronic control is that it increases the cost of heating equipment.

Concerning mechanical heating, then it is less accurate - instead of temperature, divisions from 0 to 10 are often present here. It is by them that the approximate setting of the required temperature in the rooms is carried out. But such convectors are cheaper, which means they are well suited for country use.

Convector safety

Studying security systems in heating equipment, be sure to pay attention to the presence of overheating - this will save the convector from breakage, and the house from fire. For example, the overheating protection will work if you accidentally block the top vents through which hot air. It is also desirable to have a shutdown system when the convector capsizes - if it is dropped, it will turn off.

Especially for kitchens and bathrooms, electric convectors with moisture protection are produced - they will be useful to you if there is a bathroom or shower in the country house. To protect your home ownership, it is recommended to purchase convector heater with frost protection. They will provide support for a low positive temperature in your absence.

Gas convectors for giving

Gas convectors need a pipe to remove combustion products to the street.

Is your dacha gasified or do you have the opportunity to buy liquefied gas in cylinders? Then you will be interested in gas convectors for summer cottages. They work for gas burners, providing generation warm air and its removal to heated rooms. Such an energy carrier as gas is not so expensive, therefore The operation of such convectors will help save money.

The disadvantages of such equipment are the need for periodic maintenance, large dimensions, the need for an air supply for combustion and for the removal of combustion products. In addition, some models of gas convectors require an electrical connection.

The use of gas convectors will save on construction autonomous heating– no need to lay pipes and buy radiators.


Electric heaters

If you are the owner of a small country cottage and often come here to relax in the winter, then the issue of heating the house will be especially relevant for you. But what if there is no gas in your holiday village, and you don’t want to install a wood-burning stove, because it is a lot of trouble? One option is to use electric heaters for summer cottages, with which you can spend the winter well.

But then another question arises - what to choose? And what is the best electric heater? In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to know not only the parameters of such equipment, but also the advantages and disadvantages of its individual representatives.

But before we analyze in detail each type of heating electrical appliances, we note their common advantage - convenience, safety and reliability. In addition, they are not very expensive, they do not need to be mounted, and no permits are required for their installation. And this is a significant saving of your financial resources, time and nerves.

minus y electrical devices only one is the cost of electricity, which is the most expensive type of fuel today.

Types of electric heaters

Different electrical appliances heat rooms at different rates. In addition, they differ from each other in the intensity of maintaining the required temperature.

The following are most in demand:

  1. Oil coolers.
  2. Electric convectors.
  3. Fan heaters.
  4. Infrared heaters.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Oil coolers

This device consists of a metal case, very similar to cast iron batteries water heating. Inside it is mineral oil, and a heating element is also installed there, from which a wire with a plug is removed for plugging into an outlet. This is very handy device, requiring no accessories. Install it on the floor anywhere in the room. An oil heater can have different options that allow you to control the heating process.

Oil heater POLARIS 2.5 kW

But the power of the device depends on two indicators:

  • From the number of sections.
  • From the power of the heating element.

Of all mains powered appliances electric current, this is the most popular heater, including among summer residents. This is facilitated not only by the simplicity of its work, but also by the low price.

It would seem that everything is perfect. But it also has its drawbacks:

  1. First, high inertia. And this means that the air inside the room will not heat up immediately, but only 15-20 minutes after the device is turned on.
  2. Secondly, it is a convection type device. Therefore, the heat from it is not distributed evenly throughout the space, but is concentrated around the radiator itself. So it’s hot around him, and at a distance of literally 2 meters it’s already cool. True, manufacturers began to correct this omission by installing small fans inside the device that disperse heat throughout the room. But this greatly increased its cost.
  3. Thirdly, the metal case of the device can heat up to +90 C. Therefore, it is easy to get burned on it. This is especially common among children, so oil coolers must be removed in an inaccessible place.
  4. Fourth, these heating devices can't be called easy. After all, the weight of some models reaches 10 kilograms or more.

However, oil coolers are widely popular both in ordinary apartments as well as in country houses.

Electric convectors

Electric convectors

Electric convectors are heaters with natural air convection. Their work is based on the laws of physics, according to which warm air rises.

Grids are installed in the lower part of the metal case, through which cold air enters the device. Here it passes through the heating element, heats up and enters the curtains in the upper part of the housing, and through them into the room.

Like oil coolers, convectors have a large number of options with which you can control and regulate temperature regime indoors. Today, models with high safety features are produced. They are not only provided with electrical protection, but also insured against overheating. In addition, they provide an economical mode of operation, and some brands can be installed during wet rooms. From electric convectors, you can create a whole network by combining them into a single circuit. So you can control the temperature throughout the house, which is very convenient.

According to the type of installation, electric convectors are available in 2 versions - wall and floor:

  • The first type is convenient devices that are mounted on the walls using special brackets. They are usually located around entrance doors or to the side of a window. They do not require any particular place, so you can hang this device wherever you like.
  • The floor version is usually installed under the windows. It has a small height, but any length can be made, depending on the power of the device.

For example, there are so-called "skirting" convectors. They are very low, but long enough. They are placed under stained glass windows with low windowsill. A distinctive detail of all floor options is the legs or rollers. Plus, rollover sensors are built into their security system, so that if the device falls, it is immediately disconnected from the electric current.

Thermal fans

Thermal fans

These are small heaters that are most often used as an additional heating system.

The principle of their work is quite simple. A fan is installed inside the device housing, in front of which a heating element is mounted. Usually it is a tungsten coil (it burns oxygen) or ceramic element(more reliable option). The fan drives the air through the heater and then distributes it evenly throughout the room.

note that heat guns- these are fan heaters with power consumption above 2 kilowatts.

But we will not dwell on them, but return to household appliances.

The advantages of fan heaters are:

  • small overall dimensions
  • light weight
  • low cost
  • mobility - the device can be easily moved around the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and installed in the right place
  • rapid heating of the room

Among the disadvantages are the noise during operation and the potential threat fire safety. Therefore, leaving such a device unattended is strictly prohibited. In addition, the heat fan cannot run for a long time and must be turned off periodically.

Infrared heaters

Longwave infrared heaters

This is the most modern model electrical heating appliances. The principle of its operation is based on the heating of objects that have fallen into the field of action of infrared rays. And then these objects release heat into the surrounding space.

Infrared heaters are divided into two types:

  • Long-wave - can emit heat up to 250 C.
  • Light - emit heat up to 600 C.

The devices have minimal inertia, so after turning them on, the room heats up almost immediately. Typically, such devices are installed on the ceiling in order to orient the flow of rays to objects located below. And they are best used in rooms with high ceilings.

True, there is one small minus - if you are in the field of infrared radiation, then your head will heat up, and faster and more intensely than your legs. Therefore, for residential premises it is better to use wall options, with which you can adjust the intensity of heating of certain objects. How? Simply by changing the angle of the device and thereby reducing its impact on objects. But still, it is optimal to use IR heaters for non-residential premises. They are especially effective for semi-open spaces, for example, for a veranda.

Electric heating mat

These are the four main types of heating electrical appliances. Choosing one of them, you should start from which one is more suitable for your summer cottage. But there is another device that is suitable for any room, but only as an additional heating device.

This is an electric heating mat. He has small size and various colors or patterns, so it fits perfectly into the design of the room. It is also available in wall or floor versions. Moreover, the second one is usually placed under the feet, thereby creating heat from below with a temperature of 60-65 C. This is a safe, simple and very convenient device.

Thus, you always have a choice. And you can safely visit your dacha in winter, without fear of freezing in a cold house.

What are the best boilers?

Gone are the days when a dacha was used only in the summer for growing crops. Today is my favorite leisure time. all year round. A few years ago it was only known stove heating in the country, which is unnecessarily inconvenient to use (long-term heating of the air in the room and the need for periodic addition of fuel).

Now new heaters for summer cottages are constantly appearing. Which is better, reviews about famous models, as well as selection criteria - all this is described in detail in this article.

There are hundreds of heaters for summer cottages on the market, differing in power, efficiency, safety and, most importantly, in type. We will only consider the most suitable species and try to figure out which heaters are the most economical and efficient?

fan heaters

Devices of this type quickly warm up the room due to the passage of air through the heating element and its rapid distribution throughout the room with the help of a built-in fan. Besides, this option it is quite budgetary, therefore it is very popular.

However, fan heaters have several disadvantages:

  • Oxygen is burned.
  • Noise (the main element in the device is a fan, the noise characteristics of which, of course, depend on the model and manufacturer, but there are no absolutely silent fan heaters).
  • Insufficient safety (it is undesirable to leave the device with children, as they can put something into it, creating a fire hazard).

Oil heaters

An oil heater for a summer residence is the most popular and cheapest device. The scheme of its operation is very simple - heating elements are located in the case, heating the oil, from which heat is transferred to the walls of the device. And already from the walls, the heated air spreads around the room.

Advantages of an oil heater:

  • Low cost (in comparison with other types of heaters).
  • Noiselessness.
  • Mobility (despite a decent weight, such devices are in most cases equipped with wheels, so they are easy to transport from one room to another).


  • High fire hazard (the surface of the device is very hot, so it is undesirable to leave it unattended, as a fire may occur).
  • A long period of heating the air in the room (for a large room, it is better to choose an oil heater with a built-in fan, it costs much more, but the air will warm up more evenly).

Gas heaters

There are two types of gas heaters for summer cottages: boilers and convection heaters. Which one is better?

Judging by the numerous reviews, the boiler is ideal option for a big house. From it, with the help of pipelines, heat is evenly supplied to all rooms. For a small country house, a gas convector is suitable.

The main advantage of such devices is the almost complete absence of electricity consumption. However, there are many disadvantages of gas heaters:

  • Large gas consumption.
  • Explosivity ( gas cylinders are under pressure, and it is always necessary to have at least two of them).
  • The need to remove combustion products.
  • Difficulty in operation negative temperatures(gas becomes difficult to ignite, so it is advisable to store cylinders in a warm room).

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To do right choice, we will study the reviews, relying not only on the popularity of the brand, but also on technical specifications on fuel consumption.

Electric convectors

Such devices work due to the natural upward movement of warm air. In this case, cold air enters the lower part of the heater, passes through the heated tubes and rushes up.

The main advantages of convectors are the absence of noise, low power consumption and the exclusion of oxygen combustion. Among the shortcomings, the most significant is the slow heating of the room.

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At present, the production technology electric heaters expands and improves, thanks to which the economical electric heaters new generation. We will talk about them in this review.

Infrared devices as the most economical electric heaters

Devices of this type do not heat the air, but the surrounding objects using infrared radiation, which in turn heat the air. Thanks to this, heat is felt almost immediately after turning on the device.

AT last years heating devices of this type are rapidly gaining popularity, displacing convectors already loved by everyone. Therefore, we will figure out which is better: a convector or?

Advantages of an infrared heater for summer cottages:

  • Possibility of using on the street (for example, during evening gatherings in the gazebo).
  • Rapid heating of the room (most importantly - good thermal insulation walls, otherwise a large amount of heat will go outside).
  • High economy.

The disadvantage of such heaters in comparison with convectors is only one - high cost (about 2 times higher).

Thus, if the heater will be used quite rarely and only inside a small house, a convector is better. If the room is large, the cost of purchasing infrared heater quickly pay off, and the convenience and comfort will be much greater. About how to choose infrared heater for giving, as well as other types, described below.

Which heater is better to choose for the house (selection criteria)

The most popular types of heaters for home or summer cottages are listed above. Each of them is suitable for a specific situation. For example, infrared is ideal for big room with good thermal insulation, in case of frequent stay in it, as it is the most economical heater for home. If you will go to the country quite rarely, you should choose gas or electric convector or an oil heater, these options are cheaper. And if you need to quickly warm up the room, the best option- fan heater.

When you have already decided on the type of device, you need to pay attention to its characteristics:

  • Power (depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the quality of the wall insulation).
  • Safety (moreover, we are talking not only about fire safety, but also about the absence of a health hazard).

  • Profitability (it is necessary to correlate the initial cost and operating costs).
  • Mobility (possibility and complexity of carrying the device).
  • The presence of automation (that is, the ability to maintain the set temperature, remote control, and so on).

Heaters for summer cottages: which one is better (reviews, reviews of manufacturers)?

Currently, a huge number of companies produce heaters for cottages and homes. It is easy to get confused in this variety, so below are the most popular heaters for summer cottages. Which is better? Reviews and a detailed review of the characteristics will help to figure this out.


Type ofOilyThis heater is capable of set temperature, handle and wheels make it easy to move from room to room.
Power, W1500
Weight, kg7,6
Recommended area, m215
Number of modes, pcs2
Cost, rub1800

Timberk TGH 4200 X2
Type ofGasCompact gas heater with automatic shutdown when the flame goes out. Thanks to two modes of operation, it is possible to save fuel consumption.
Power, W4500
Weight, kg1,95
Recommended area, m245
Number of modes, pcs2
Cost, rub2400

Electrolux EFH/C-5120
Type offan heaterThe unique aerodynamic shape of the device allows the air to be distributed throughout the room as quickly as possible. Light weight and comfortable handle contribute to high mobility, and the built-in protection prevents this fan heater from overheating.
Power, W2000
Weight, kg1,4
Recommended area, m225
Number of modes, pcs2
Cost, rub1600

Roda Standard 1.0 R0010502
Type ofElectric convectorThis appliance is suitable for auxiliary heating. Equipped with multi-stage protection, making it safe and durable.
Power, W1000
Weight, kg4,3
Recommended area, m210
Number of modes, pcs1
Cost, rub1600

Let's move on to reviews from the Yandex market about the two models presented above.
