Garden landscape (60 photos): the arrangement of trees and shrubs, the creation of flower arrangements. The device of an artificial reservoir. Construction of a retaining wall. Do-it-yourself country design from improvised materials

05.04.2019 alternative energy

"Country hard labor" is a phrase that should forever disappear from our lexicon. BUT " country rest"begins with site preparation - and landscape design. Consider a photo the best options landscape design suburban area at a country house.

"Dacha is not about rest." Somehow it has been like that since Soviet Union that the concept of "cottage" and "garden" for us are closely related. A country house (cottage) for the older generation is not a place of rest, but a means of survival. Are you jealous of the models in the pictures about relaxing in a cottage on the river bank? Have you always dreamed of your own small forest with a gazebo and a hammock, but do you associate a dacha with garden beds, seasonal work "on potatoes" and, at best, barbecue? It's time to break the stereotypes and finally equip the dacha so that it is pleasant to spend time on it.

Where to start designing a plot near a country house

It is worth starting the arrangement of the dacha from those same "hundredths", usually covered with beds with cucumbers and dill. Meanwhile, a summer cottage is a good opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer.

The first step is to sketch out your site plan. In designing a garden, you need to build on the location of the house. Mark where there are already buildings (except for a country house, there is often a garage on the territory, summer cuisine or tool shed). And now it's time to think about what you lack for a good rest. with barbecue? A pond with goldfish? Beds with your favorite strawberry variety? Everything that fantasy suggested, write down and place on the plan.

PLEASE NOTE! the height of the plants on the site should decrease from north to south. Beds - where it is warmer. Trees - where the north is.

Independently designing and decorating a summer cottage will require patience, knowledge in many areas and considerable effort from you. In the design passion and inspiration, do not forget what exactly you wanted to see on the site from the very beginning. In the process, it is very easy to get carried away and lose the main idea. As a result, instead of cozy garden and a dream house, you run the risk of getting the same chaos from the beds with which you started the refurbishment.

Don't be afraid to come up with bold ideas and trust your intuition, but try not to stray too far from key idea and the style you like.


The layout of the paths is laid depending on which parts of the garden you need access to. Good decision - build a "tour route" past those places on the site that look the most attractive. There must be an easy path to the beds and flower beds (if you have saved them).

Note! The main tracks should be smooth, without sharp turns.

A walking route among trees or flowers can be made winding and complex so that guests have the opportunity to appreciate the charm of a flower bed or garden composition from all sides.

There are not as many places in the summer cottage as we would like. But even with conditional tightness, the width of the track must be chosen taking into account the fact that two people should freely "disperse" on it. The optimal width is 1-1.5 meters.

The garden path should have a slight slope on both sides - then puddles will not form on it. In addition, rainwater from the path will additionally "water" the nearby flower beds and wash off the dust from the path itself.

The material for the garden path must be resistant to temperature changes, be durable and aesthetic. Most often for the design of tracks on country yard using concrete, stone or decorative tiles. A more natural option is paths sprinkled with sand or gravel. Pebble mosaic paths look very attractive.


The design of the landscape was given less attention than the design of the premises. What can we say about the lighting of the site, if it is not always remembered in interior design? With the right lighting, the site can look more interesting in the evenings than during the day.

We use functional lighting, but forget about decorative. To illuminate the paths, turns and buildings on the site, diffused soft light is sufficient, which makes it possible to safely move around the yard, but does not distract from observing the garden.

Recessed luminaires are perfect for functional lighting. They can be mounted along paths, at the edges of steps and near railings. The main purpose is to serve as "guiding lights", while not blinding or annoying the eye. You can also use lamps on poles - if you are not embarrassed that in the daytime a "fence" will be visible around the garden paths. The bollards are available in all possible styles, so even the technical element of lighting can be used to maintain the overall mood of the space.

Thanks to decorative lighting, you can create to emphasize all the advantages of the site, highlighting individual trees or highlighting flower beds.

To illuminate shrubs, trees or decorative elements, ground mini-spotlights are usually used. They are able to give not just warm or cold tone lighting, and illuminate the area with any color - thanks to the filters on the glasses.

Features of lighting for a summer cottage:

  • lamps need less power than in the city
  • it is better to choose energy-saving lamps
  • it is desirable to provide for the possibility of separate switching on of technical and decorative lighting
  • the power cable for the backlight must be well insulated - so that you do not accidentally damage it when gardening

garden figurines

Garden figurines of gnomes, animals and mythical characters are very popular in the West, where each of the characters has its own story. You can install any decor on the site. The main thing is that it does not look like a "foreign body" and matches the style of the house and garden. Garden gnomes often hide in the bushes, and Wood Fairy must live by the tree. Make up your own story about how the Easter Bunny or dragon got into your garden.

Landscaping of a garden plot

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. middle lane plot allotted for shrubs. If you decide to keep a few beds of tomatoes and peppers "for salad" - these plants do best with sufficient lighting, on the south side of the garden.

All typical country gardens are planned in regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in geometric order.

Landscaping involves a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Special attention pay attention to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock in the summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to beat the composition that nature has already created for you.

Alpine slide

Alpine hill - a small piece of real mountains, created by your hands. A simple heap of stones with flowers somehow stuck between them is not yet alpine slide. This decor is not as easy to create as it seems. Before proceeding with the implementation of the composition, it will not be superfluous to plan it on paper. In this hill there are peaks and cliffs, flat plateaus and a green valley.

The arrangement of the slide begins in the fall. The first layer is gravel or broken brick, on top of which an earthen mixture is poured (of course, a slide). Approximate height - about a meter (later, when the earth "sits down", the hill will become a little lower).

After shrinkage in a hill they mount large stones(they are half buried in the ground). Medium and small elements are placed on top. The choice of plants for a slide depends not only on their requirements for soil and light, but also on general style site. But first of all, you should pay attention to flowers and herbs that do not need complex care.

Important! The basis for the alpine slide are perennials, annual flowers can be transplanted several times a year, updating and changing the look of the hill.

Popular plants for alpine hills:

  • edelweiss;
  • stonecrop;
  • saxifrage;
  • lumbago;
  • sponge.

Flower beds in the garden

A flower bed is not necessarily a familiar circle or rectangle filled with even rows of flowers. Creating an elegant and thoughtful flower bed requires taste and some effort, but the beauty of the resulting composition is worth it.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical gardening is a popular type of urban space design that can be adapted to a summer cottage. Who said that flowers should live on earth? They need soil, but soil can be delivered to human height.

Advantages vertical flower beds:

  • REQUIRES LESS SPACE than traditional flower beds;
  • MAKE THE PLOT ORIGINAL due to the non-standard solution.

Although most often used for vertical flower beds, flowering plants, ornamental vegetables, spices or greens look no less attractive - and even more unusual. An interesting option for vertical flower beds is climbing fruit-bearing plants.

Classic forms of vertical flower beds:

  • pyramid- plants are planted in a multi-tiered container;
  • flower tower- similar to a pyramid, but the diameter of the "tiers" does not decrease.


Rabatki - flower strips, usually located along paths, fences or around lawns. Landing width - from half a meter. When the plants in such a flower bed bloom, the earth is covered with a continuous bright carpet.

Types of discounts:

  • unilateral(usually located along the house or the fence line);
  • bilateral(more often they are designed in the middle of the alley).

Plants for rabatok can be very different. The basic principle of choosing plants for rabatka is that they should be low, bright, and match in color with each other.


This is a flower garden where herbs organically combine, small shrubs and even small trees. It is quite difficult to care for him, because each of the plants requires special conditions. Weeding can also add problems - dense planting is distinctive feature mixborder. This type of bed is often found in landscape style gardens, where the plants are arranged to create a sense of "accident" their appearance on the site.

Mixborder features:

  • free lines and shapes of flower beds
  • tall plants - in the background (if there is one viewpoint) or in the center (if the flower garden can be viewed from several sides)
  • Contrasting color combinations look spectacular or vice versa - different kinds plants in the same scale.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

The style and fullness of the suburban area directly depends on how many acres are at your disposal. Do not try to implement everything at once if you have only 6 acres of land. Let the pool not fit in the garden, but small flower beds and paths will be in perfect condition.

What to consider when planning:

  • Terrain and natural relief.
  • Plot shape. The usual "cut" of the earth can be square, but there are also L-shaped sections and triangular ones. These features can be used and beaten in design.
  • soil type. It depends on how plants will feel comfortable in your garden.
  • Location relative to the cardinal points. This is important both for planting trees and for thinking through garden lighting schemes.

Plot 6 acres

For small plots, the very geometric style that was so common in Soviet gardens is best suited. It allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible. You can add originality with the help of non-standard moves (for example, vertical gardening).

NOTE! The house should not cast a shadow on light-loving plants.

Garden trees planted in a row on the north side will not only help organize the space, but also "shelter" the house from cold winds. In the northern part, there are technical buildings and a greenhouse.

If you are not hiding something too important, it is better to refuse a high fence. In a small area, it will only increase the feeling of tightness. To give "space" will help and garden paths with smooth bends (not straight).

Plot 10 acres

The basic rules for designing a site do not depend on the area. The trees and the shed are still in the north. But you have much more room for imagination when designing the southern part. On a plot of 10 acres, it is already possible to equip a gazebo, sow a lawn and even build a bathhouse or sauna (planted with climbing plants).

On a plot of this size, you can equip Japanese garden(you will have to tinker with installing a gazebo and creating artificial stream) or "a corner of the wild", which will be filled not with garden, but with forest trees. In this case, it is important to plant not only tall plants, but also undergrowth - grasses and shrubs that do not require much light (daisies, bluebells and ferns are what you need).

Plot 12 acres

On such an area, not only residential buildings, but also a small pond with a waterfall will fit perfectly. The soil extracted during the equipment of the reservoir easily turns into a base for an alpine slide or an independent element of landscape design.

From the central path to the house, narrower paths can scatter leading to secluded corners of the garden, to a gazebo or stream.

12 acres make it possible for children to allocate their own space on the site and equip play area with soft grass where there is none sharp corners, thorny plants or tall trees.

How to do your own landscaping

For the competent arrangement of the site with your own hands without the involvement of a designer, you will need the skills:

  • agronomist
  • builder and surveyor
  • and of course the artist

You should start by studying the features of the shape and location of your site, drawing all existing buildings on the plan and marking out functional areas. Next, armed with a garden tree and plant guide or a seed store catalog, choose the species that appeal to you for aesthetic reasons - and to which your site suits.

Landscaping of the suburban area - fascinating process, which implies the presence of special knowledge in a variety of areas: from, in fact, design to engineering. The absence of the latter can nullify an initially interesting artistic idea. Starting the author's design of a private household plot, the first thing to study are the features land plot, weather conditions, level ground water and even how many people will live on this site. They analyze the soil in order to understand which plants will take root in this area, and which ones can not be planted - they still will not survive.

Basic principles of landscape design

Great importance is attached to the degree of illumination of the site - the sun should be enough to get good rest. However, its excess is also harmful - in this case it is better to provide for the planting of tall trees that will partially shade the garden plot.

A package of documents in which the customer is presented finished project landscape design, quite impressive. It should also include the results of the analyzes carried out, plans drainage systems, electric lighting and equipping with automatic irrigation systems.

Special attention should be paid to the landscaping plan. It indicates in detail the location of all plants, the breakdown of flower beds, lawns and other green spaces.

All plants that are planned to be planted on the site must be presented in the assortment list without fail. This statement indicates the name of the plant, its species, variety and quantitative composition.

The results of all costs for landscape design are given in the cost estimate. It should indicate the cost of the work and all necessary materials to implement the idea.

Original ideas and creative ideas

A beautiful personal plot is the dream of many caring owners, but the lack of experience, and often time, leads to the fact that the plots look unkempt, and the dream remains a dream. But to ennoble your site is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few rules.

It is necessary to remember about functionality, convenience and expediency. In pursuit of beauty and fashion, one should not forget about expediency. A large swimming pool, for example, is very fashionable and stylish, but if it takes up most of your site, it will not only ruin its appearance, but also create a lot of problems.

Indeed, in this case, the main item of your expenses will be the payment for the services of pool cleaners, and if you decide to save money and clean it yourself, then this will take the lion's share of your time allotted for rest.

A country house with a pool is a sign of high social status and wealth of its owner

Create a beautiful landscape design with your own hands from what you have. You don't have to deal with the "shortcomings" of your personal plot, they are very easily converted into virtues.

If on your site tall trees cover the sun and create a permanent shadow - great! No need to spend money on buying umbrellas from the sun. The land can be sown with shade-loving varieties of lawn and arrange a barbecue area there. Believe me, on a hot summer day, you will appreciate this corner of your site.

Plant your plants properly. Before planting, make a plan of what you want to plant and where in your area. When planting flowers, arrange them so that tall flowers do not create impenetrable thickets and do not block low, border plants.

To ensure that your site delights you with flowers all summer, plant plants with different terms flowering. Keep in mind that some flowers, such as peonies, bloom in early June, while others, such as dahlias, bloom towards the end of summer.

The area needs maintenance. If you do not live permanently on your site, but only come from time to time, you should not plant your garden with plants that require increased attention.

A boxwood hedge is very beautiful, but only well-groomed plants are beautiful, overgrown bushes will give a messy look to your garden, nullifying all your work and time spent.

In any case, you can create a beautiful and harmonious appearance of your site without the involvement of an expensive specialist. After all, no one but you yourself can put so much soul and love into your land.

How and what to improve the suburban area

Landscape design is a creative process of landscaping, landscaping a summer cottage to achieve a harmonious combination of plants planted for a practical purpose, with plants solely for aesthetics.

Territory landscape planning has a number of features, due to the following reasons:

Functional purpose of the site

It is rare that anyone uses a summer cottage only for relaxing among flowering plants. Most often, part of this site (and sometimes the entire site) is also used as a garden for growing plants that are primarily edible.

It takes skill to harmoniously link into a single economic block with vegetable plantings and a recreation area with decorative flowers and gazebos.

Summer is the main time to visit the dacha, but even during this period we come to the dacha most often only on weekends. And plants require frequent watering and careful care, otherwise you risk finding only withered and frail sprouts in your dacha instead of the expected blooming beauties. Therefore, it is worth taking care of automatic watering in advance.

This type of irrigation in our country has become fashionable relatively recently and is often done without knowing the basics of hydraulic engineering, “from a lantern”. And in the end it turns out that in one place it is watered very strongly, and in another it is not watered at all.

To prevent this from happening, invite a specialist with a technical background. He will be able to correctly calculate and select the necessary equipment for hydraulic structures on your site, without violating your landscape design.

An automatic watering system is a guarantee of a quality lawn, as well as saving time and effort

During the period of late autumn and winter, the cottage is most often left unattended, rarely anyone comes to their site to “admire” the view of snowdrifts and frosty roofs.

Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of buying expensive exotic perennials. Maybe it’s worth replacing them with inexpensive, similar analogues so as not to tempt neighbors and not to find a bald spot in your summer cottage in the spring where valuable plant species were planted.

In your landscape design of your summer cottage, give preference annual plants. In terms of a riot of colors, many annuals are superior to perennials, and it is not necessary to prepare them for winter (cut, cover, etc.). Also, in the spring, you do not need to waste your time on putting hedges and other perennials in order.

How to equip the territory in the yard

Landscaping is an art that creates the perfect harmony between man and nature, optimally combining practicality and ease of use with the aesthetic perception of your garden.

Flower beds and lawns, gazebos and architectural forms located on the site will give a unique look to your garden.

The stumbling block is often hydraulic structures in the garden. artificial ponds, streams, fountains, waterfalls, with which the landscape becomes more spectacular. But the structure of reservoirs is very specific and depends on many factors, of which design solution and the wishes of the customer, although they are fundamental, still take second place. Especially when it comes to the technical execution of a creative idea.

The following factors are considered paramount: functional purpose(just a decorative reservoir or a pond with fish), and the location of the reservoir. It should also be taken into account climatic conditions and features of the local landscape.

There are a large number of ways technical implementation ponds, fountains and reservoirs. They differ both in technology and in the methods used. building materials. And in every specific case this method will be yours.

  • Choosing the right landscaping
  • functionally arranged artificial reservoirs
  • Appropriate decorated coating has been selected.

It is necessary to create such landscape compositions, which would be both beautiful and functional, and at the same time durable, and could survive our Russian winters.

Holistic work on the creation of landscape design garden plot begins with a detailed study of the land, drawing up a map of the area and an action plan to change the external appearance of the garden. In a word quality work implies the presence good specialists who know their business.

This should be not only a designer, but also an agronomist, as well as a specialist with a technical education who will help determine necessary equipment to organize your own reservoir.

And the main thing here is not to grow the fruits of “amateur work” and not to contact companies that have been engaged in landscape design for a short time and do not have sufficient practice in this area, otherwise the object they created will inevitably fall under alteration.

English style

This version of landscape design compares favorably with its simplicity and sophisticated sophistication, allowing you to turn any garden into a unique living work of art.

English style designing a garden plot has another big advantage - it does not require significant financial investments. The style itself is most suitable for decorating small garden plots.

Traditionally, with the English style, there is a variety of fragrant flowers, an abundance of lush vegetation, as well as the presence architectural forms entwined with vines under the shade of majestic trees. When decorating a garden in the English style, it should be remembered that this style is characterized by the alternation of open and semi-open spaces.

For the design of the site in the English style, the following features are characteristic:

  1. The absence of clearly defined lines and shapes;
  2. Figured trimmed shrubs;

AT English garden each object and structure emphasizes its naturalness. The paths in the garden are bent in an arbitrary order, the banks of the reservoirs (natural and artificial) have a natural look, and the existing stairs or descents to the water should organically and naturally fit into the overall landscape.

The starting point in the design work is around which flower beds and lawns are located.

The British devote a lot of time to maintaining their lawn in order, carefully trimmed and groomed - they resemble living carpets of greenery.

A beautiful and well-groomed lawn is a visiting card of landscape design in the English style

The presence of a large number climbing plants. The ubiquitous ivy and climbing roses twine not only hedges and fences, but also the walls of houses, covering them with their greenery.

Climbing plants are an indispensable attribute of an English-style garden. They are often used to decorate gazebos or all kinds of arches, ideally creating the look of the English landscape.

The use of plants characteristic of a particular area. The English style does not use exotic species of plants and trees for planting in its gardens.

They use exclusively local plants, which are carefully selected to create the desired impression all year round.

An interesting design idea - a bridge over a river made of stones

The English style does not tolerate a riot of colors and pomposity in design. Its calm, pacifying character will appeal to those people who appreciate coziness and comfortable privacy.

Especially in the hectic working days of the bustle of the city, you want to “hide” somewhere away from everyone, relax and enjoy the silence and fresh air. And at such moments, even if there is a small plot of land - this is already a luxury, where even physical labor in the beds or garden seems just an unforgettable vacation, especially when it comes time to taste the fruits of your labors! And a lot of people, owners of dachas, turn their plots own ideas for the site is so original that it literally turns into Eden. Indeed, in fact, there are many ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage with your own hands, that even a tiny plot can be turned into a real masterpiece of art!

And the most interesting thing is that for some reason many summer residents think, and at the same time they are very mistaken what to create country landscape ny design is something impossible and not everyone is “too tough”. At the same time, they also install gazebos on their properties, improve the landscaping of the site, including a variety of flower beds, where you can often find even exotic species plants, install various reservoirs and alpine slides. But all this is the design of the garden plot, which is created by oneself!

In addition, today almost every person has access to the Internet, where you can see landscape design photo ideas and even video instructions! And yet, you can dream up a lot, make a little effort, add a little love and recreate a cozy "paradise" with an absolute understanding of aesthetic views, tastes and beauty!

Of course, a lot in this matter can be taken from the photo of the landscape design ideas of the site, and in combination with your country ideas, you will get the most unique design!

The main thing is to start

Surely, for every person, just the thought of country landscape design causes a feeling of greenery all around. Of course, any grass can be, even weeds. But after all, a landscaped lawn, beautiful flower beds, and maybe alpine slides will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Especially summer residents - newcomers to the issue of landscaping the design of a garden plot, begin to create a landscape with arranging a lawn, since the grass is unpretentious and it requires a minimum of care. And, besides, how pleasant it is to create a soft green cover on the ground, like laying a carpet, on which you really want to walk barefoot or lie down with pleasure!

To some extent, the presence of a lawn is a feeling of calmness, orderliness and comfort, hiding imperfections and shading the entire country landscape. Photo landscape design ideas will tell you about the set various designs decoration!

Of course, the lawn is just wonderful, but there must be flowers in the summer cottage, otherwise the idea for the site can be boring and faded. It just needs to be set up beautiful flower beds original compositions, even the most simple shapes! And your landscape will look completely different! Flower beds can completely various forms: round or oval, square or multifaceted, made by hand or using the services to order, where, in addition, they also offer original landscape design ideas. You definitely need to view the photo ideas of landscape design of the site!

Before landscaping flower beds, it is important to decide not only on the form and plantings, but also on its territorial location. To do this, it is very important to study the plants that you are going to plant in the flower beds. Among other things, you can arrange flowers in hanging baskets or tall flowerpots, which will also look like a very successful and interesting landscape design idea.

Many summer residents love and prefer to install alpine slides in their areas. For such a design, plants should not be whimsical. Most interesting ideas landscape design, for example, creeping thyme or alpine edelweiss, which can be planted for more than one year. On the middle tier, you can land an alpine aster or a seaside army.

Decorate the top of the hill with the most sun-loving drought-resistant plants. It can be iberis, cinquefoil, geyher, as well as small green shrubs.

And most importantly, the slide should look absolutely naturally designed. No need to land anything on it and throw it just like a pile of stones. Do everything with heart and love.

Pond - an original landscape design idea

Do not despair if there is no stream or reservoir at your dacha, you can create it yourself, and you do not need to invest huge sums of money for this. After all, there are ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage with your own hands, and this is exactly what you need!

For example, you can use the most common acrylic bath, which no one needed and was sent to the country. With it, you can create a funny tiny pond. You will need to dig a hole, located on the basis of the slope Wastewater, pour sand or stones at the bottom of it, after which strengthen such a reservoir around the perimeter. You can use other country ideas, as long as you feel comfortable in your possessions!

DIY landscape design ideas

You can create a creative at your own discretion. For example, install interesting furniture, gazebos, barbecues, arches, lights, figurines and more. It will be very interesting to look at products made by hand.

If you want to decorate the landscape of your own summer cottage beautifully and in an original way, but you don’t have time to do it at all or something doesn’t work out, you can always turn to professionals who will help you in any matter, but even “from A to Z”!

DIY landscape design (100 photos) Flower beds in the country: types and selection criteria

The desire to transform the suburban area, turning it into beautiful corner for recreation, makes it necessary to carefully study the issue of landscape design. The popularity of competent design of the territory adjacent to housing construction is constantly growing. The essence of landscape design is the art of competently combining a harmonious environment and one's own "I".

Complex harmony

To create a beautiful landscape design of a summer cottage, it is not necessary to turn to professionals. Having familiarized yourself with the key stages of design, having delved into the nuances of landscaping and observing the rules for designing small areas, you will be able to independently achieve consonance with all the surrounding elements of the situation.

Fundamental elements of landscape design

Considering beautiful pictures with the image of country landscapes, it seems impossible to become the owner of such a situation in your summer cottage. However, the step-by-step implementation of a carefully designed project allows you to achieve the planned results. To get a beautiful landscape design, when developing a plan, they first of all start from the existing residential building, its size, style and color design. The building is a kind of center of the whole composition, the arrangement of the territory allows you to gracefully emphasize the beautiful features of the house and skillfully mask the shortcomings.

Harmony is achieved when the development of landscape design details was carried out in compliance with the principles established by specialists. What elements does the project include:

Advice ! A winning option for beautiful landscape design - the use of lamps different designs(light pedestals, built-in, wall, columns) and their placement at different levels.

Color and stylistic consonance

Even a low-budget design project for a summer cottage will look impressive with well-chosen color combinations. Help guide selection colors conditional division of all components of landscape design into four categories will help.

The first group includes plants, trees, ponds, paths that create the illusion of natural origin. They are characterized by a soft palette of colors, gradually changing with the advent of the new season. The second group contains decorative landscape elements that openly declare their artificial origin. Here, a landscape designer skillfully plays with colors, creating beautiful alleys or flower beds that are most clearly perceived at certain times of the year.

The next group includes architectural elements led by country house. This section focuses on color design facade of the building, its combination with gazebos, bridges and surrounding vegetation. To create a beautiful landscape design, the light color of the house or its majestic size is skillfully emphasized by the dark green trees standing nearby. Bright decorative plantings will help to hide the everyday perception of a grayish building..

The list is completed by decorative elements of landscape design in the form of sculptures, benches, paths, lanterns. To create a beautiful environment with their help, they competently mask the shortcomings of the surrounding landscape or focus on significant objects.

An essential condition for the formation of a beautiful landscape design is the stylistic combination of all objects. Based on the existing structure and size of the suburban area, choose the shape and material for the rest of the furnishings:

  • when equipping paths and lighting;
  • in the design of the recreation area;
  • during the construction of the gazebo;
  • in the selection of garden furniture;
  • when planning landscaping, etc.

Gardening rules

Choosing the right plants to form a beautiful landscape in the future is one of the key tasks of landscape design. Visually change the distance to the object will help competent combination warm and cold colors. Warm colors enliven the area, attract attention and create the illusion of proximity. Cold shades bring peace and tranquility, their location visually seems to be further than the actual one.

Remark ! The decision of floristic design in landscape design necessarily takes into account the amount of time planned for caring for plants.

Planting options for shrubs and trees

To organize a harmonious landscape design is unthinkable without taking into account the size of the suburban area. Compositions of large woody plants are relevant in a vast area. Slow-growing and dwarf species will help to get a beautiful landscape on a small plot of land. There are several ways nice fit woody plants:

  • alleys;
  • hedges;
  • nesting plantings;
  • borders;
  • labyrinths;
  • backstage;
  • topiary;
  • tapeworms.

Most often they form alleys and hedges. Trees and shrubs planted along the paved paths of the suburban area will create a romantic atmosphere of landscape design. Densely planted evergreen shrubs form a beautiful hedge, successfully used in landscape design for zoning a summer cottage. Two or three-row hedges look original, the rows of which are completed with plants of different heights. The nesting method involves planting 3-5 trees in a circle at a distance of up to 1 m from each other, in the future this will form a beautiful common crown of large sizes.

From undersized shrubs, not exceeding 50 cm in height, borders are equipped in landscape design, providing beautiful frames individual sections. An interesting option for decorating a spacious summer cottage is a labyrinth of living trees or shrubs. Trees planted in one row, forming a kind of curtain, called a backstage, are designed to limit the view in landscape design. Beautiful green figures, trimmed from shrubs and trees with small foliage, always cause admiration. Topiary art rightfully occupies a leading position in landscape design. A solitary tree or shrub is called a solitaire, most often an exotic specimen of decorative value.

The use of ampelous plants

Vertical gardening is a popular technique in landscape design. To dacha construction became beautiful, often used. Lots of design options:

  • arch installed at the entrance to the garden;
  • trellises used to delimit a garden plot or its fence;
  • gazebos located in the recreation area.

Decorate with climbing vines the facade of the building at their summer cottage - another original reception landscape design. Indoor ampelous plants in hanging baskets will create a beautiful setting on the terrace, under a canopy or in the gazebo.

Use of decorative flowers

A flower garden is an essential attribute of a beautiful landscape design. When developing it, the type of plants must be taken into account: annual or perennial, remaining in the open field for the winter or requiring transplantation.

Each owner of a summer cottage has his own concept of beautiful flower garden, landscaping may include:

  • flower bed;
  • arabesque;
  • rose garden;
  • discount;
  • border;
  • mixborder;
  • rockery.

A beautiful flower bed is the most common landscape design solution for a summer cottage, any flower is suitable for it. geometric shape. If you want to get a pattern, the flowers are selected the same in height and different in color. In a small flower bed, landscape design experts recommend planting tall plants in the center, and lower ones along the edges. In this case beautiful view the flower garden is provided from all sides.

The complex shape of a flower bed in the form of a butterfly or an abstract figure is called an arabesque. With this method of designing landscape design, preference is given to undersized flowers. Adherents of roses will definitely want to equip a beautiful rose garden in landscape design. A flower garden in the form of annuals planted along the edges of a path in 3-5 rows is called a rabatka. A beautiful border of perennial flowers planted in several rows will help to complement the hedge at their summer cottage. The height of the plants is selected so that the front row does not cover the background.. A mixborder is a type of border where there is no order. Creative people will love the idea of ​​landscape design to plant plants in a chaotic mess.

A rock garden will help to elegantly design a summer cottage, where a rocky hill, created by human hands, is skillfully supplemented by mountain vegetation. Rockery looks original in landscape design - a rocky flower garden on a flat area. In addition to alpine vegetation, stunted coniferous plants or representatives of the steppe flora.

The nuances of the design of a small area

Properly using the techniques of landscape design, a small summer cottage can be turned into a beautiful well-groomed area.

Advice ! Decide on priorities, do not oversaturate the territory with unnecessary decorative elements. Simplicity and compliance with the chosen style is the key to successful design of the site.

The nuances of arranging a small area:

  • A high fence visually compresses a limited space. To soften the contours will allow the use of climbing plants on the fence in landscape design. Simultaneous decoration of the walls of the building with weaving views contributes to a shift in emphasis in visual perception.
  • It is optimal to use a low mesh fence in small areas, providing an overview of the space outside the cottage. If the proposed method is not suitable, the combined fence from different types material will dilute the monotony of the situation.
  • Following the principles of landscape design, the recreation area should be separated from the economic part. Vertical gardening will provide a beautiful zoning of the suburban area.
  • Trees are best distributed throughout the site, avoiding landing in one row.
  • Create a beautiful view in landscape design will help small plot, sown with lawn grass and decorated along the edges with ornamental plants.

Advice ! Avoid traditional rectangular beds in landscape design, round shapes can transform plantings of carrots or spices into beautiful place resembling a flower bed.

The individuality of a backyard or summer cottage is given by the design of paths, flower beds and recreation areas.

When designing the landscape design of a summer cottage, you can use the configuration of a circle, a ball and a hemisphere. These templates are considered the most ideal for decorating a site, especially a small one. Making circles or hemispheres gives the garden dynamism and solves the problems of rational use of space. Most citizens own 6-10 acres of land. Most of the land is allocated for the construction of a house, a garage, outbuildings, and landing fruit trees and vegetables.

The desire to increase the suburban area, at least visually, arises from any owner of the land. To achieve an increase in space, the shape of a circle is suitable. If the site for the recreation area is designed in the form of a sphere, the paths will fit with smooth lines, and the garden will become more spacious.

The shape of circles, hemispheres and smooth lines for the design of flower beds, ponds, recreation areas are taken from nature, where there are no strict straight lines.

Maintaining the chosen style, it is necessary to choose the right materials for decoration and plants that correspond to this chosen style. Lush flower beds, free-growing shrubs in the summer cottage, stone paths are suitable for a garden in the style of romance.

Entry zone

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so does a garden begin with an entrance. It will look good arch above the gate, entwined with greenery. At the foot of the arch, it is desirable to plant shrubs that can be rounded. There is a front garden in the entrance area. Placing an alpine slide there will not count good decision, with the exception of the elevated suburban area.

Here the slide will look natural, when on flat areas the alpine slide will catch the eye with its unnaturalness. The front garden is decorated in a simple style, nothing more. Plants trimmed to look like balls or sculptures made of round stones will be able to revive a strict landscape.

garden paths

Designers recommend planting bushes with a spherical shape along the path, placing beautifully round boulders and placing round-shaped lanterns. from paving stones from it is best to lay on the lawn.

Playground for the whole family

The recreation area is a favorite place in the summer cottage. For decoration, you can use tiles laid out in a circle or overlapping circles from different materials: gravel, sand, tiles, grass, stones. The flooring made of wooden strips also looks impressive.

To mark the boundaries of the recreation area, trees are planted with a crown, which can be given a round shape. Willow is best suited for this purpose. Plants with a round shape can be harmonized with contrasting plants that grow upwards. These are swamp iris and some cereals. Caring for plants in the garden requires patience. Young shoots should be trimmed at least twice a year.

Lawn decoration

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personal plot allows, then in the center you can make a round lawn, gravel, sand, tiles, grass, stones surrounding it tall bushes and creating a place ideal for solitude and relaxation.

If the area of ​​the land does not accommodate a large lawn, the solution can be found in the creation of a terrace or patio near the house.